
more light questions - help me overanalyze this


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
OK... I've been doing a lot of reading the last couple of days looking for a good solution to daylight savings time. I spent some time yesterday talking with some people in my local bike club thinking that they will probably be the best source for what works around here and what doesn't. The general consensus was that a 10w headlamp (niterider or the like) would be fine for solo rides, but would probably get drowned out during group rides. They said 15w and up was preferable in groups since a large number of them are running HID setups.

When you cut through all the crap, I think I've got 4 options.

  1. Spend roughly $100 on a lower wattage setup on-line. I'd probably go with this 12w setup from Marwi. Advantages are that it's relatively cheap and pretty small/light. Disadvantage is that I can't buy it locally, so I'd miss out on what's going to be a great ride tonight.
  2. Spend roughly $180 on a 15w setup at my LBS. This would be the NiteRider Digital Headtrip. Advantages are that I could have it ready to go for tonight's ride. Downside is that it seems like a lot of money for a 15w setup.
  3. Spend roughly $225 on a 35w DIY setup. Advantanges are it seems to be the best performance for the money. Downside is that the battery pack would be big and heavy (probably 10 Dcell batteries). Plus, for $200+, I'd prefer to end up with something that I know isn't going to melt my helmet or short out and burn off all my hair.
  4. Spend $400 on an HID setup from my LBS. Advantages are that I could have it tonight and, well, it's HID. Downside is the cost.

At this point, I think I'm leaning towards the Marwi setup. I hate the idea of missing tonight's ride, but... Since most of the riding I do is solo, the 12w bulb should be fine. When I ride with the group, I can stay at the back of the pack if other's HIDs are an issue. If it turns out not to be enough, then I'm only out $100 and I can upgrade when the time comes.

If anyone has any insight/perspective on all this, I'd love to hear it. HID really isn't an option for me at this point simply because of the cost. But I could probably swing the DIY setup if someone can make me believe it's the best option.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
douglas said:
#3 10 D's?? :nope:
I know... I had everything ready to go yesterday for this until I realised I'd have to go with D batteries to get any kind of decent burn time from a 35w bulb.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Just saw this. Lume Vado - 20w Xenon bulb with a 2 hour burn time from a 9.6v 4000mAh NiMh battery pack (which are easy to find) for $200. Not bad - anyone have experience with Lume products?

Though, I bet I could DIY a 20w setup for far less that $200.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
See if you can bum some lights for tonight - and then go for the Marwi ones. That's what I'd do. i betcha someone has an extra set of lights you could use for one night. Maybe someone would give up their bar or helmet lights if they run a bar/helmet combo set up.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
MMcG said:
See if you can bum some lights for tonight - and then go for the Marwi ones. That's what I'd do. i betcha someone has an extra set of lights you could use for one night. Maybe someone would give up their bar or helmet lights if they run a bar/helmet combo set up.
Yea, I was thining about that. A guy in the club offered to sell me a 10w Niterider lamp (his wife no longer uses it) for $100. I thought about asking to try it out tonight... but I feel bad using the guy. It's one thing to use people I don't know, but it's differnet when it's a guy I ride with pretty regularly.


jacksonpt said:
Just saw this. Lume Vado - 20w Xenon bulb with a 2 hour burn time from a 9.6v 4000mAh NiMh battery pack (which are easy to find) for $200. Not bad - anyone have experience with Lume products?

Though, I bet I could DIY a 20w setup for far less that $200.

I have a lume strada hid. Their support is unbeatable. No troubles with my light. There was a thread about me going from spot to flood and how cool they were. I couldn't be happier. $265 gets you an HID with an overnight charger. $325 or so with an overnight charger. Get the flood from them. I would recommend the strada. That's just me. I rode turbo cat halogens, which are great, but they don't compare to my Lume.


jacksonpt said:
Yea, I was thining about that. A guy in the club offered to sell me a 10w Niterider lamp (his wife no longer uses it) for $100. I thought about asking to try it out tonight... but I feel bad using the guy. It's one thing to use people I don't know, but it's differnet when it's a guy I ride with pretty regularly.

