
More Anti-French stuff...


Jun 4, 2002
bellingham WA
Originally posted by Stellite
First of all all religions have their extremists and they are all dangerous. However, most religiouns don't take it to the point of flying planes into buildings. The muslim extremists are without a doubt the most dangerous and well funded of all, just ask the Israelis.

As for Bush being an idiot, I think the person that said it is a brainless idiot. nuf said.

as for the Canadian PM, Why do you say he is a moron, back it up. I love it when people talk crap and have no substantiation.

Everyone agrees Husein is a menace. Everyone agrees Bin Ladin is a menace, but no one wants to solve the problem. It seems that countries like to just stick their heads in the sand and hope it will go away. But people like these to egomaniacs don't go away unless you remove them. It will be done. The mistake made in the first war won't be made again. The arab world did not want Hussein removed or US troops in Baghdad. This time he is history and good ridance. Anyone that disagrees with this does not folow world affairs.

Also, I would like to point out that there was an idiot on the net that had a web site that spouted that the attack against the US by Bin ladin was made up and no planes actually hit any buildings. This idiot-traitor-pos was French if I am not mistaken.
Is there a point to saying crap like that, with the idiot-traitor French- guy website? What does that prove to you? That there a dumb person with a website-- Or that a whole country is lame?

It wasn't just the Arab world that didn't want US troops in Baghdad, it was the whole world-- Who was supposed to take Saddam's place?


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Originally posted by patconnole
Is there a point to saying crap like that, with the idiot-traitor French- guy website? What does that prove to you? That there a dumb person with a website-- Or that a whole country is lame?

It wasn't just the Arab world that didn't want US troops in Baghdad, it was the whole world-- Who was supposed to take Saddam's place?
I do not think that the entire country of France is lame, just it's government and most of the arrogant a-holes that live in paris.

It was the arab part of the multi national coalition that entered the war against Iraq with a few conditions. One being that Baghdad be left alone and the second that Hussein be left in power. Looking back that may have been a huge mistake. The people of Iraq where betrayed by the Allies back then. They thought that their Tyrant was going to be removed, but he wasn't. Listen to the Iraqis that have left Iraq, they all have the same horror stories, not to mention the Kurds and Turkmens of Iraq, who have been witness to attrocities by Hussein.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Lay it on Zibbler. :monkey:

Originally posted by zibbler
Where the fock do you get racism out of that? Good grief! What does racism have to do with a fanatical religious sect that decides to murder over 3000 innocent people. Let me guess, if there was a fanatical christian that bombed an abortion clinic, youd be all over that talking about how focked up christains are (which many of them are), and that would be acceptable to you. But when I said something about fanatical Islamics, now all of the sudden I'm a racist. Man, that is really a stretch.

You don't know sh!t about me, so don't be so presumptious. If you knew me, you'd know I'm one of the least racist people around. I don't judge people by the color of their skin, their religion or their gender, but by their actions.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by Mani_UT
What the **** are you talking about. France lost way more soldiers defending its territory than the US ever will. You certainly can criticize the french government for bad decisions but not its soldiers for not fighting! You guys have never seen a real war, one where you try to defend your own home from the invaders. You are in no position to judge the French. Practically every family lost one or more of their sons in WWI, in WWII the French lost twice as many soldiers in 6 weeks than the US had casualties in 10 years of Vietnam. All you have going for you is a position geographically favorable with little or no potential ennemies at your door.

So yeah the French might me dislikeable, arrogant cheese eaters.. Why not..
Surrending monkeys? I think not.

Oh yeah I live in the US and I'd be the first one to take the arms against a foreign invasion but fight a war on the other side of the world for some obscure reasons? **** no.


