
more Tejas news....$250M+ Vioxx settlement


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
When the guilty verdict was read, the wife wept and the attorneys yeld "Amen!!!"

The newspaper didn't hear what the attorneys really said: "Amen!!! Quick, what's 40% of the $253M?"


I am at a loss as to how anything is worth that much???

*they should just make something to kill the world now.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
Had a long discussion with a guy at work about big verdicts like this. It's a chicken and egg thing. With a verdict like this, prices will go up, but without a verdict like this more people would die.

We lose either way.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
What they should do is put ALLLLLLL the settlement money into a fund to sponsor orphan drugs that CURE diseases instead of treat them.

Why are we spending so much dough on war and the military? What we need more of is SCIENCE. Seriously, 4b$ would fund a lot of research that could do a pretty reasonable dent in our list of diseases.

Also, with this news, companies are going to reduce spending of frontline research. I'm witnessing it happen as we speak; the company I used to work for may be going under. They research novel anti-cancer agents but because of this lawsuit Merck can't afford to fund their research any longer. That one settlement could have funded the company for a few years.

Gah, america is dumb.

(PS. Sorry for the rant, Biotech is my ****, and it disappoints me to see this happen.