
More Cow BELL!!!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
tmx said:
huh? me? the no-longer-potentially-hot with my no-longer-new boring screenname? where have i been as in thread-wise, monkey-wise, or life-in-general-wise?
Yes all of the above.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
punkassean said:
I can't decide who I like better,

Connery or Reynolds?

Didn't they do like Val Kilmer also once? I am trying to think of who all they have done.
Connery.... no question...


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Alex Trebek: Welcome back to Celebrity Jeopardy. You may notice I’m wearing a different suit. Apparently Mr. Connery felt my leg was closer than the urinal.

Alex Trebek: Terrific. And finally, with -$100,000, Sean Connery is here….yet again.

Sean Connery: I wouldn't miss it for the world, Trebek. I turned down Harry-Fricken'-Potter for this. (chuckles)

Alex Trebek: Please God, take me now. Let's take a look at the board. And the categories are...“Potent Potables”, “Batman or Robin”. That's where we show you a picture, and you say whether it's Batman or Robin. “Famous Horsemen”. That's about jockeys.

Sean Connery: I bet you've seen your fair share of other men's jockeys crumpled up on your bedroom floor, haven't you Tinkerbell? (Chuckles)

Alex Trebek: Sean Connery, just pick a category.

Sean Connery: I'll take “whore semen” for 800. (leaves his podium and heads for the board)

Alex Trebek: Wait, What? Wait…Where are you going? What are you…

Sean Connery: See? “Hor” like your mother. And “Semen”! It's right there!

Alex Trebek: Yes, I see it. You're very proud of yourself, aren't you?