
More Pro-Gun Propaganda

The United States is a mess.

So is the world at large.

Regarding the U.S., those that regard the constitution as a fixed and perfect agreement handed to us by similarly ideal "founders", analogous to Moses tromping down the mountain stoned, perpetuate some of our ills.

But, the real problem is what we call civilization, and the viewpoint of exceptionalism. To an order of magnitude, 500 generations dedicated to killing the environment that sustains us.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
And thats where youre wrong.
People are so stupid they do need to be protected from yourselves.
Have you noticed how big of a fucking mess the US is?
This is (partially but not exclusively) because youre briliant founding fathers couldnt have ever predicted the change the US would go in their near future. Therefore theyve written a constitution that has way too much power and is now being abused, and has become out dated and irrelevant.
is the first amendment outdated? how about the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 15th....?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
is the first amendment outdated? how about the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 15th....?
Ahh yes, because desiring some moderation for a single amendment means that the entire constitution is wrong. Yes, that sounds right.

In other news, I think there should be harsher punishments for driving while intoxicated. And by that I mean anyone who has ever had a beer in their life should be banned from even standing next to an automobile.

BRB gotta go "wipe my ass with the constitution" because I don't believe every word of it should be taken at face value forever.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Constitutional idolatry has been used over the years to support whatever political de rigueur of the day. A little historical tour of supreme court decision of the past should make anyone with any sense of decency blush. Thankfully as time have changed so have those interpretations.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
The country's current problems are not due to the Constitutions's shortcomings but rather modern attempts to subvert it for selfish political gain, e.g. if you can't get the necessary votes to legislate desired change, you either dodge the legislative process through Executive Orders or Judicial Activism...basically overstepping explicit authority and ignoring the separation of powers. The intent of our framers is not hard research or determine...it's just that it doesn't make convenient allowances for crybaby politicians who don't get their way when and how they want it.

I stand by my statements regarding the 2nd Amendment and when it goes, all the rest will soon follow in short order.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The country's current problems are not due to the Constitutions's shortcomings but rather modern attempts to subvert it for selfish political gain, e.g. if you can't get the necessary votes to legislate desired change, you either dodge the legislative process through Executive Orders or Judicial Activism...basically overstepping explicit authority and ignoring the separation of powers. The intent of our framers is not hard research or determine...it's just that it doesn't make convenient allowances for crybaby politicians who don't get their way when and how they want it.

I stand by my statements regarding the 2nd Amendment and when it goes, all the rest will soon follow in short order.

So when do you expect citizens of other developed countries with restrictive gun laws to have all their rights stripped away? Or do you see places like Canada and Europe as an Orwellian nightmare?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
The Islamization of Europe is well underway and they'll be paying the JIzyah before I'll likely meet my maker.
Canada is a very unique nation I have a lot of respect for. Their banking and financial laws, for example, make a Hell of a lot more sense than those prevalent here. Just the same, when the SHTF, I would rather be here in the good ol' USA...plus I HATE cold weather and wouldn't survive even one Canadian Winter. We have a lot of problems here but I haven't thrown in the towel just yet.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
In two posts you have achieved Fox News buzzword bingo. Ī wish you luck in using your guns to prevent your neighborhood from becoming an Islamic "no go zone".


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Which two? Quite a feat, I'd say, especially since I don't watch Fox News(or Bloomburg or Huffington or...)

I'm not worried about my neighborhood and it certainly doesn't need me to protect it. I'm pleased to live in the only county in MD with the temerity to tell Obama and our former Governor to pound sand. My guns are for my family's recreation and protection primarily. If you don't think you'll ever need one, be my guest and put 100% of your faith in an effective and rapid response to your 911 call. As for mine, I choose not to abdicate my responsibilities as a husband and a father by "contracting out" to organizations that have repeatedly stated that they have no obligation to protect us. I'll just have to pray you never live to regret your misplaced if not naive trust as others have.


Turbo Monkey
Which two? Quite a feat, I'd say, especially since I don't watch Fox News(or Bloomburg or Huffington or...)