How people in your family died for your country?
Country, Est. # of Military Casualties(WWII)
Soviet Union, 8,668,000
China, 1,324,000
Germany, 3,250,000
Poland, 850,000
Japan, 1,506,000
Yugoslavia, 300,000
Romania, 520,000
France, 340,000
Hungary, 750,000
Austria, 380,000
Greece, 520,000
Italy, 330,000
Czechoslovakia, 400,000
Great Britain, 326,000
USA, 295,000
Holland, 14,000
Belgium, 10,000
Finland, 79,000
Canada, 42,000
India, 36,000
Australia, 29,000
Spain, 12,000
Bulgaria, 19,000
New Zealand, 12,000
South Africa, 9,000
Norway, 5,000
Denmark, 4,000

Est. # of Military Casualties(U.S. Civil War)
Union, 360,222
Confederate, 258,000
Total, 618,222

First of all, I have nothing but respect for French soldiers who fought the enemy, no matter how ineffectively. My criticism is reserved for those French who did nothing to fight the Germans or actively collaborated with them during the invasion and subsequent occupation. Secondly, given that we had a late start into the war and that it was not fought on our soil, I would think that our 295,000 casualties compare rather favorably to 340,000 French. I wonder how many soldiers France would have been willing to sacrifice to liberate the U.S. had the shoe been on the other foot. Anyhow, can you imagine the fist-fvck Hitler's soldiers would have received had they attempted an invasion of the U.S. homeland??? Potential invaders of the U.S. had better think twice, as we have a lot of guns here and a fair number of us are proficient with them- and that's not even counting our Armed Forces.

As for us never seeing a real war or having to fight one on our own soil against invaders, what about the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, or U.S. Civil War...perhaps you've heard of them? And while we're busy comparing apples and oranges, consider that we had almost twice as many killed fighting each other in the Civil War than France had fighting a foreign invader over a similar period of time...and almost 80 years earlier when we were much less populous. As for a favorable geographic location with no enemies at or doorstep, hey- what can I say? Location, location, location...many French have immigrated here and I have French blood in my ancestory as well.

The reason I am angry with the French is because they are actively working to undermine us in the international community for economic motives despite the danger that Saddam poses. Please don't confuse the issue by suggesting ASSUMED economic incentive for our looming conflict with Iraq when France has DOCUMENTED economic incentive to thwart it, such as their many attempts to build a nuclear reactor for Saddam and their many oil contracts with him.

As for members of my family killed fighting for the U.S., I'm really not sure and don't know an easy way of researching it. Sorry!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Mani_Ut you know your shlt but Zibbler you're so racist:eek: or just don't understand somethings.

Bin Laden had the 9/11 happen because back when Clinton was president he went and blow up some embassy in Africa the US shoot a bunch of missile at them and didn't really know what they were blowing up.
They killed lots of civilians.

Bin Ladin and all of his crasy guys are part of some idea which they think ever since the Hanging Gardens of Babolon the reason things haven't gone well for them is because they have tryed to copy the west and their god is punishing them for living wrong.

Laden thinks that if they start living like they did 400 years ago everything will be good. And god will be nice. Only 1/3 muslim in the middle east beleive this so the only way for laden to take over the government and be able to force people to live like that is to use either an army or a huge mob of people. No military their has people willing to do this. So Laden was hoping that if the US shoot off enough bombs at them and killed lots of people it would piss every one of and make them anti American like the embassy bombing but bigger. Luckily Bush didn't do tha and instead waited almost 3 weeks before attacking Afganistan.

Most of Muslims like the US but i think if the US goes to Iraq and makes shlt alot more wll hate them.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by Mani_UT

How people in your family died for your country?
My dad's father died in Germany during WW2 - He was 19 years old. My dad was born a few weeks after my grandmother found out her husband was dead. This was not uncommon for the time. :monkey:


Originally posted by JMAC
Mani_Ut you know your shlt but Zibbler you're so racist:eek: or just don't understand somethings.
Bite me! As I stated before, none of you know sh1t about me, so quit thinking you do. You people have taken what I've said so far out of context, and twisted my words so bad, it's pathetic. I will no longer waste my time with this petty topic.

It amazes me that I said I agreed with what another person said, and everyone wants to focking hang me, but no one had a problem with the person I agreed with, who BTW called them "robe wearing pukes". I said nothing insulting whatsoever about their nation or religion. If you guys have such thin skin as to be so insulted about what I said, then go back in your silly little bubble and live in your fantasy world.

