
most depressing thing i've ever heard...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
So i'm in the checkout line at wal-mart today and in front of me is a husband, wife, and their 2 little boys. An older guy who works at wally-world comes up to the kids and says, trying to get a smile out of them, "Daddy gonna take you boys out to McDonalds after this?"
"You kiddin?" says the dad "You know where I work? I can't afford to eat at McDonalds."
"We eat at Wendy's," says the wife "costs $8.58 for all four of us to have dinner."

and to think, the g/f and i spent $22 to go out to breakfast this morning. that's seriously poor.


Jun 10, 2002
$22 for breakfast? my god, man. g/f and i went out and had a descent dinner last night for $16, which included a Black Tan, and a good margarita.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
the Inbred said:
$22 for breakfast? my god, man. g/f and i went out and had a descent dinner last night for $16, which included a Black Tan, and a good margarita.
nice waitress, so we left her a nice tip. but yeah, it is a kinda pricey place. really great food though.
damn, anywhere around here if you want food and two drinks you're looking at over $20 before tip for a decent meal.


Turbo Monkey
the Inbred said:
$22 for breakfast? my god, man. g/f and i went out and had a descent dinner last night for $16, which included a Black Tan, and a good margarita.
Yeah dude, but that's not a fair comparison. Hell, where I live, you'll be lucky to get away w/ a $35.00 break bill, and at least a $50.00 for a decent dinner. That's why I don't go out much either. For $15.00 at the grocery store, I can whip up that $50.00 dinner and flavored the way I like it :D


Jun 10, 2002
to be honest, i was surpised with how cheap it was. had IHOP a couple days earlier, and that was about $7 more. for IHOP. i was confused.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
Pau11y said:
. For $15.00 at the grocery store, I can whip up that $50.00 dinner and flavored the way I like it :D
agreed. i don't do dinner out very often (aside from meals on the cheap, like a burrito, pizza, etc) for this reason. i always feel like i could have done a better job for less money.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
well thats how it was when i was a kid.well notthat bad but we couldnt afford much at all. the only way i got to ride was because the dude at my lbs let me borrow his old specialized fsr dh to hit the local dh trail. but after my parents got divorced waas when i was happiest. before i moved in w/ this drunk ass stupid**** of a stepdad i got now. i dont understand my mom. she goes from one drunk who beat the crap out of us to another of the saem type who makes mmore money and has a house. ok i got a lil carried away w/ this post. but the ppoint i was trying to make is i was happier when me and my mom didnt have much money and didnt have very much at all. money doesnt buy happiness. im pretty happy now as long as im not home. i got my bike and my gf and my friends. thats pretty good if you ask me. more then alotta other people


Turbo Monkey
lovebunny said:
well thats how it was when i was a kid.well notthat bad but we couldnt afford much at all. the only way i got to ride was because the dude at my lbs let me borrow his old specialized fsr dh to hit the local dh trail. but after my parents got divorced waas when i was happiest. before i moved in w/ this drunk ass stupid**** of a stepdad i got now. i dont understand my mom. she goes from one drunk who beat the crap out of us to another of the saem type who makes mmore money and has a house. ok i got a lil carried away w/ this post. but the ppoint i was trying to make is i was happier when me and my mom didnt have much money and didnt have very much at all. money doesnt buy happiness. im pretty happy now as long as im not home. i got my bike and my gf and my friends. thats pretty good if you ask me. more then alotta other people
Hear hear to that. Unfortunately tho, the sport of mtn biking can get pretty pricy. Personally I don't drink, don't have a drug habbit, and don't have much expense. But I'm always broke because I have a "bike habbit." But I do eat well; that's one thing I won't compromise. It's gonna be tough when I go back to school and to a student's income again. But at least I know how to cook, so scamming on chics w/ food won't be an issue...hehe :D


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
squarewheels said:
So i'm in the checkout line at wal-mart today and in front of me is a husband, wife, and their 2 little boys. An older guy who works at wally-world comes up to the kids and says, trying to get a smile out of them, "Daddy gonna take you boys out to McDonalds after this?"
"You kiddin?" says the dad "You know where I work? I can't afford to eat at McDonalds."
"We eat at Wendy's," says the wife "costs $8.58 for all four of us to have dinner."