I'm not worried about my neighborhood and it certainly doesn't need me to protect it. I'm pleased to live in the only county in MD with the temerity to tell Obama and our former Governor to pound sand. My guns are for my family's recreation and protection primarily. If you don't think you'll ever need one, be my guest and put 100% of your faith in an effective and rapid response to your 911 call. As for mine, I choose not to abdicate my responsibilities as a husband and a father by "contracting out" to organizations that have repeatedly stated that they have no obligation to protect us. I'll just have to pray you never live to regret your misplaced if not naive trust as others have.
Hey could you pray for me too bro?
Or how about you just pray for yourself huh? That way you wont need a gun in the first place!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The Islamization of Europe is well underway and they'll be paying the JIzyah before I'll likely meet my maker.
Canada is a very unique nation I have a lot of respect for. Their banking and financial laws, for example, make a Hell of a lot more sense than those prevalent here. Just the same, when the SHTF, I would rather be here in the good ol' USA...plus I HATE cold weather and wouldn't survive even one Canadian Winter. We have a lot of problems here but I haven't thrown in the towel just yet.
You realize that the "nation" of Europe has existed a lot longer than 5 years, right?

Even if we ignore all the peaceful nations in Europe that seem to get along fine without guns everywhere, there's a plethora more civilized industrialized nations besides Canada and "Europe" with a standard of living as high or higher than our own.

Your "but muslims" is a non sequitor argument.

To this date, the S has never H the F.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Which two? Quite a feat, I'd say, especially since I don't watch Fox News(or Bloomburg or Huffington or...)

I'm not worried about my neighborhood and it certainly doesn't need me to protect it. I'm pleased to live in the only county in MD with the temerity to tell Obama and our former Governor to pound sand. My guns are for my family's recreation and protection primarily. If you don't think you'll ever need one, be my guest and put 100% of your faith in an effective and rapid response to your 911 call. As for mine, I choose not to abdicate my responsibilities as a husband and a father by "contracting out" to organizations that have repeatedly stated that they have no obligation to protect us. I'll just have to pray you never live to regret your misplaced if not naive trust as others have.
So do you carry around a fire extinguisher with the same zeal you do a firearm? I'm sure you are well aware you are much more likely to encounter a fire than a situation where you need to shoot someone. Good luck calling 911 and waiting for the fire department to get there.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
We could all use a prayer or two, Muslims included, so long as we can all do so without burning or beheading each other for having different beliefs. I'll bet there are a few hundred Assyrians that wish now they'd had guns.

I am sure my grasp of European history is at least comparable to your own and there is plenty of violence there. Because guns are less prevalent, it is committed with knives, machetes, clubs, ropes and other things but again, dead is dead and if I have to die, I would personally prefer a less medieval instrument be used. People who want gun rights banned here include suicides, drug/gang reprisals and every incidence of death by gun in the statistics to make it sound like innocent little Johnny is probably going to be shot dead if we don't ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. If the fit has not hit the shan in Europe, pray tell then where was World War I and World War II predominantly fought? What about the Napoleonic and Hundred Years War or more recently, wars in the Balkans, Crimea, Kosovo, Chechnia and Ukraine? They are often killing each other over there and in great numbers!

I do not carry a firearm out of the house but rarely because I don't have a permit to do so and MD only grants those permits to a very few select individuals because of the hard left leaning political climate in the urbanized portion of the state that dominates our policy-making. I do have fire extinguishers in the trunks of my cars ever since I needed one to put out an engine fire in my brother's Cadillac which I'd borrowed for the day. 911 was not called because I ran into a gas station and grabbed theirs by the pumps to extinguish the fire. Had I just called 911 and sat on my arse, his car would have been a smoking lump before they had time enough to respond even though a station was only perhaps a mile or two away.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
We could all use a prayer or two, Muslims included, so long as we can all do so without burning or beheading each other for having different beliefs. I'll bet there are a few hundred Assyrians that wish now they'd had guns.

I am sure my grasp of European history is at least comparable to your own and there is plenty of violence there. Because guns are less prevalent, it is committed with knives, machetes, clubs, ropes and other things but again, dead is dead and if I have to die, I would personally prefer a less medieval instrument be used. People who want gun rights banned here include suicides, drug/gang reprisals and every incidence of death by gun in the statistics to make it sound like innocent little Johnny is probably going to be shot dead if we don't ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. If the fit has not hit the shan in Europe, pray tell then where was World War I and World War II predominantly fought? What about the Napoleonic and Hundred Years War or more recently, wars in the Balkans, Crimea, Kosovo, Chechnia and Ukraine? They are often killing each other over there and in great numbers!

