
More stupid anti-gun logic


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004

Binghamton police chief Joseph Zikuski said Tuesday that no robbery occurred and there was no merit to review Wong's gun permit.

In New York City, gun permits are reissued every three years.

Yet, regulations differ only slightly between states, Chamberlain said. "They're fairly typical _ don't be a felon, don't be a drunk, don't beat your kids or your wife. Don't be so mentally unbalanced that you need be in an institution."

To Chamberlain, the answer to gun violence lies not in stricter regulations, but in answering the question, "Why are we so tolerant of having guns in this country? The answer to that is historical. We've had guns for a very long time.

"I can't think of any sweeping law change that would address that."

To Vogel, the answer to why atrocities happen in places such as Binghamton, and before that Washington state and Santa Clara, Calif., lies in sheer numbers.

The number 280 million, to be precise, the estimated total of every gun in this country.

"When you have that many guns, those guns are going to be used in horrific ways," Vogel said. "There's just too many. Inevitably, somehow, some way, those weapons are going to be used in an egregious way."
Is the answer fewer guns (or no guns), or more guns?

Could we ban handgun ownership?

Or should have all of these victims own guns themselves?


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
"When you have that many guns, those guns are going to be used in horrific ways," Vogel said. "There's just too many. Inevitably, somehow, some way, those weapons are going to be used in an egregious way."

"When you have that many pencils, those pencils are going to be used in horrific ways," Vogel said. "There's just too many. Inevitably, somehow, some way, those pencils are going to be used in an egregious way."

Do we ban writing because of Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck books?

Bans mean nothing to idiots that mean to do harm.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I have been looking over the gun editorials, from the nra-ila to the brady center.

The biggest problem with all the anti-gun rhetoric is that it fails to mention one simple fact: except for Lovelle Mixon, all the other spree-killers acquired their guns legally. The only thing that might have prevented them from getting a gun is a psychological check, which I really doubt would stop anyone from getting a gun.