I live in an area that has more nationalities and religions than you can count. If I was such a racist, I'd have been drawn and quartered by now. I have friends and aquintences of many different nationalities, religions and skin color which includes Jamaicans, Haitians, Cubans, Puertoricans, Brazillians, Pakistanis and yes, Muslims too. So quit spouting of your self righteous BS! :angry:


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Originally posted by JMAC
Mani_Ut you know your shlt but Zibbler you're so racist:eek: or just don't understand somethings.

1. Bin Laden had the 9/11 happen because back when Clinton was president he went and blow up some embassy in Africa the US shoot a bunch of missile at them and didn't really know what they were blowing up.
They killed lots of civilians.

2. Bin Ladin and all of his crasy guys are part of some idea which they think ever since the Hanging Gardens of Babolon the reason things haven't gone well for them is because they have tryed to copy the west and their god is punishing them for living wrong.

3. Laden thinks that if they start living like they did 400 years ago everything will be good. And god will be nice. Only 1/3 muslim in the middle east beleive this so the only way for laden to take over the government and be able to force people to live like that is to use either an army or a huge mob of people. No military their has people willing to do this. So Laden was hoping that if the US shoot off enough bombs at them and killed lots of people it would piss every one of and make them anti American like the embassy bombing but bigger. Luckily Bush didn't do tha and instead waited almost 3 weeks before attacking Afganistan.

4. Most of Muslims like the US but i think if the US goes to Iraq and makes shlt alot more wll hate them.
1. - During the entire clinton presidency we acted much like the french and did nothing except some token response that did not solve anything. MAke no mistake Bin Laden does what he does because he believes that all non muslims are infidels and less than a dog. They don't believe in taking a life unless it is an infidel like us.

2. Bin Ladin doesn't want to be like us, he wants to remove us because he believes that our way of life is converting many people in the world. Freedom and happiness are not his ideas. He wants control through strict religion.

3. Again, it is all about control by Bin Laden and removing all infidels (US and Israel and whoever is on their side)

4. MAny muslims do like the US and many do not and many of the ones that do not take their fruit from the US and make their lives here like the hipocrits they are. Saddam is an oppresor of his own people, he murdered, as has his sons. They are a family of murderers and rapists. He should change his name to NERO, it would be more appropriate.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
It's funny eh? This whole thread started...haha...I almost forgot how it started! It's funny how in the end of this thread, everyone here is bickering at eachother.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
Hey llkoolkeg!

First thanks for this second message which I found much more moderate and compelling.

There are **** loads of stuff I hate about the French government myself (otherwise I would not be in the US by the way). I just hate it when people go out and give **** about people who sacrificied their lives for their country especially since a lot of people in my family served (some died).. I also know a thing or two about WRONG wars.. My dad got ****ed in Algeria when the French government turned his back on them (he ended up losing his French civil right because as a lot of soldiers over there they kept fighting after the governement said it was over when a year earlier that @#% of De Gaulle was saying Algeria would be French forever not that it was a great idea anyway..)

Another reason France actually put such a bad show in WWII (beside imcompetent military leaders ) is that we had nobody left to fight after WWI!

In WWI (1914-1918) France lost 1 400 000 soldiers!!! That would be equivallent to losing 6 000 000 soldiers for a country the size of the US. Most of those where young adult who did not procreate (they were dead..) in 1918-1919 The spanish flu hit... another 400 000 died!! again mostly young male.. Those dead did not procreate either...

Move forward 20 years.. The childrens of those young adults were never born, never grew up and never became old enough to be enrolled in the army in 1939...

In 6 weeks, the French army gets run over, there is nobody left to fight.. End of story

WAR is ugly no matter how you look at it and should be treated with respect.. It is no joke, no playstation, no CNN reality show


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
(shakes his head)...

All this is crazy! Ok, everyone calm down...I'm sure none of us are rascist and none of us are stupid. We're all smart happy people that are getting carried away a little. What's REALLY crazy is distributors not having have the damn parts I need for my new bike!!! :angry:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by ChrisRobin
(shakes his head)...

