
Mouth breather of the day


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Just got cut off by some douche in a yellow H2 (with giant aftermarket wheels of course) sporting the following bumper stickers:

"Gingrich 2012"


"So THIS is what it was like to live in Germany in 1938"

I need to GTFO of LA, now.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Just got cut off by some douche in a yellow H2 (with giant aftermarket wheels of course) sporting the following bumper stickers:

"Gingrich 2012"


"So THIS is what it was like to live in Germany in 1938"

I need to GTFO of LA, now.
LOL, that's so cute. Here in colorado springs that guy would be called a "moderate".


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
When my best friend said he feared if Obama were reelected that he would have to give up his firearms within 2 years. :rofl:

Do you know what they did in Nazi Germany? They went door to door and took everyones guns so they couldn't fight back. That's what the liberals are trying to do now!
I assured him if anyone looks to come to his house, he can stash his guns at my place because I vote Dem and would be on the list of folks who are "ok".


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
When my best friend said he feared if Obama were reelected that he would have to give up his firearms within 2 years. :rofl:

I assured him if anyone looks to come to his house, he can stash his guns at my place because I vote Dem and would be on the list of folks who are "ok".

When I heard the same thing out of a casual acquaintance I asked for a single piece of evidence to support this theory. I'm still waiting.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
When my best friend said he feared if Obama were reelected that he would have to give up his firearms within 2 years. :rofl:

Do you know what they did in Nazi Germany? They went door to door and took everyones guns so they couldn't fight back. That's what the liberals are trying to do now!
I assured him if anyone looks to come to his house, he can stash his guns at my place because I vote Dem and would be on the list of folks who are "ok".
nazis NEVER collected guns among the population, because there weren't any (or at least only a negligible amount) because of the Versailles treaty.... ;-) sounds like classic american polit fiction to me...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
When my best friend said he feared if Obama were reelected that he would have to give up his firearms within 2 years. :rofl:

I assured him if anyone looks to come to his house, he can stash his guns at my place because I vote Dem and would be on the list of folks who are "ok".

Reassure your friend that Obama has made no moves to restrict guns, instead he has just been arming blacks, gays, muslims and climatologists.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
When my best friend said he feared if Obama were reelected that he would have to give up his firearms within 2 years. :rofl:

I assured him if anyone looks to come to his house, he can stash his guns at my place because I vote Dem and would be on the list of folks who are "ok".
I remember my last regular exposure to stupid racists. He was a parts clerk in a small garage, and his racism permeated every thing he did.

Now before any weeping liberals start casting stones, we worked in a middle class suburb that bordered one of the worst parts of the city, which was yes, a black part of town. He and I both saw the same poverty and crime, but thankfully I had enough exposure and intelligence to understand this is just one part of minority life.

I have always seen Obama as a moderate. He has maintained most of the Bush Tax Cuts. He has kept Guantanamo open. We are still in Afghanistan. We bombed Libya. He ordered Somalia pirates to be shot and was willing to violate another country's sovereignty to get Bin Laden. Plus he has instituted zero gun restriction laws (and neither him nor Eric Holder did any gunwalking).

So I can imagine this guy ranting and raving from his 12'x8' parts cage about how Obama is destroying our country, stealing his taxes and scheming to take away his guns.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
When I heard the same thing out of a casual acquaintance I asked for a single piece of evidence to support this theory. I'm still waiting.
Actually, there is some circumstantial evidence that there would be more gun restrictions.

The Assault Weapons Ban passed when Congress and the President were Democratic.

Obama has endorsed the Chicago gun ban. Holder said we should "brainwash" children about thinking about guns: 302 Found
And Obama made the "cling to your guns and religion" comment.

My perception is that Obama recognizes that the gun issue is a political loser. It's an Amendment which many value dearly, and frankly, I don't see how a new federal law that even had a chance of passing Congress would reduce crime.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

When I heard the same thing out of a casual acquaintance I asked for a single piece of evidence to support this theory. I'm still waiting.
Yes, he said liberals wanted to remove the 2nd amendment. I too asked for proof and am still waiting.

He did point out that they were trying to limit the sale of magazines with more than 10 rounds. I asked when he might need a 556 with more than 10 rounds and if there were a problem with having 3 10 round mags. He just didn't like the idea of having to reload, I guess.
