
Mountain Biker Wins $2.9 million Lawsuit Against Landowner


Jul 16, 2007
In the cold hard light of day when you wake up a paraplegic and realise you need a crapload of cash per year to even begin to have anything approaching a half decent quality of life of and that you don't currently have that cash then you are going to start thinking about you are going to get it.
And that's everyone elses' fault how?

Thanks Lady...
She's "partially" at fault & still gets a boatload of cash? What a POS...
If anyone out there knows this douchebag give her a falcon punch, will ya?

People need to take responsibility for their own actions & stop suing over stupid ****.
20 years from now people will talk about this neat thing that we once had, called mtn. biking. Before all of the trails got sued away on us.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Oddly enough THOUSANDS (yes, that many) of mountain bikers have managed to negotiate that gate without impaling themselves. I'm not sure if that's due to the very wide go-arounds, the fact that the gate is in a high traffic area that requires riders to slow down, or the fact that the rest of us that ride there are not total focking retards.