I do not carry a firearm out of the house but rarely because I don't have a permit to do so and MD only grants those permits to a very few select individuals because of the hard left leaning political climate in the urbanized portion of the state that dominates our policy-making. I do have fire extinguishers in the trunks of my cars ever since I needed one to put out an engine fire in my brother's Cadillac which I'd borrowed for the day. 911 was not called because I ran into a gas station and grabbed theirs by the pumps to extinguish the fire. Had I just called 911 and sat on my arse, his car would have been a smoking lump before they had time enough to respond even though a station was only perhaps a mile or two away.

It's Ok. It's hard to write coherently and wack off at the same time.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I don't get the wack-off comment...it must be too clever for my simple mind.

RE: my credibility, you opinion of it means less that lukewarm piss to me so flame on. For some incomprehensible reason, you hate inanimate objects so by all means, feel free to hate me too. I grew up shooting guns and therefore, have no phobias regarding them. Perhaps you should consider therapy for assistance with getting over yours.


Lubrication Sensei
Jul 11, 2006
Rainbow City Alabama
I don't get the wack-off comment...it must be too clever for my simple mind.

RE: my credibility, you opinion of it means less that lukewarm piss to me so flame on. For some incomprehensible reason, you hate inanimate objects so by all means, feel free to hate me too. I grew up shooting guns and therefore, have no phobias regarding them. Perhaps you should consider therapy for assistance with getting over yours.
I'm curious though, do you feel that our current gun laws are sensible and do everything they can to mitigate potential deaths (overt, accidental, etc...)? Is having a mild imposition (registering your guns.. requiring a few more hurdles to allow you to exercise ye god given rights, among other possible resolutions) not a fair trade off if we get to read less headlines about 3 years killing themselves others?

Guns rights seem to be a strange beast to treat as black and white as say free speech. Damned if I am not happy that change does happen though, prohibition would have sucked....


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I do not carry a firearm out of the house but rarely because I don't have a permit to do so and MD only grants those permits to a very few select individuals because of the hard left leaning political climate in the urbanized portion of the state that dominates our policy-making. I do have fire extinguishers in the trunks of my cars ever since I needed one to put out an engine fire in my brother's Cadillac which I'd borrowed for the day. 911 was not called because I ran into a gas station and grabbed theirs by the pumps to extinguish the fire. Had I just called 911 and sat on my arse, his car would have been a smoking lump before they had time enough to respond even though a station was only perhaps a mile or two away.
So you are saying a fire extinguisher is more useful than a gun?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I am not aware of any proposed legislation that would prevent accidental or intentional deaths where a firearm is the instrument of that death. I agree that the background checks currently done before buying a gun are a good idea to prevent felons, stalkers, abusers, the mentally ill, etc. from purchasing are necessary. I can see the reasons behind arguing for week "cooling off" periods before transactions go through especially if more thorough checks into background can be accomplished. Universal registration is a bad idea, however, do to the numerous precedents that exist to it being the first step towards confiscation. I believe that people should also have to keep them locked up is real safes or "smart" safes which allow for quick retrieval by the proper party.

I believe proper training is a good idea for people new to or unfamiliar with firearms but those intimately familiar and skilled with them and able to demonstrate such should not be required to attend remedial newbie training. I hate to say it but if a 3 year old kills themselves or another with a gun, the gun owner was almost certainly negligent. Our current President or former MD Governor issuing edicts and decrees by way of Executive Order or threatening legislators, banning non-armor-piercing ammunition, standard-capacity magazines or entire types or class of firearms based on appearance in order to create faux shortages while artificially driving up prices is Bravo Sierra foul play. It's crybaby dirty pool "I'm taking my ball and going home" behavior in response to their proposed Gun Control Legislation being, ahem, shot down.

Yes, I do believe fire extinguishers are more useful than firearms...for putting out fires. For putting down potential assailants or putting holes in paper? Not so much...
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
I'm curious though, do you feel that our current gun laws are sensible and do everything they can to mitigate potential deaths (overt, accidental, etc...)? Is having a mild imposition (registering your guns.. requiring a few more hurdles to allow you to exercise ye god given rights, among other possible resolutions) not a fair trade off if we get to read less headlines about 3 years killing themselves others?
how would registration or jumping through more hoops prevent assholes from leaving their guns around so little kids can get a hold of them?


Lubrication Sensei
Jul 11, 2006
Rainbow City Alabama
how would registration or jumping through more hoops prevent assholes from leaving their guns around so little kids can get a hold of them?
Well, my intention with that statement was less concrete specific things to do, and more a question for mr.Keg. Are our current gun laws doing everything they can to mitigate needless loss of life? If not are there any things (that would not abridge your personal desire/understanding of god given merican 2nd Amendment) you would be willing to accept?

My reading of your reply, l get the feeling that stupidity alone is the reason for our out of proportion gun deaths
(compared to the rest of the advanced nation states/oh but we get more freedumb so its ok...) and there is nothing that can be done to improve the current situation.

Our current patchwork means that places like Chicago can try in vain to institute a handgun ban/additional restrictions all they want, it means naught when all surrounding "rural" areas have 'liberal' laws on gun sales. Which easily calls into question the argument that harsher gun laws=more criminals with guns. There is not anywhere in the US that can successfully change/modify gun laws/regulations when nothing changes all around them.

No need to ban anything outright, I simply refuse to believe that we can't improve upon our current situation.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
how would registration or jumping through more hoops prevent assholes from leaving their guns around so little kids can get a hold of them?
Well, it's proven that more hoops are a barrier for stupid sh*t, so if there were tests, cognitive tests, knowledge tests or practical tests, you would probably weed out a lot of F-ing insane and stupid people. Mind you, I have nothing against stupid people, just that if they are too stupid to own a gun because they will be a danger to themselves and others, then they shouldn't own a gun.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
No need to ban anything outright, I simply refuse to believe that we can't improve upon our current situation.
No kidding. The first thing that pro-NRA gun-toting people think when someone comes along and proposes such an idea is that the end result is always "taking everyone's guns away". I remember back in 2008 when the NRA promised us that if Obama got elected, that he would take everyone's guns away. I even read the same thing in an NRA article in 2012. Turns out, this was really good for the firearm industry, riding to all time highs.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I guess I must fall into the evil NRA stereotype because I'm a member and proud of it. Despite his lies to the contrary, Obama has done everything he can to assail the 2nd amendment. Since he has done so little good to sign his name to over his two terms, he keeps going after those he sees as domestic enemies. Instead of doing much of anything to combat Islamists or even acknowledge Muslim Extremism, he and his pit bull Eric Holder make the NRA and gun owners out to be home-grown terrorists. How disappointed they were when the Beltway Snipers, Ft. Hood Shooter and Boston Marathon Bombers turned out to be not white NRA members but Muslim terrorists! When he had the opportunity to do more for black people than any President before him, he instead has chosen to exacerbate race relations issues. I never thought I would live to hear myself say it but even Bill Clinton was a better President. The only reason sales of firearms and ammunition are at all time highs is because of perceived and real economic scarcity and the belief that it's a now-or-never proposition. If politricksters would stop banning guns, magazines, ammunition, etc., people would stop buying them like hotcakes. Unfortunately, however, no tragedy can occur without them seeking to exploit it to push their political agendas on the populace.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I guess I must fall into the evil NRA stereotype because I'm a member and proud of it. Despite his lies to the contrary, Obama has done everything he can to assail the 2nd amendment. Since he has done so little good to sign his name to over his two terms, he keeps going after those he sees as domestic enemies. Instead of doing much of anything to combat Islamists or even acknowledge Muslim Extremism, he and his pit bull Eric Holder make the NRA and gun owners out to be home-grown terrorists. How disappointed they were when the Beltway Snipers, Ft. Hood Shooter and Boston Marathon Bombers turned out to be not white NRA members but Muslim terrorists! When he had the opportunity to do more for black people than any President before him, he instead has chosen to exacerbate race relations issues. I never thought I would live to hear myself say it but even Bill Clinton was a better President. The only reason sales of firearms and ammunition are at all time highs is because of perceived and real economic scarcity and the belief that it's a now-or-never proposition. If politricksters would stop banning guns, magazines, ammunition, etc., people would stop buying them like hotcakes. Unfortunately, however, no tragedy can occur without them seeking to exploit it to push their political agendas on the populace.
How many of your guns did he take?