All this is crazy! Ok, everyone calm down...I'm sure none of us are rascist and none of us are stupid. We're all smart happy people that are getting carried away a little. What's REALLY crazy is distributors not having have the damn parts I need for my new bike!!! :angry:
That is crasy is it that Lambart Or OCG or something cause they never have anything when i want it to it's just crasy.:devil:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by JMAC
That is crasy is it that Lambart Or OCG or something cause they never have anything when i want it to it's just crasy.:devil:
No, it's something else...something in particular...something I have a bad feeling about.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by ChrisRobin
No, it's something else...something in particular...something I have a bad feeling about.
Well i hope you get what you need so did you get it? I meen your amasing new DH bike:)
Also does your shop have any cool new stuff?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by Mani_UT
Hey llkoolkeg!

First thanks for this second message which I found much more moderate and compelling.
I'm never really 100% about anything. I just like to ramble on because it keeps me re-evaluating. Beliefs, like concrete, harden quickly when they stop being stirred up.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Damn True
This thread is still here yet good news about the French http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47026 gets banished to the Political Debate forum.
That makes perfect sense.

Why did that thread get moved?

It didn't contain anything contentious, there was not heated debate. Simply sharing a positive development in on a subject that has been largely negative.
I moved it. We don't "banish" threads to Political Debate, we MOVE them there. Not everyone is interested in seeing France/Iraq debate threads in the Lounge.

Moving this one now. :monkey:


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Subject: Dennis Miller on World Politics

Article in the Wichita Falls

By Dennis Miller

All the rhetoric on whether or not we should go to war against Iraq has got
my little brain spinning like a top. I enjoy reading opinions from both
sides, but I've detected a hint of confusion from some of you. Maybe this
can help.

As I was reading the paper recently, I was reminded of the best advice
anyone ever gave me. He told me about the "KISS" method ("Keep It Simple,
Stupid!"). So with this as a theme, I'd like to apply this theory for
those who don't quite get it. My hope is that we can simplify things and
recognize a few important facts.

Here are some things to consider when voicing an opinion on this important

Between President Bush and Saddam Hussein ... Hussein is the bad guy.

If you have faith in the United Nations to do the right things, keep this
in mind: the UN has Libya heading the Committee on Human Rights and Iraq
heading the Global Disarmament Committee. Do your own math here.

If you use a Google or Yahoo search and type in "French Military
Victories," don't be surprised if your computer panicks at its inability to
respond to your inquiry.

If your only anti-war slogan is "No War For Oil," hire a pit bull lawyer
and sue your school district for having allowed you to slip through the
cracks and robbing you of the minimum education that any non-troglodyte

You can take this one to the bank: Saddam and bin Laden will NOT seek UN
approval before they try to kill us.

Despite common belief among some, Martin Sheen is NOT the President. He
only plays one on TV.

If you are anti-war and even an outright "America Basher," to bin Laden you
are still an "infidel" whom he wants dead.

Be careful: if you believe in a "vast right-wing conspiracy," but not in
the danger that Hussein poses, the only job you may be able to get is as an
Ivy League college professor.

Even multi-culturalists who try to browbeat us into believing that all
cultures are equally deserving of respect have trouble explaining the past
500 year of Islam.

I hope this helps.


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
As long as we are busy standing on the shoulders of our grandfathers (and puffing our chests as if we were the troops actually in harms way).

I wonder how successful the American Revolution would have been without France's support? And without the French giving us a sweet-heart deal on the Louisiana purchase?

I really don't care for the French, but all our effort bashing them could also be used for a little bit of introspection on our motives and priorities...


Originally posted by Stellite
Subject: Dennis Miller on World Politics

Even multi-culturalists who try to browbeat us into believing that all
cultures are equally deserving of respect have trouble explaining the past
500 year of Islam.

I hope this helps.
dennis miller is a ignorant fool


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by Spud
As long as we are busy standing on the shoulders of our grandfathers (and puffing our chests as if we were the troops actually in harms way).

I wonder how successful the American Revolution would have been without France's support? And without the French giving us a sweet-heart deal on the Louisiana purchase?

I really don't care for the French, but all our effort bashing them could also be used for a little bit of introspection on our motives and priorities...

All generations are built on the successes and failures of preceeding ones. Taking pride in one's country has nothing to do with taking credit for the deeds of others.

