Yeah, this one has degenerated into a distraction that is neither productive or amusing. I am done...
in many parts of PA, guns are basically religion.
dont you hate how that always seems to work out that way??See, in AZ, one of the most heavily armed states in the U.S., there is virtualy no crime.
Same thing with the death penalty.dont you hate how that always seems to work out that way??
Murder rate. Probably number of murders per 100,000 people.what do the numbers at the bottom signify?
no surprise seeing those six on the left hand side. i was also surprised to see TX in the middle, figure it would be closer to the right.
that is a very informative graph.
Well damn son. You're just really bad at your job then.“I’m nobody special,” said Reed. “I’m just a guy doing my job because my own government wouldn’t do it.”
Many states don't require carry permits, either for concealed, not concealed, or both.Has anyone bothered to research how may gun deaths are cause by stolen or illegally purchased firearms? Someone with a carry permit and their gun have less of a chance of causing any kind harm than someone being struck by lightning. Over 98% of gun violence involves guns that are illegally owned.
Holy hell. I leave for five years and come back to this? And it's still on the front page?
More firearms, less mac & cheese. Let's make 'Murica great again.