Lubrication Sensei
Jul 11, 2006
Rainbow City Alabama
I guess I must fall into the evil NRA stereotype because I'm a member and proud of it. Despite his lies to the contrary, Obama has done everything he can to assail the 2nd amendment. Since he has done so little good to sign his name to over his two terms, he keeps going after those he sees as domestic enemies. Instead of doing much of anything to combat Islamists or even acknowledge Muslim Extremism, he and his pit bull Eric Holder make the NRA and gun owners out to be home-grown terrorists. How disappointed they were when the Beltway Snipers, Ft. Hood Shooter and Boston Marathon Bombers turned out to be not white NRA members but Muslim terrorists! When he had the opportunity to do more for black people than any President before him, he instead has chosen to exacerbate race relations issues. I never thought I would live to hear myself say it but even Bill Clinton was a better President. The only reason sales of firearms and ammunition are at all time highs is because of perceived and real economic scarcity and the belief that it's a now-or-never proposition. If politricksters would stop banning guns, magazines, ammunition, etc., people would stop buying them like hotcakes. Unfortunately, however, no tragedy can occur without them seeking to exploit it to push their political agendas on the populace.
Strawman is still straw. How is Obama's drone program not an exponential escalation based upon GW era policies? Effectiveness aside I see no change in terror policy from 9/11 till now, only intesification.

I guess I don't get the sky is falling rhetoric, are there any changes/steps that you would not perceive as da gubment wants my gunz?

Hyperbole with a back of koolaid, you find no irony in your stance?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
RE: speed, I've never touched the crap and disagreeing with bend & spread 'em pacifists doesn't make me addled.
RE: the bong shed, I "turned over a new leaf" and gave that up when I got married and had kids.
RE: my seized guns/ammo, none yet but my options for purchase have been greatly curtailed due to form rather than function and the prices have been greatly driven up.
RE: Logic 101, I passed the class, too. Launching a drone strike here and there in response to numerous attacks on our embassies, diplomats, military forces and allies is insufficient and token. Stepping away from our Israeli friends then coddling the Iranians while genuflecting and paying lip service to their Sunni rivals reflects a brand of foreign policy that is as inconsistent as it is baffling. To say our Russian "friends" have absolutely no respect for Mr. Obama's so-called brinkmanship would be a gross understatement.

I don't think the government in general wants my guns as they have plenty of their own but the Liberal/Progressive Democratic(primarily) portion of our population would be perfectly happy to repeal the 2nd amendment and turn the U.S. of A. into another has-been second-rate former colonial power turned Socialist welfare state where only government forces and it's agents are entrusted with the tools of self-defense. That's simply not the America I want to leave for my children and it's not the America I grew up in. I'm frankly surprised so many here seemingly have no problem with giving up a right that was so hard-fought to win in the first place but then again, panem et circenses have opiated the masses before.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I don't think the government in general wants my guns as they have plenty of their own but the Liberal/Progressive Democratic(primarily) portion of our population would be perfectly happy to repeal the 2nd amendment and turn the U.S. of A. into another has-been second-rate former colonial power turned Socialist welfare state where only government forces and it's agents are entrusted with the tools of self-defense. That's simply not the America I want to leave for my children and it's not the America I grew up in. I'm frankly surprised so many here seemingly have no problem with giving up a right that was so hard-fought to win in the first place but then again, panem et circenses have opiated the masses before.
Oh please, show me where everyone is advocating giving up the right to own firearms? Seriously, any improvement or change that doesn't involve handing out M-16s in kindergarten is seen as an "attack on freedumb" by you. People who disagree with you or have a slightly different take are not trying to "attack american and George Washington", that's just the perception created by the crazy people you admire to perpetuate the craziness.

I guess you are advocating ground troops against ISIS, because "the third time's the charm!". Maybe we'll be "welcomed as liberators", just like Bush promised years ago, or maybe in the same way that we'd be welcomed as liberators in Vietnam?

Israel is a big boy and fully capable of launching their own strikes. The whole reason that part of the world hates us and keeps trying to attack us is that we keep trying to stick our noses in what they are doing. If there's a credible threat to the US, then we take it out. If they are executing people stupid enough to wander into their territory...so sad, but not worth sending tends of thousands of Americans to die for again. If you want to wipe out muslims and islam, then petition the vatican to raise an army and join it, then yous peoples can fight it all out by yourselves. This world-police crap is getting out of hand. Why did we win WWII? Because our soil was attacked and continued to be threatened, which got the entirety of the population behind it. Unfortunately, the middle east is my generation's vietnam, which is disgusting.
Prices for weapons and ammunition have been driven up by precisely the sort of shared paranoid prattle that you have been repeating, llkoolkeg. It's what has been called mass hysteria. As the progressive pinko socialist that I am, If I were to agree with gun control, which I don't necessarily, I'd start by disarming the police, limiting them to nightsticks.

In the middle east, our actions in the past decades have seriously destabilized the region. More meddling won't help. It might help a tiny bit to stop manufacturing and exporting military arms and equipment, but don't hold your breath.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Jon Stewart...Jon Stewart? Is that the sort of whiny, smarmy, imminently impartial "expert" we should turn to for direction in our foreign policy. Not that the jacka$$ Trump is any better but I can't get through 5 minutes of his monologue before feeling the urge to chunder. He is a perfect example of the overwhelming left-leaning Follywood soft-skull that thinks their material fortune entitles them to elevated leadership status in political affairs...and it is happily granted by his adoring minions. Please don't make the assumption that I am any blue blood Limbaugh-loving Republican, either. I come to my own conclusions on issues and do not mind voting accordingly. If anything, I could be loosely termed a Constitutional Libertarian though I am not a member of the Libertarian, Tea Party, etc. When it comes to what is generally referred to as gun control, however, the left has it all wrong as Constitutional intent is clear and unmistakable...

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Call it "paranoid prattle" if you will but you would think our own Nation and it's Government, born as a response to attempts by the Crown's soldiers to seize the guns and munitions of it's citizens, would be a little more sensible about such things and sensitive to the message it sends to many of them. I would not expect a genuine pacifist or moral objector to understand or sympathize then OR now but in this as with most other things, the majority of people do not live by the convictions they profess. I personally believe every adult who is of sound body and mind and not a careless or foolish imminent threat to the general welfare should possess a military-grade firearm and be trained in its safe storage at-the-ready, maintenance and effective use. If you do not agree, you should not be forced to possess one but you damned sure should not have the desire or ability to project your own phobias upon ME.

The Middle East has been an unstable slaughter pen for its entire history and nothing we do or don't do will change that materially for any substantial period of time. I just do not like seeing our friends left out to dry and our enemies comforted by a President who turns a blind eye to Christians carted off by the score to the dull knife queue while he preaches the virtues of the "religion of peace". If we are to maintain a sphere of influence there, however, we should be standing for the American values traditionally held in esteem by our people and not just those of the transitory meatbag occupying the Oval Office. The 2nd amendment earned it's placement and status and it should not be fvcked with...period.
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Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
You seem to be projecting again. Anyhow, the Official Michael Bloomturd Anti-Gun Pvssy Pamphlet clearly states that at this stage of the discussion, I should be referred to as a "mouth-breather" who like guns because I am "overcompensating" for something and that if I wasn't such a hateful racist redneck, I would realize that "if even one child could be saved" by giving up my gun rights, wouldn't it surely be worth it? Get with the program, Junior, and study up on your talking points!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I just do not like seeing our friends left out to dry and our enemies comforted by a President who turns a blind eye to Christians carted off by the score to the dull knife queue.
So you are looking for a holy war? See my comment about the vatican, you should be petitioning the vatican to raise an army to go do your religious killing. Christians are killed all the time, and buddhists, zoroastrians, natives that believe in their own regional religions, and so on. We aren't the world police or the christian police.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
You seem to be projecting again. Anyhow, the Official Michael Bloomturd Anti-Gun Pvssy Pamphlet clearly states that at this stage of the discussion, I should be referred to as a "mouth-breather" who like guns because I am "overcompensating" for something and that if I wasn't such a hateful racist redneck, I would realize that "if even one child could be saved" by giving up my gun rights, wouldn't it surely be worth it? Get with the program, Junior, and study up on your talking points!
That's some good stuff right there!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Not at all. The Muslims should be cleaning up their own mess because anything we do just gives them a common enemy to unite against. My complaint was that our President takes exception to calling Islamic Terrorists Islamic Terrorists but doesn't take to the airwaves condemning what they are doing to Christians(and others) even though he sometimes claims to be one. He bitches about semantics and cringes when "the religion of peace" is called out for the actions(and inaction) of it's adherents while turning a blind eye to what they perpetrate on Christians(again, and others) even though they are not the ones who voted and continue to vote against him and his policies here.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
You keep throwing "Christians (and others)" in there - doesn't that prove the point? They're not Islamic terrorists. They're just terrorists. And they're visiting violence on people, not just Christians.

What is the problem with not wanting to directly associate their religion, which a lot of people share, with their incidental choice to be a terrorist?