
movie review time... my 4 more recent screenings


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Doing the netflix thing again, so I've been watching some movies lately. Here's the lowdown for you movie gurus...

The Island - I give it a 7 (out of 10)
Visually interesting, good plot, decent story line. Acting wasn't bad, not great. Some cool spots how they tied the story line together. Ending dragged just a bit. Definitely worth the cost of a rental.

Sahara - I give it a 6.
Kind of a modern day James Bond. Fun movie with some clever writing in places. Penelope Cruz isn't good looking enough to carry the movie, fortunately, she only has to until the action gets going. A fun movie, but nothing earth shattering. Worth renting.

Godsend - I give it a 6
Right on the very edge of being a great movie... just needed a little more umph in the suspense category. In places, I was really into it, but at other times it seemed to drag just a bit. Acting is good (with the exception of Rebecca Romijn Stamos), concept is cool, storyline is good. Worth renting.

National Treasure - I give it a 7
Very Indiana Jones-ish. Casual fans of american history will find it interesting. The chick is beautiful, especially once she lets her hair down after getting all decked out. I'm not a fan of Nicolas Cage, but he didn't bother me much in this movie (though he clearly can't run, which makes the chase scene drag somewhat). A long movie, but snippets of history are woven in with the action to keep things movign along. I enjoyed it, definitely worth renting.


Mar 14, 2005
I liked godsend.. a little freaky though.

I just saw a movie on cinemax I believe the movie was called: xx/xy.
pretty good movie, it was late at night, I was exhausted and it kept me up for the whole movie so it definately had my attention.. anyone ever see it??


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Only one I've seen out of those is National Treasure. I thought it was a decently entertaining movie and though the story line is interesting enough some of the scenes are MUCH to predictable. Anyone who's seen MacGyver more than once could've gotten out of those situations.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
your pretty much on the money, my Fav of the bunch was national treasure though somewhat predictable it was fun to watch anf it sheds some insight on our nations past and some great footage of our first capital city.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Yeah I thought the same about National Treasure, Sahara was pretty good I thought inspite of Penelope...she just isnt believable in that role. BTW I want that yacht does anyone no who makes that Green one that they blow up on the river?