It is fortunate that France was still stinging from the French and Indian War(not to mention serveral other conflicts with the English) and willing to assist our fledgling nation deliver to King George a healthy black eye.

It is also fortunate that they were so cash-strapped during their subsequent conflict that they were willing to sell us the Louisiana Territory at a fire-sale price to fund their war machine.

Am I to assume that you believe either of these occurred as a result of altruistic motives and humanitarian priorities? Puh-leeeeez! Does that mean you now believe France is against deposing Saddam because "war is not the answer" and that "we need to give peace a chance"???


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Originally posted by rbx
dennis miller is a ignorant fool
No, Dennis Miller is not French, .:D :D :D

But at least the US knows who it's friends are now. The ones who voted on it's side. Sad to see the others who didn't. I guess trade won't be as good as it was with our neighbors anymore, gee too bad.:p


Originally posted by Stellite
No, Dennis Miller is not French, .:D :D :D

But at least the US knows who it's friends are now. The ones who voted on it's side. Sad to see the others who didn't. I guess trade won't be as good as it was with our neighbors anymore, gee too bad.:p
yeah to bad the euro is getting so strong;)

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Stellite
No, Dennis Miller is not French, .:D :D :D

But at least the US knows who it's friends are now. The ones who voted on it's side. Sad to see the others who didn't. I guess trade won't be as good as it was with our neighbors anymore, gee too bad.:p
Impressive post, rarely has the ugly American stereotype been expressed so eloquently. Do you really think trade between America and France et al will be affected by this disagreement? Even if it is, do you think your "neighbours" will be the only ones to be negatively affected. Come on now, repeat after me "France is not the enemy......France is not the enemy"


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Originally posted by valve bouncer
Impressive post, rarely has the ugly American stereotype been expressed so eloquently. Do you really think trade between America and France et al will be affected by this disagreement? Even if it is, do you think your "neighbours" will be the only ones to be negatively affected. Come on now, repeat after me "France is not the enemy......France is not the enemy"
France is not the enemy, France is not the enemy.

OF course they are not the enemy. Hey, I like French wine, French women, French Road Bikes, etc. Their cars suck, except for their cool little rally car. I have had French friends that are not from Paris, even these friends told me that the parisians are not friendly. It is their weak government that is rediculous.

I just have to make comments when I see the rediculous ignorant dribble comming out of RBX and JMAC. I do not see you make comments to what they state. It appears we have to sides here and your comment as well is on one side, and far from unbiased. So be it. I guess we all have that freedom to make comments, unlike the Iraqis under Saddam and the Afghans under the Taliban. Why do you not want these peoples to have freedom like you enjoy to speak your mind? or do you not wish them to speak their mind and show you how wrong you are. :rolleyes:

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Stellite
I guess we all have that freedom to make comments, unlike the Iraqis under Saddam and the Afghans under the Taliban. Why do you not want these peoples to have freedom like you enjoy to speak your mind? or do you not wish them to speak their mind and show you how wrong you are. :rolleyes:
Bravo. You were going so well up to this point. Unfortunately you felt the need to once again lapse into the same kind of simple-minded rhetoric that characterised your previous posts. Try, if possible, to get past the idea that if I disagree with you I'm an opponent of freedom. If a person opposes the war (I'm not necessarily opposed to the war per se, just the reasoning implicit in it) it doesn't mean they support the Taliban or Saddam. A lot of people, but obviously not you, have a more sophisticated view of affairs but it's still not a difficult concept to understand. Here let me put it to you as simply as possible. Saddam bad, Taliban bad, Bush and co rash and ill-conceived.
You're right about one thing though, we do have the freedom to make comments. We also have the freedom to make fools of ourselves as you have so plainly shown.