and to think, the g/f and i spent $22 to go out to breakfast this morning. that's seriously poor.

dude, that is nothing. a few days ago i was in front of my house like at 6pm, and there was this middle aged man, digging in my garbage and taking out carton and plastic. there are a lot of them digging the gargabe from all the houses around where i live, looking for paper, aluminium, etc.

i asked him, how much do you get paid for that?... he said 30 peruvian cents per kilogram, which is roughly 5 US cents per pound. i asked him, how much recycling stuff you collect a day?? he said, about 20 pounds.

that means he makes about 1 dollar a workday between 5pm til midnight..., and you gotta substract the 30 cents he spends on the bus from the suburbs to the city... or maybe he walked the 10 miles from the burbs.... :rolleyes:
and probably this guy has a family, and they all live on 1 dollar a day.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
squarewheels said:
So i'm in the checkout line at wal-mart today and in front of me is a husband, wife, and their 2 little boys. An older guy who works at wally-world comes up to the kids and says, trying to get a smile out of them, "Daddy gonna take you boys out to McDonalds after this?"
"You kiddin?" says the dad "You know where I work? I can't afford to eat at McDonalds."
"We eat at Wendy's," says the wife "costs $8.58 for all four of us to have dinner."

and to think, the g/f and i spent $22 to go out to breakfast this morning. that's seriously poor.

I just found out this past Christmas break that my parents used to feed us .....squirrel.


My parents weren't too fond of electric heat, either. First child awake in the winter morning (upstate NY) would build the fire. Imagine an 8 yr old with an axe.

My dad hitchhiked 40 miles both ways to work every day when I was in elementary school.

My mother made a sock doll Christmas present for me when I was 7. It was the best Christmas present I have ever gotten.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
squarewheels said:
So i'm in the checkout line at wal-mart today and in front of me is a husband, wife, and their 2 little boys. An older guy who works at wally-world comes up to the kids and says, trying to get a smile out of them, "Daddy gonna take you boys out to McDonalds after this?"
"You kiddin?" says the dad "You know where I work? I can't afford to eat at McDonalds."
"We eat at Wendy's," says the wife "costs $8.58 for all four of us to have dinner."

and to think, the g/f and i spent $22 to go out to breakfast this morning. that's seriously poor.
WOW I don't think ppl that poor should have kids.....

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
WOW, that really is sad:( I feel guilty now about the dinner I had last saturday night for my moms B-Day, For 6 people the bill was like $650 (including tip) Damn it was good though and even better since my dad paid for it:thumb:


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
squarewheels said:
and to think, the g/f and i spent $22 to go out to breakfast this morning. that's seriously poor.
huh! i had a bowl of a combination of honey nut cheerios and rice chex. then i sat in my underwear until 11:30 when i had a bowl of instant oatmeal.
but that's because i'm lazy, not poor. i just have it all pre-comitted to bikes :D


Nov 5, 2001
United States
I think the most depressing thing is the walmart guy asking the kids if daddy is going to take them to McDonalds!!

The guy must have been joking....McDonalds has a dollar menu including a double cheeseburger. Stupid..... :angry:


Turbo Monkey
flatulant_man said:
huh! i had a bowl of a combination of honey nut cheerios and rice chex. then i sat in my underwear until 11:30 when i had a bowl of instant oatmeal.
but that's because i'm lazy, not poor. i just have it all pre-comitted to bikes :D
Another guy w/ a "bike habit", I love it! :thumb:
Jan 13, 2005
squarewheels said:
So i'm in the checkout line at wal-mart today and in front of me is a husband, wife, and their 2 little boys. An older guy who works at wally-world comes up to the kids and says, trying to get a smile out of them, "Daddy gonna take you boys out to McDonalds after this?"
"You kiddin?" says the dad "You know where I work? I can't afford to eat at McDonalds."
"We eat at Wendy's," says the wife "costs $8.58 for all four of us to have dinner."
I havne' spend more than 6 bucks in any of my meals ever since i started buying bike parts back in high school. But jesus, 8.58 for four?

Then again, there were kids I knew that ate crackers for lunch. and when my mom lost her job and my dad's work was slow, for like two years, We didn't buy food from restraunts, period.. And we live in California, which meant most of our disposable income went to rent and ultility bills...

I just hope the kids don't grow up to work in Wallmart. That place is sucking America dry and we don't even know it. The irony of it all. Poor people are resorting to shop in Walmart, which statistically probably caused the low earning of the dad in the first place...
Jan 13, 2005
JMAC said:
WOW I don't think ppl that poor should have kids.....

Sounds like Kyle Browflofsky's Final Solution:

"We should send all poor people into camps, so there will only be rich people left...it's call Gods and Clods..."

Funny, all the most sincere, honest, hardworking kids i grew up with were dirt poor. And those who were in middle class and up families tended to be arragont little brats that didn't understand the value of money and frugal living

That's a great way to reduce poverty. You should tell that to the Vatican and see who comes out on top.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
springfield1911 said:
Sounds like Kyle Browflofsky's Final Solution:

"We should send all poor people into camps, so there will only be rich people left...it's call Gods and Clods..."

Funny, all the most sincere, honest, hardworking kids i grew up with were dirt poor. And those who were in middle class and up families tended to be arragont little brats that didn't understand the value of money and frugal living

That's a great way to reduce poverty. You should tell that to the Vatican and see who comes out on top.
Yeah I've noticed that to. Also poor kids often grow up to be rich because they want it that much more. I still believe that ppl who spend 8$ for 4 ppl to eat shouldn;t have kids. If you can't raise your kids on better than wendys and mcDs you shouldn;t have kids.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
JMAC said:
Yeah I've noticed that to. Also poor kids often grow up to be rich because they want it that much more. I still believe that ppl who spend 8$ for 4 ppl to eat shouldn;t have kids. If you can't raise your kids on better than wendys and mcDs you shouldn;t have kids.
Uhhh, most people who grow up poor live poor and then die poor. That's just the way it is.

Also, making any generalization like "the poor are ----" or "the rich are ----" is ridiculous. Likely, it's an assertion based on a feeling created by about a dozen or less examples forced on several million. I know poor dirtbags, rich jackasses, wealthy angels, poor saints and everything in between.

And saying that because someone is poor they shouldn't have kids is also ridiculous. Think about that for a little while. Better to not have grown up at all than to have grown up poor, right? Please. If they are raised to be productive and good members of society, who are we to judge?

Finally, WalMart is not as completely bad as you might think it is. It's an easy boogeyman in America but it has its place and benefits as well. Some of its practices are bogus and reprehensible but, hell, I've shopped there. For all my whining, I did not avoid it when I had the option. Me and 300 million other Americans.

Evel Monkey

Oct 28, 2003
JMAC said:
WOW I don't think ppl that poor should have kids.....


To me, that seems to be the responsible thing to do.

Make sure you can take care of yourself before you attempt to care for another.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
quadricolour said:
Statistically, that's not true. Almost all rich people are born rich, and most poor people stay poor. :(
Ok yeah your right but I know alot of ppl who were born very born and grew up to be much wealthier, being rich depends on what u think is really rich....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
JRogers said:
Uhhh, most people who grow up poor live poor and then die poor. That's just the way it is.

Also, making any generalization like "the poor are ----" or "the rich are ----" is ridiculous. Likely, it's an assertion based on a feeling created by about a dozen or less examples forced on several million. I know poor dirtbags, rich jackasses, wealthy angels, poor saints and everything in between.

And saying that because someone is poor they shouldn't have kids is also ridiculous. Think about that for a little while. Better to not have grown up at all than to have grown up poor, right? Please. If they are raised to be productive and good members of society, who are we to judge?

Finally, WalMart is not as completely bad as you might think it is. It's an easy boogeyman in America but it has its place and benefits as well. Some of its practices are bogus and reprehensible but, hell, I've shopped there. For all my whining, I did not avoid it when I had the option. Me and 300 million other Americans.
Well I'm very anti-Walmart I avoid it at all costs and I've actaully never bought anything at one.
Second, there was actaully something going on before Hitler, some selective breeding of humans. To improve our race, theoredically we evolve by only the fitest survive. That has change in modern culture where, the poorer and stupider have more children than the rich and intelligent. So they started to reverse that by not letting poor stupid ppl have kids. After ww2 and hitler everything changed because it's been forbidden to even think this way. Hitler took it to an extreme but the basic idea isn;t bad. I forget what this idea is called maybe someone on here will know.....also I know there are rich stupid ppl and vice versa but scientists for example almost never have 7 kids......


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
JRogers said:
Uhhh, most people who grow up poor live poor and then die poor. That's just the way it is.

Also, making any generalization like "the poor are ----" or "the rich are ----" is ridiculous. Likely, it's an assertion based on a feeling created by about a dozen or less examples forced on several million. I know poor dirtbags, rich jackasses, wealthy angels, poor saints and everything in between.

And saying that because someone is poor they shouldn't have kids is also ridiculous. Think about that for a little while. Better to not have grown up at all than to have grown up poor, right? Please. If they are raised to be productive and good members of society, who are we to judge?

Finally, WalMart is not as completely bad as you might think it is. It's an easy boogeyman in America but it has its place and benefits as well. Some of its practices are bogus and reprehensible but, hell, I've shopped there. For all my whining, I did not avoid it when I had the option. Me and 300 million other Americans.
My faith in Humans is momentarily kept alive by your post. Thanks.....


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
JMAC said:
Well I'm very anti-Walmart I avoid it at all costs and I've actaully never bought anything at one.
Second, there was actaully something going on before Hitler, some selective breeding of humans. To improve our race, theoredically we evolve by only the fitest survive. That has change in modern culture where, the poorer and stupider have more children than the rich and intelligent. So they started to reverse that by not letting poor stupid ppl have kids. After ww2 and hitler everything changed because it's been forbidden to even think this way. Hitler took it to an extreme but the basic idea isn;t bad. I forget what this idea is called maybe someone on here will know.....also I know there are rich stupid ppl and vice versa but scientists for example almost never have 7 kids......
What are you saying? First, you seem to be insinuating that because someone is poor that they are also naturally lacking in intelligence and other things. Irrespective of causality (meaning whether someone is "stupid" because they are poor or they are poor because they are "stupid" or that the two just go together) that is still wrong. Also, "stupid" is probably not the best word to be using. Second, yeah, nazism and facism are not looked well upon but there's no taboo against discussing population control; it's a pretty big issue. The underlying causes of population change, however, are much more complex than you make them out to be.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
JRogers said:
What are you saying? First, you seem to be insinuating that because someone is poor that they are also naturally lacking in intelligence and other things. Irrespective of causality (meaning whether someone is "stupid" because they are poor or they are poor because they are "stupid" or that the two just go together) that is still wrong. Also, "stupid" is probably not the best word to be using. Second, yeah, nazism and facism are not looked well upon but there's no taboo against discussing population control; it's a pretty big issue. The underlying causes of population change, however, are much more complex than you make them out to be.
I'm not talking about population control but evolutionary selection in humans. There's a word for it and I;'ll look it up but don;t have time right now....


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
JMAC said:
I'm not talking about population control but evolutionary selection in humans. There's a word for it and I;'ll look it up but don;t have time right now....
"...We see evolution as based on the trial-and-error process of variation and natural selection of systems at all levels of complexity. The name of 'natural selection' comes from the Darwinian theory of biological evolution, which distinguishes "natural" selection from "artificial" selection, where specific features are retained or eliminated depending on a goal or intention..."


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Crashby said:
"...We see evolution as based on the trial-and-error process of variation and natural selection of systems at all levels of complexity. The name of 'natural selection' comes from the Darwinian theory of biological evolution, which distinguishes "natural" selection from "artificial" selection, where specific features are retained or eliminated depending on a goal or intention..."
Yup...buuuut living the way we do now nothing is "natural" so dumber ppl are able to live and breed. We even invented ai so if you're really ugly and can;t find a guy to screw you, you can still have a baby :p ...but seriously everthing is artificial now why not make evolution artificial to. :sneaky: Obviously you guys can see i;m trying hard to get this one put in the politcal forum.....


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
JMAC said:
I'm not talking about population control but evolutionary selection in humans. There's a word for it and I;'ll look it up but don;t have time right now....
Natural selection maybe, and it doesn't have anything to do with money and very little to do with intelligence.

The environment ultimately selects individuals with the best suited genotypes to survive to adulthood and to reproduce. Those who have more surviving offspring pass on more of their genes to the next generation.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
minimum wage...
2% of ppl control 98% of wealth...

So you see: Those philanthropists everyone loves are really just the assholes that necessitate philanthropy!