
Mountain biking issues in North Vancouver

So, for those that don't know, Councillor Ernie Crist of North Vancouver is trying to ban mountain biking on Mt. Fromme. And hes an absolute lunatic. He claims that no where else in the world can you ride mountain bikes in forested areas off of pavement. How did this fool get elected? He claims that people are comming to Mt. Fromme because its the only place they can ride their bike on "forrested, steep, wet mountain slopes." I really don't know what to say. There was a radio show in BC this morning with Councillor Crist, and he shot himself soooo many times. Anyone listening to the show must has relised what a loony he was. Theres a thread on NSMB about it: http://bb.nsmb.com/newforum/showthread.php?threadid=55392
Its just so amazing how government officials can be so misinformed


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Yeah, he's insane. I emailed the Vancouver City counsel about it. And Crist's representative emailed me back that to sum it up said to mind my own business. To add to that there was a whole lot of crap about the trails tearing up the environment, which shows that he has never actually been up there or else has an ulterior motive because the trail quality up there is amazing. And to say that Fromme is the only place people mountain bike only goes to prove that this guy is an ignorant asshole. Since when has a conservative ever really cared about the environment anyhow?

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
Here's a copy of the letter I sent him last month:

Dear Mr. Christ,

It has come to my attention that once again you are trying to have mountain biking
banned from Mt. Fromme. I am from Rochester, NY and vacation in N. Vancouver
specifically for the trails in the area. I never come alone, and always stay at least
a week, enjoying the region's beautiful scenery, people, and most importantly the
world-reknowned trails. The expertise and methods used to build these trails,
is also known world-wide, often times duplicated in similar "sensitive" areas.
Please stop to consider the economical impact your actions may have on the
surrounding communities. We were always welcomed with open arms by those
people, and urge you to consider the many jobs and livliehoods that would surely
be affected by the actions of so few.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I've also been following this on NSMB. This Crist guy is a serious loon. I read about some of his history as a politician and the guy is known for his crackpot antics used to "shake up" the system. I feel like writing a letter to the appropriate authorities (Vancouver City Council I would imagine) and warning them that if they keep this up they'll end up like California.

I better get up there to ride before they ban bikes from the trails up there. It's sad that people can't get along better than this.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
DH biker said:
Old news, lol. There was something on MTBR about this about a year ago. Quite funny if you ask me.
Old news but ever progressing. Crist has changed the angle on his attacks slightly each time and keeps coming. His arguments are gaining ground, which means, while old, are ever prevelant :)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
I emailed him and hes a prick.

Dear Andrew:

Don't believe everything you read, not even from the NSMBA. For a more
accurate take on this monumental issue I suggest you access WWW
NSNEWS.com; Feb 23,2005, letter re Mountain Biking, Councillor Ernie
Crist. Thank you ,

Yours truly,

Ernie Crist


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
DH biker said:
Old news, lol. There was something on MTBR about this about a year ago. Quite funny if you ask me.
Actually NSMB has an update on this issue that is dated March 8 2005, and the message boards have at least two threads about this that have been posted in today. So it sounds like a current issue to me.

So while it may be "old news" and "funny" to you, it sounds fairly serious if you live and ride in North Vancouver.

Of course you got your info from MTBR so I guess we can't blame you too much.