
More on Bush


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hear no evil, read no evil, speak drivel

Bush's press conference shows just how ill-informed he is about Iraq

Sidney Blumenthal
Thursday April 15, 2004
The Guardian

On April 21 1961, President Kennedy held a press conference to answer questions on the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion by Cuban exiles that he had approved. "There's an old saying," he said, "that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... I am the responsible officer of the government and that is quite obvious."
On Wednesday, President Bush held only his third press conference and was asked three times whether he accepted responsibility for failing to act on warning before September 11. "I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't [sic] yet," he said. "I just haven't - you just put me under the spot here and maybe I'm not quick - as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one."

Bush's press conference was the culmination of his recent efforts to staunch the political wounds of his bleeding polls since the 9/11 commission began public hearings and violence spiralled in Iraq. Bush had tried to divert blame by declaring that the August 6 memo he was forced to declassify at the commission's insistence contained no "actionable intelligence", even though it specifically mentioned the World Trade Centre and Washington as targets.

Bush, in fact, does not read his President's Daily Briefs, but has them orally summarised every morning by the CIA director, George Tenet. President Clinton, by contrast, read them closely and alone, preventing any aides from interpreting what he wanted to know first-hand. He extensively marked up his PDBs, demanding action on this or that, which is almost certainly the likely reason the Bush administration withheld his memoranda from the 9/11 commission.

"I know he doesn't read," one former Bush national security council staffer told me. Several other former NSC staffers corroborated this. It seems highly unlikely that he read the national intelligence estimate on WMD before the Iraq war that consigned contrary evidence and caveats that undermined the case to footnotes and fine print. Nor is there any evidence that he read the state department's 17-volume report, The Future of Iraq, warning of nearly all the postwar pitfalls, that was shelved by the neocons in the Pentagon and Vice-President Cheney's office.

Nor was Bush aware of similar warnings urgently being sounded by the military's top strategic analysts. One monograph, Reconstructing Iraq, by the US Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute, predicted in detail "possible severe security difficulties" and conflicts among Iraqis that US forces "can barely comprehend". I have learned that it was suppressed by the Pentagon neocons, and only released to US central command after Senator Joseph Biden, the ranking Democrat on the foreign relations committee, directly intervened. A revolt within the military against Bush is brewing. Many in the military's strategic echelon share the same feelings of being ignored and ill-treated by the administration that senior intelligence officers voice in private. "The Pentagon began with fantasy assumptions on Iraq and worked back," one of them remarked to me.

As the iconic image of the "war president" has tattered, another picture has emerged. Bush appears as a passive manager who enjoys sitting atop a hierarchical structure, unwilling and unable to do the hard work a real manager has to do to run the largest enterprise in the world. He does not seem to absorb data unless it is presented to him in simple, clear fashion by people whose judgment he trusts. He is receptive to information that agrees with his point of view rather than information that challenges it. This leads to enormous power on the part of the trusted interlocutors, who know and bolster his predilections.

At his press conference, Bush was a confusion of absolute confidence and panic. He jumbled facts and conflated threats, redoubling the vehemence of his incoherence at every mildly sceptical question. He attempted to create a false political dichotomy between "retreat" and his own vague and evolving position on Iraq, which now appears to follow senator John Kerry's, of granting more authority to the UN and bringing in Nato.

The ultimate revelation was Bush's vision of a divinely inspired apocalyptic struggle in which he is the leader of a crusade bringing the Lord's "gift." "I also have this belief, strong belief that freedom is not this country's gift to the world. Freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man and woman in this world. And as the greatest power on the face of the earth we have an obligation to help the spread of freedom." But religious war is not part of official US military doctrine.



Oct 17, 2002
On Wednesday, President Bush held only his third press conference and was asked three times whether he accepted responsibility for failing to act on warning before September 11.
I stopped reading there. It sounded more like a column than a report and when it comes to opinion pieces, I get lost easily and here's why...

Has anyone definitively and conclusively proven that Bush fvcked up? I've not seen a single thing that clearly shows that Bush should apologize. I've seen lots of speculation that -- only with 20/20 hindsight -- *suggested* (not demanded) the Admin could've done something differently.

I sure hate being a democrat being pushed to Bush's "side".


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I think my distaste for Bush is clear enough...

Having said that, I don't blame him for 9/11. I think that was a one shot strategy that we couldn't have really avoided anyways.

