
More SST stuff....

Fire Rider

Sep 15, 2004
Kent "Upper E. side"
So, a couple months ago at South Seatac I spoke to the Rep. of the land and "Mr.Race". They didnt have a problem with us bulding as long a we stay between the fence and the road (the road Andy was talking about a couple days ago). They also said," No wooden stunts, No gaps and No Holes, keep it natural."

I thought word of mouth would have been good enough, but obviously it wasn't so here's a written reminder.

I was at SST to work on the trail and ran into some people (Not going to say names). I was there for about 3 hours. One person was a XC race trail builder, the other the person puts on the races(Mr.race), another OWNS LARGE YELLOW EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT and last but not least hikers/walkers that live in the area.

I was just wanting to do some trail work, not trying to defend the actions of all tech.trail builders :nopity: . Each time I spoke to them I explained to them how much we enjoyed having this area set aside for us to advance our skills and stay fit.

They think its good to have tech. riding areas in the park but some, not all, of the gaps need to be tamed or filled. The holes dug to get dirt need to be filled. They also said,"if you want Big Dirt Jumps/BMX you know where to go in the park, but not back here."

I have been riding SST for years and I would like to keep riding out here. You guys that ride and build out here have heard that Mr.Race has say/or no say, yes, he does have some say. Well, the surrounding community, Prop. Owner and Mr. Race do know whats going on out there and may alter the trail if the guidelines are not followed. I dont want to see the Yellow Earth Mover out on our trails. Keep it safe and smart guys/gals.


Turbo Monkey
Thanks for the info Fire (Pip?).
Yeah, it is kind of getting a little out of hand as of late and I'm a little concerned about the BIG YELLOW THING myself.
We are not really looking to make it anything mondo-uber by any means...we're more or less just trying to make a nice, flowy place to hone the skills for the many bigger and better places the metro-area offers. More-or-less a place to go when the Whistlers of the world are down for winter. Also, a place where some of the less experienced riders can become better (which is why I think the K.E. Clinic going on tomorrow is being help in the perfect place - not to blow our own horn) without having to expose themselves to the more technical places around before they are really ready to.
It is a tricky balance keeping things in line there anymore since it has attracted so many riders of varying skill levels.
One thing that I think I may do in the very near future is get in contact w/ BBTC to see if they can give up ideas to make that area 'legit', as it is not an official place. They seem to be making alot of progress for the local freeriders as of late. I am beyond appreciative of the efforts that they have taken.

It's a damned good vibe that's going on out there and it would be very tragic to lose an in-city place to get the aggressions out.:(

edit - talked to Pip and you're not him. Regardless, thanks for posting that.