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Originally posted by valve bouncer
Bravo. You were going so well up to this point. Unfortunately you felt the need to once again lapse into the same kind of simple-minded rhetoric that characterised your previous posts. Try, if possible, to get past the idea that if I disagree with you I'm an opponent of freedom. If a person opposes the war (I'm not necessarily opposed to the war per se, just the reasoning implicit in it) it doesn't mean they support the Taliban or Saddam. A lot of people, but obviously not you, have a more sophisticated view of affairs but it's still not a difficult concept to understand. Here let me put it to you as simply as possible. Saddam bad, Taliban bad, Bush and co rash and ill-conceived.
You're right about one thing though, we do have the freedom to make comments. We also have the freedom to make fools of ourselves as you have so plainly shown.
I do not know if you are an opponent of freedom, however, it is plainly apparent to people that have lived without freedom that you must fight for it. No one really knows what is the best way to deal with these nuts, but last 12 years haven't worked. You think that freedom and peace has no price? Talk to oppressed people anywhere. Ask all the Kuwaitis if they think Saddam should be left alone, the answer is a resounding NO. Ask the Kurds of Iraq if Saddam should be left alone, the answer is a resounding no. Ask the Turkmen of Iraq if Saddam should be left alone, NO. Ask the Israeilis, NO again. Now Ask Germany, Yes, because they have an economic interest. Ask France, Yes, same answer as Germany. Russia, same answer as Germany and so on. The people that matter have no vote in the UN.

"You're right about one thing though, we do have the freedom to make comments. We also have the freedom to make fools of ourselves as you have so plainly shown." These words also apply to you. You obviously have no points just words of attack. State something with some meaning and I'll listen to your point of view and discuss it intelligently. Use words of hate and I'll drop to your level so you can understand better.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Stellite
I do not know if you are an opponent of freedom, however, it is plainly apparent to people that have lived without freedom that you must fight for it. No one really knows what is the best way to deal with these nuts, but last 12 years haven't worked. You think that freedom and peace has no price? Talk to oppressed people anywhere. Ask all the Kuwaitis if they think Saddam should be left alone, the answer is a resounding NO. Ask the Kurds of Iraq if Saddam should be left alone, the answer is a resounding no. Ask the Turkmen of Iraq if Saddam should be left alone, NO. Ask the Israeilis, NO again. Now Ask Germany, Yes, because they have an economic interest. Ask France, Yes, same answer as Germany. Russia, same answer as Germany and so on. The people that matter have no vote in the UN.

"You're right about one thing though, we do have the freedom to make comments. We also have the freedom to make fools of ourselves as you have so plainly shown." These words also apply to you. You obviously have no points just words of attack. State something with some meaning and I'll listen to your point of view and discuss it intelligently. Use words of hate and I'll drop to your level so you can understand better.
Well I thought I'd put it in words so simple that anybody who speaks English could understand but obviously not. I DON'T SUPPORT SADDAM. He must go, but the way the US and its allies are going about it is wrong. I'm looking at a bigger picture than just Iraq. Try this link, I think this explains my position (and probably many people's ideas) better than I can;
It's long but do your best. Oh and don't get ridicule mixed up with hate. You're just a name on an internet board, why would I waste my energy hating you?


Feb 21, 2002
ManASSas, VA
Originally posted by valve bouncer
Well I thought I'd put it in words so simple that anybody who speaks English could understand but obviously not. I DON'T SUPPORT SADDAM. He must go, but the way the US and its allies are going about it is wrong. I'm looking at a bigger picture than just Iraq. Try this link, I think this explains my position (and probably many people's ideas) better than I can;
It's long but do your best. Oh and don't get ridicule mixed up with hate. You're just a name on an internet board, why would I waste my energy hating you?
As for your last coment, there is no hate here. This is just a debate and I have no hate for anyone, and actually enjoy these discussions, even with some of the bumd comments we have all made. I read and understand your point of view. However, it is not the whole world against us in this. Lets see. Russia is against it, yet they have commited murder against the CHechens whom they call rebels. They have also attacked the Afghans in the past as we all know. China--they have no clue what human rights means. France--Socialist and for the most part Anti-American. Germany--Well past history says it all. These are the main countries against us and have enough power to sway much smaller countries against us in public opinion.

Here are some countries on our side: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan (post conflict), Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan. Israel is trying to publicly stay out of the war per request of the US, but make no mistake, they are with the US on this one. Kuwait is also in this list. As are many more countries not listed. Some of these countries know full well what it means to be subjugated and support the US.