They could have taken over the planes just as easily with ballpoint pens as box cutters.

Now, the whole response has been possibly the worst example of leadership and the largest clusterfvck I've ever seen, but that's been handled allready in other threads.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
this article only steels the opinion of the left, is ignored (or at best parsed/disected and summarily discredited) by the right, and completely turns off the moderates.

could you imagine being this guys spouse? he's way too bitter/angry/bent to enjoy for more than an hour.

oh, i like your thread title wordplay. (moron bush)


Sep 4, 2003
Bush to his chief of staff: "That file is soooo long, coudja read it to me while I play some duck hunt?":D


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Care to expand upon that darlin?
well being as how he is illiterate, bought his way through college and the texas armed guard and out of dui's and coccaine charges. he does not have a clue what is going on in iraq, with bin laden, or even under his nose in his own country and makes enough stupid comments to fill 3 years of page a day calendars i would pretty much say he is a moron. we could also throw in tasty tid bits like the fact that he spent more time on vacation in his first year than any other president in history and has incurred record debt in a record amount of time then tried to follow it up with tax cuts most of us never saw. oh then there is the convenience of haliburton being one of the companies contracted to rebuild iraq and ken lay being appointed to the board of directors that chose who the members of the energy conservation council would be...............im cramping now so i will stop


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Hear no evil, read no evil, speak drivel

Bush's press conference shows just how ill-informed he is about Iraq

Sidney Blumenthal
Thursday April 15, 2004
The Guardian

"I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't [sic] yet," he said. "I just haven't - you just put me under the spot here and maybe I'm not quick - as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one."

At his press conference, Bush was a confusion of absolute confidence and panic. He jumbled facts and conflated threats, redoubling the vehemence of his incoherence at every mildly sceptical question. He attempted to create a false political dichotomy between "retreat" and his own vague and evolving position on Iraq, which now appears to follow senator John Kerry's, of granting more authority to the UN and bringing in Nato.

i mean the guy cant even perform as a politician and produce vague dodgy answers to questions. he just sits there stuttering like a 14 year old boy lookin at a naked woman for the first time. this is my representation of what bush looks like when hes not in fron t of the camera



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Originally posted by biggins
well being as how he is illiterate, bought his way through college and the texas armed guard and out of dui's and coccaine charges. he does not have a clue what is going on in iraq, with bin laden, or even under his nose in his own country and makes enough stupid comments to fill 3 years of page a day calendars i would pretty much say he is a moron. we could also throw in tasty tid bits like the fact that he spent more time on vacation in his first year than any other president in history and has incurred record debt in a record amount of time then tried to follow it up with tax cuts most of us never saw. oh then there is the convenience of haliburton being one of the companies contracted to rebuild iraq and ken lay being appointed to the board of directors that chose who the members of the energy conservation council would be...............im cramping now so i will stop
Okay okay! lol, sorry, I think I mis-read your first post as in it was wrong to call him that. :)


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Okay okay! lol, sorry, I think I mis-read your first post as in it was wrong to call him that. :)
its because i too am illiterate


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
does it bother anyone else that durring bushes first press conference for the year in which he speaks to the entire nations public tha he said and i qoute

"i have a plan to tell the people that i have a plan to continue the fight on terrorism"

uh...yo george...you just told us dude...you can stop planing now:rolleyes:

NOTE: yes i realize that my spelling and grammer are bad, i don't likely care...but at least i can read:monkey:


Dec 13, 2002
Construction in Subterfuge
Originally posted by BostonBullit
if only he would stick to gropeing random women and getting hummers in the oval office like a good president :rolleyes:
getting your d1ck sucked is better than letting all 24 Bin Laden family member fly out of the country without interviews, and when US airspace was shut down to any and ALL flights bypassing standard protocal... **** Bush


Oct 27, 2001
Medway, MA
Originally posted by builder666
getting your d1ck sucked is better than letting all 24 Bin Laden family member fly out of the country without interviews, and when US airspace was shut down to any and ALL flights bypassing standard protocal... **** Bush
true enuff...I would much rather have my d1ck sucked than have to deal with 24 of bin ladens relatives


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by BostonBullit
if only he would stick to gropeing random women and getting hummers in the oval office like a good president :rolleyes:
yeah, that was sleazy, but clinton's shenanigans had a much lower body count than bush's so far... :dead: