
More snow showed up, so we went south east.


Nam I am
Friday we got a bunch of Snow and rain and ice and all sorts of nastiness. Which made the trails basically unrideable. first thing I did this mornign was an Ice check. see if it was thick enough , I rode around my yard a couple times and My tires sank a few times ( maybe later in teh week it will be ridable ) . so this ment we needed to go to otis , Otis Air force Base on Cape Cod .

well the Big Blue Bus was leaving for otis at 7am from the Silver turtles., so I pack my stuff and head on over. got our bike and person loaded on the big blue bus and off we went. it was Me , the Silver turtle , Donny and the big blue bus driver BadDNA .

As we drove down about the time we hit the I-195 split just about all the snow was gone. We got down to Otis around , parked got set up and going and hit the trail by about 8:30.

BadDNA was riding his 40+ pound BigHit ( with rohloff ) The silver turtle was on a 40+ Pound SX trail ( with Rolhoff ), Donny was on a 39 Pound Giant AC1 and Finally me on a sub 30 XC machine , FSRxc. they were in Full Faces and I was just using a BMX helmet.

so Into the woods we go. we start by hewading down the 1/8 pipe and to our surprise the teeter tooter was back ! it was gone a couple of weeks ago.

BadDNA hitting the teeter.

right after this ther ewas a small drop, and the silver turtle hits it and Pinch flats , bot he and I were using Studded tires , which we did not need! so While he is fixing his flat , I took a stroll around on some trails we don't usually go down ( Ok Never ) . and As I'm riding I notice my front getting a little softer and softer , I found thorn. So now I'm changing a tire too.

Next On the graces trail , ther eis a Little rock up and over , Donny , just went for it , with out checking out the departure of said rock. he went staight off ! the actual departure point was to the left and Donny went ass over tea kettle.

Caught in action!!!

the silver turtle getting across

and BadDNA crossing the rock too.

down the rocky trail we would continue and Donny show no Ill effect from his tumble. launches

the Silver turtle would still huck but would be much more careful worrying about his tires and flatting.

Now we were looking afor and Found Mt Zig, we got to the top of it , and when we got ther e, BadDNA decides its snack time , OK We are on top of a Hill , the wind is howling ( we can see the white caps on Buzzards Bay ) and BadDNA decides to eat! well he quickly ingeseted his grub and off we went and Found Rocks!! to play on , Imigine that in New England.

The silver turtle.




and Not all the trails were clear of Snow some of them had a Nice covering which acted like glue on the climbs and had you floating all over the trail on the decents.

here is BadDNA and Silver turtle JRA on a snow covered trail

and we would find little things , and of course teh silver turtle would be sending every on off of these things orr trying to guilt them in to it.

and we started Heading over to teh Great white whale for one final play time .

then we headed back to the blue bus. about this time it appeared the temperature was warming and the ground was getting a little softer. at least that is what I thought till I relized I was losing air out of my rear tire.

so it was time to turn on the jets and High tail it back. they knew there way so I high tailed it back and Made it but my tire wasreally really soft buy the time I got there , but it still beats walking a couple of minutes later they would arrive.

What a great ride !


Dec 17, 2002
New England
Good job Guys!
That's great you got out there.

Heidi was out of town this w\e, which is why I was awol.
Would have loved to join ya. Great to see Dave out there.
Good stuff. :clapping: