
Motorcyclist Unite!!!


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Ok, this is a simple request coming from a Non cage driver to all the cage drivers out there, For the Love of GOD, Please please please, look out the window before you throw your Butts/drinks/anything out the window. For the most part good Riders are lookingout for Bad drivers, But you should of coarse be looking out when you discard something out of your car anyways so, look out for the Bikes, Oh and while i am on a rant, when your in teh Mountains, let the bikes pass you, you know there gonna go alot faster than you are, and if there a crappy rider, then let them pass and wait for the show!!!

Ok rant done, Comment, flame, have fun


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
You ask the impossible, sir. An asshat throwing stuff out their window does not have the mental capacity to think that far ahead nor the empathy to care if their actions have consequences for others. Removing them from the genepool is your best option for results.
[One more good reason for loud pipes - they mask gunshots. :evil: ]


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
DirtyMike said:
let the bikes pass you, you know there gonna go alot faster than you are, and if there a crappy rider, then let them pass and wait for the show!!!

Ok rant done, Comment, flame, have fun
No. Not happening.


Nov 28, 2005
DirtyMike said:
Ok, this is a simple request coming from a Non cage driver to all the cage drivers out there, For the Love of GOD, Please please please, look out the window before you throw your Butts/drinks/anything out the window. For the most part good Riders are lookingout for Bad drivers, But you should of coarse be looking out when you discard something out of your car anyways so, look out for the Bikes, Oh and while i am on a rant, when your in teh Mountains, let the bikes pass you, you know there gonna go alot faster than you are, and if there a crappy rider, then let them pass and wait for the show!!!

Ok rant done, Comment, flame, have fun
So what your saying is please liter with care.?????..how F--- up is that people actualy have to ask something like this.??..last week we were at a beach and when we left we could not believe how many people just walked away and left all the trash....freakin disgusting....


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
DirtyMike said:
Ok, this is a simple request coming from a Non cage driver to all the cage drivers out there, For the Love of GOD, Please please please, look out the window before you throw your Butts/drinks/anything out the window. For the most part good Riders are lookingout for Bad drivers, But you should of coarse be looking out when you discard something out of your car anyways so, look out for the Bikes, Oh and while i am on a rant, when your in teh Mountains, let the bikes pass you, you know there gonna go alot faster than you are, and if there a crappy rider, then let them pass and wait for the show!!!

Ok rant done, Comment, flame, have fun
If I'm in the mountains the last thing I'm going to do is pull over so some a$$bag on a motorcycle can pass me. If you want to have fun on the mountain then pull over and wait for the cars to get far enough away.

If your going to rant - then rant about something stupid someone does. Don't rant about people that are driving carefully up the side of a mountain.


Jul 27, 2006
Konabumm said:
If I'm in the mountains the last thing I'm going to do is pull over so some a$$bag on a motorcycle can pass me. If you want to have fun on the mountain then pull over and wait for the cars to get far enough away.

If your going to rant - then rant about something stupid someone does. Don't rant about people that are driving carefully up the side of a mountain.

and don't litter. Bikes or no bikes.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
ktmsx said:
So what your saying is please liter with care.?????..how F--- up is that people actualy have to ask something like this.??..last week we were at a beach and when we left we could not believe how many people just walked away and left all the trash....freakin disgusting....

I would prefer no littering at all, Yes it's Fd up to feel the need to say something like this, all started yesterday after getting hit in the forehead with a Cigarrette, thats a quick way to make someone crash.

For those who dont want to Pull over, In actuality, you should Pull over for Anyone, Bike or car, if your holding up traffic. Also if someone is tailgaiting you, i dont tailgate, but i have been tailgated by other riders being dumbass's, I found early on they were right in training class, speeding up will only let you have someone tailgated at a higher speed. But seriously, drive a speed your comfortable with, Motorcycles are going to be able to corner better and smoother than most cars, so as the sign says, slower traffic keep right!!!


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
BuddhaRoadkill said:
You ask the impossible, sir. An asshat throwing stuff out their window does not have the mental capacity to think that far ahead nor the empathy to care if their actions have consequences for others. ]
Unfortunatly, your very correct with this statement, saddens me people are not smart enough to relize what they are doing


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
DirtyMike said:
For those who dont want to Pull over, In actuality, you should Pull over for Anyone, Bike or car, if your holding up traffic.
Excellent point. I lived for years in a mountainous & touristy region. I used to give slow driving people two strikes. The strikes came in the form of reasonable pullouts where they could let me by easily and safely. To me that is common courtesy. They are on vacation. I am most likely working, going to work or going home. I have no problem with folks wanting to take their time up the beautiful yet treacherous (to them) mtn roads. In fact, why don't they pull over, get outta the car, breathe some of that clean mtn air and in the process let me pass?

I dont ask anything I dont do myself. When I am just cruising on a road where it is tough to pass and someone wants to get by, I pull out at the first safe chance. No biggie. It takes a couple of seconds and instead of someone riding your azz you get a good vibe and a friendly wave...

As for bikes in the mtns, the only 'shows' I've seen were guys that were really burning it down the Lariat Trail Rd. One guy got his bike so wedged under the guardrail that he couldnt get it out. :snicker:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
How about telling motorcyclists to stay in their F'ing lanes on curvey mountain roads. I've almost made hood ornaments out of several after they've cut corners on double yellow. Stupid.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
jdschall said:
How about telling motorcyclists to stay in their F'ing lanes on curvey mountain roads. I've almost made hood ornaments out of several after they've cut corners on double yellow. Stupid.

Track time isn't that expensive. The highways are not playgrounds.


Nov 28, 2005
even know I am a motorcyclist I would not pull over .. but at the same time I would not get to upset if someone on a bike can weave around traffic in a jam why not let him.?????..over in the UK. bikes have the wright of way ..people around here get all uptight and will do anything so that bike has to sit in traffic, freakin morons.....


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Ciaran said:

Track time isn't that expensive. The highways are not playgrounds.

werd. if you need to cross the yellow line to make the corner then you're riding outside of your limits for the road.

i'm all about taking it low and fast on a bike and i LOVE stunting when feasible. but there is a TIME AND PLACE for all of that, the highway/street is not it.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
manimal said:
werd. if you need to cross the yellow line to make the corner then you're riding outside of your limits for the road.

i'm all about taking it low and fast on a bike and i LOVE stunting when feasible. but there is a TIME AND PLACE for all of that, the highway/street is not it.

And the cop has spoken


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
that just happened to me on my way back from big bear this weekend. everyone knows the rule is if your holding up 5 or more cars pull over and let em go. well this tour bus backed up traffic for nearly a mile. took him a good 20-30 minutes to get it through his dumb head that he was holding people up. during this time there were 5 or 6 turnouts that could have fit the bus comfortably. took me nearly an hour to get down a hill that usually takes 20 minutes


Oct 17, 2002
DirtyMike said:
...all started yesterday after getting hit in the forehead with a Cigarrette, thats a quick way to make someone crash.
You got hit in the forehead? That implies you don't wear a lid. I have zero sympathy for bikers who don't wear a helmet. All I ask is that you die quickly and not cost the state millions of dollars in surgery and rehab.

Oh, please sign your organ donor card.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
LordOpie said:
You got hit in the forehead? That implies you don't wear a lid. I have zero sympathy for bikers who don't wear a helmet. All I ask is that you die quickly and not cost the state millions of dollars in surgery and rehab.

Oh, please sign your organ donor card.
maybe he has a fivehead that isnt quite covered by his helmet. if not, i concur.

one of my suppliers recently laid down her bike and got a shit pile of road rash. i asked her if she was wearing leathers. her response, 'well, it was really hot and we were just cruising...' suck it up princess.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
LordOpie said:
You got hit in the forehead? That implies you don't wear a lid. I have zero sympathy for bikers who don't wear a helmet. All I ask is that you die quickly and not cost the state millions of dollars in surgery and rehab.

Oh, please sign your organ donor card.

Thanks for your ASSumiption, Only ****ing retards wont wear helmets. I refuse to ride with someone who doesnt actually, check my garage, i probably have eight different helmets for diffent conditions and such. To clear this up i also have a Full windsheild, and i was wearing my 3/4. Its was a hot day, and this one breathes alot better than teh Full face shoei, Oh yeah i live in california, Helmeta are law here, i also have zero sympathy for someone who gets urt not wearing a helmet.

I like that video of the Harley diving off, perfect example of an Idiot, and what not to do, I agree with the track time statements, and not crossing the yellow line, its just retarded to get stupid like that, Also with lane sharing, here in California it is LEGAL, but should be used with disgression<SP> 90 MPH is not the time to Lane share, But in a traffic jam, and conditions are right, go for it. Back to the harley vid, you miss alot fo what is going on there, my first impression is a large group came up behind the slow moving vehicle and just went for it and passed, Not very bright, they should have relaxxed and given the other vehicle a chance to move, but yes they should have moved when teh opportunity arrived. Wish there was more detail to that. Oh and i like what alot have had to add to this one, Specially hearing From Manimal, a Police officer, about Fast and low, but keeping it in one lane!!!

Sorry, didnt mean to be an ass on this one, Just hate when people assume, I always wear a helmet, real helmets not the For show helmets. I dont wanna die being an asshat, Cause you know it would be something stupid, like getting hung up on a speed bump, dumping to the side, and smacking my head hard enough for internal brain hemoraging killing me before the Bus can arrive.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
lovebunny said:
that just happened to me on my way back from big bear this weekend. everyone knows the rule is if your holding up 5 or more cars pull over and let em go. well this tour bus backed up traffic for nearly a mile. took him a good 20-30 minutes to get it through his dumb head that he was holding people up. during this time there were 5 or 6 turnouts that could have fit the bus comfortably. took me nearly an hour to get down a hill that usually takes 20 minutes

What day were you up there??? And what were you riding???