Just ask to borrow it. If you were here, I would loan you lights.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
jacksonpt said:
OK... I've been doing a lot of reading the last couple of days looking for a good solution to daylight savings time. I spent some time yesterday talking with some people in my local bike club thinking that they will probably be the best source for what works around here and what doesn't. The general consensus was that a 10w headlamp (niterider or the like) would be fine for solo rides, but would probably get drowned out during group rides.
Ok, just my experience, but I outride a single 10w. I can't see far enough in front of me to go at the pace I like. I found it to be fine for group rides where the other riders' lights made up for the shortcomings of mine.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
loco-gringo said:
I have a lume strada hid. Their support is unbeatable. No troubles with my light. There was a thread about me going from spot to flood and how cool they were. I couldn't be happier. $265 gets you an HID with an overnight charger. $325 or so with an overnight charger. Get the flood from them. I would recommend the strada. That's just me. I rode turbo cat halogens, which are great, but they don't compare to my Lume.
I've heard nothing but great things about them. The Strada flood is what I'm getting.


BikeGeek said:
I've heard nothing but great things about them. The Strada flood is what I'm getting.

You'll be pleased. I found myself going too fast to feel comfy with my Turbo Cats.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
BikeGeek said:
Ok, just my experience, but I outride a single 10w. I can't see far enough in front of me to go at the pace I like. I found it to be fine for group rides where the other riders' lights made up for the shortcomings of mine.
damn dude, faster than the speed of light! you rock! :D


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
douglas said:
damn dude, faster than the speed of light! you rock! :D
That's why it appeared that I didn't do the night ride at Monkeyfest, I was actually back before you got started. :p

MMcG said:
BikeGeek please post a thorough review once you get and get some ride time on that Lume light you are going to purchase.
Will do. I probably won't be getting it until next month though. I have some expiring stock options to exercise this month. :dead:

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
BikeGeek said:
Ok, just my experience, but I outride a single 10w. I can't see far enough in front of me to go at the pace I like. I found it to be fine for group rides where the other riders' lights made up for the shortcomings of mine.
Well I'm glad I am slower than you. Hopefully I won't outride the ones you sold me. :)


Jun 8, 2004
Do not buy the Marwi .Ive got one as a shop light that ive loaned out and use , and i give it a 5 out of 10 . It failed on greasey at Dalton , and now it lasts only 1 1/2 hour on low setting , on last nites TNUA ride .It give out OK lighting but I think I would look into other systems . Victor


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Look at reviews, this thread, info from your LBS, etc, and just pick the one you like the best. If your local shop has a decent light that only costs a little more, get that one if you want a light immediately. My experience from night riding with others is most of the "Name Brand" lights are all decent and will work just fine for you. If you are going to go non-HID, (and it sounds like you are), I suggest you get something with at least a 12w light and 2 hour burn time. Keep in mind with the bigger lights, (15w/20w/25w), your burn time will decrease the brighter you go.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
T-Blazer said:
Do not buy the Marwi .Ive got one as a shop light that ive loaned out and use , and i give it a 5 out of 10 . It failed on greasey at Dalton , and now it lasts only 1 1/2 hour on low setting , on last nites TNUA ride .It give out OK lighting but I think I would look into other systems . Victor
Thanks for the info.

Guess it's time to start saving for the Lume HID lamp.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Do not buy the Marwi .Ive got one as a shop light that ive loaned out and use , and i give it a 5 out of 10 . It failed on greasey at Dalton , and now it lasts only 1 1/2 hour on low setting , on last nites TNUA ride .It give out OK lighting but I think I would look into other systems . Victor
It doesn't sound like the Marwi you have in the shop and the one linked above are the same model.There is no "low" setting on the Elite, just a on/off power switch. All I know is my Nightpro Elite has worked w/o a problem for 2 years now, and provides a decent amount of light for 2 hours of riding. The only "bad" thing about it is it's an overnight charger, not a "quick" charger.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
T-Blazer said:
Do not buy the Marwi .Ive got one as a shop light that ive loaned out and use , and i give it a 5 out of 10 . It failed on greasey at Dalton , and now it lasts only 1 1/2 hour on low setting , on last nites TNUA ride .It give out OK lighting but I think I would look into other systems . Victor
WTF are you talking about? Low setting? The only settings that Marwi light has are on and off... it lasts about 2 hours every time without fail (for over 3 years) and that is what it is designed to do.

VR Trooper

Nov 8, 2004
jacksonpt said:
Spend $400 on an HID setup from my LBS. Advantages are that I could have it tonight and, well, it's HID. Downside is the cost.
Check out ebay. I just order a Light & Motion ARC HID setup w/NiMh battery for $305. No bidding, "Buy It Now".

If you think you'll be doing a lot of night riding, it might make your winter a lot more enjoyable.