
More Catholic Idiocy: At Least This Time it Doesn't Involve Raping Children...


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I understand every point you've made in this thread. And if anything it's a nice change from normal jeebus bashing. But you seem to think that everyone else offering arguments in opposition to your points are somehow shortsighted in how they've come to their opinions. That's not exactly accurate.
Fair enough. But I'm no different than anyone else here- I have my own reasons for thinking I'm correct, accept that others have theirs, but still believe them to be wrong.

Also, leaving a church (or religion entirely) is not as easy as people here make it out to be. And if someone is uspset enough about what the Catholic church has done, they have a much better chance of changing something by remaining a member and working with people than by leaving. People make that choice all the time.

The only other thing I have to say is that it's not about who started it first. Adults can find all manner of excuses to act like children.