This is tough, but let me ask you. What should be done with Saddam. Leave him as is? He won't leave peacefully and he will continue to arm himself. What if he never abides by what the UN asks.

Lets face it, he did not start destroying his missiles until our troops started heading over there, even though he has had 12 years to disarm. He understands only one thing and it is not verbal requests.
Explain to me how to deal with him then?


Originally posted by Stellite
France is not the enemy, France is not the enemy.

OF course they are not the enemy. Hey, I like French wine, French women, French Road Bikes, etc. Their cars suck, except for their cool little rally car. I have had French friends that are not from Paris, even these friends told me that the parisians are not friendly. It is their weak government that is rediculous.

I just have to make comments when I see the rediculous ignorant dribble comming out of RBX and JMAC. I do not see you make comments to what they state. It appears we have to sides here and your comment as well is on one side, and far from unbiased. So be it. I guess we all have that freedom to make comments, unlike the Iraqis under Saddam and the Afghans under the Taliban. Why do you not want these peoples to have freedom like you enjoy to speak your mind? or do you not wish them to speak their mind and show you how wrong you are. :rolleyes:
first of all my comment was directed to the ignorant remark that dennis miller made towards the fact that he sums up the islam religion in the last 500years and said it sucked,its like me summing up the american culture and saying that it sucked because of only a handfull of idiots that still believe in slavery(kkk)
i was not on anybody side also what piss me off is the fact that you(and others on this board) look under my avatar and see that im french canadian and automatically make up your mind without even reading my post that to me IS also ignorant behavior!

yeah i do believe iraqi people should have the freedom to live in a democratic state BUT imo democratie cannot be switched on and off like a light switch it take year of negotiations and SHOULD reflect the people ideoligies in a that region

this bush doctrine mentality that is "our way or the highway" will just get the u,s in deeper $hit in the long run theres more then one way to skin a cat!


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by Stellite
Lets see. Russia is against it, yet they have commited murder against the CHechens whom they call rebels. They have also attacked the Afghans in the past as we all know. China--they have no clue what human rights means.

Here are some countries on our side: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan (post conflict), Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
You bash China for human rights, then use some of the countries on your list as support for US actions. There are a couple of real winners on your list.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Stellite

This is tough, but let me ask you. What should be done with Saddam. Leave him as is? He won't leave peacefully and he will continue to arm himself. What if he never abides by what the UN asks.

Lets face it, he did not start destroying his missiles until our troops started heading over there, even though he has had 12 years to disarm. He understands only one thing and it is not verbal requests.
Explain to me how to deal with him then?
Did you read the article in the link in my previous message? I think it answers the question quite well, but anyhow...
Well for a start he shouldn't have been given carte blanche to committ all those atrocities in the 80's. I don't know about you but I'm old enough to remember when Saddam was a "friend" of the West. It would have helped if the West had some shown some moral backbone but as usual expediency rules the roost. After the first gulf war if the West had have been more consistent in dealing with Saddam then we may not be where we are now. I think the most important part, and this is the theme of the article I linked to, is that what the US and its allies are doing now flies in the face of the successful formula that has helped America become such a powerful presence in the world, i.e working with other countries and international organisations to achieve mutually beneficial goals.
In this case I certainly think that France and the others would have been supportive if not for the inept diplomatic fumblings from Bush and his cronies. Of course Chirac is a blowhard with an ego the size of the Eiffel Tower, he's been around since I was a boy. The point is we should have known what to expect from him but instead Bush and co just blundered ahead pig-headedly and backed Chirac into a corner.
The whole point of this is that what the US and its allies are doing in Iraq may well make things better in the short term but it also may make things a whole lot worse in the long term. Bush seems to have no broader strategic goals and his policy is being made on the run without the right kind of thought going into it. There seems to be no coherent policy beyond get rid of Saddam. Ok, so he gets rid of Saddam which certainly won't be a bad thing in itself, but what's next? I'm sure Bush and his cohorts don't know. They seem to be making this up as they go along. I mean any time you feel compelled to invade another country you'd have to say your foreign policy isn't working as well as it should.:D