
Moving to Pullman


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
What's there to do? I've been a little looking around online and am not seeing much. I gather it's a pretty small town...and it seems as though there's only one bike shop. :plthumbsdown:

So are there any trails nearby? What's the surrounding habitat like? Trees? Fields? I'm bringing up my hardtail, fixie commuter, and tri-machine. Is it safe to presume the majority of my free time will be spent in the saddle (read: there's nothing to do but drink or ride)?


Jun 14, 2003
renton, WA
welcome to the Palouse we have some good riding 10 miles away in Moscow


the snow hasent hit yet but its getting cold, as far as things to do, you just gota find the right people and there is lots to do, if ur into sports the games are great, lots of free movies on campus, casinos and bowling its boring for a while then things get better just depends on what your into.

you coming for school or just some place new to live? as far as shops go we have B&L in Pullman, Paradise creek and foletes in Moscow. so three different shops, paradise has a goos selection and B&L and foletes are good people


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
If you've got a fixie, a group plays bike polo in the art building parking garage every thursday night. Theres singletrack to ride up on Moscow Mtn like mike is saying but I think bike season is about over as it got dusted with 5 inches of snow yesterday. Theres good road riding and a nice asphalt 9 mile trail between Moscow and Pullman that continues almost to Troy you can ride for probably 20 miles one way

welcome man


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Thanks for the good vibes! I was a bit concerned by some of the resources (or lack there of) from my limited google-ing. We (the girl and I) won't be moving up there until sometime this summer; she was accepted into grad school at wazzu and will probably not start until the fall. I'm not sure what I'll be doing. Probably go back to school as well.

Thanks again for the greets. I'll be lurking in here to read about the goings-ons in your neighborhood. I had no idea that Moscow was so close and was a college town as well! Very promising...

Hopefully see you guys soon...


Nov 12, 2008
Wa State
As far as biking IN pullman, I would recommend bringing a nice Urban bike, there's lot of stairs and fun terrain to ride on, and off. I brought my bike over there to visit my girlfriend and she had to beg me to stop riding when she was out of school cuz I was having lots of fun watching the faces of alot of students as I was dropping 10-stairs. Watch out for teachers tho, they like to yell


Jan 3, 2008
Washington State
Well, I'll be one of the first to say it.. Pullman kinda blows for biking. Expect to drive a lot unless your into riding asphalt. The road riding is supposedly good, but its not my thing. The wind also blows A LOT here which makes road riding not so fun to me.

The habitat? Its mostly just wheat fields as far as you can see. Moscow Mountain has nice scenery though and some pretty good riding. Its always getting better. The local club(from the link above) is great and they work really hard on the trails here. It's mostly XC stuff, but there is some more techy stuff as well. The downside is the mountain is being logged to hell which is ruining some of the good trails plus its not really all that convenient from Pullman. I live down town and its about 40 minutes to make it to the four corners parking lot. Not so good if you sometimes like to get a "quickie" in. They also close the gate to drive up the mountain in November till sometime in late spring so even if you like to ride in the winter, you can't really get up there.

B and L is a good shop. They don't carry the products I perfer (they are a Trek shop) but they have great service and are good people.

I probably sound negative, but I moved here from Spokane last year. I feel Spokane has really good riding/hiking/scenery within minutes of down town. So maybe I was spoiled before. I spend a lot of time riding my commuter around wishing I was out riding my mountain bike. When I moved here, my only mountain bike was a 38 lb free ride bike, but I am building a hard tail so maybe I will have more fun riding Moscow Mountain next summer.

As far as going out is concerned, if you want to go somewhere chill and have a good beer away from drunken frat boy types, there aren't many options. Almost all the bars are "party" bars, and even the ones that aren't fill up with college kids. If thats your scene you'll have fun, but for me it got old fast. I work at one of the local bars so that might contribute with my burnt out feeling of the local pubs.

My wife and I have ended up driving to Spokane a lot for riding, music shows, decent food, and shopping. I am not trying to be a downer though, it could be worse here. At least its not the mid-west right? We are close enough to decent areas, Spokane 1 hour or so away, Seattle is about 5 hours, Snake River is 30 minutes South, the Blue mountains another 30 min. I try to make the best of it, you might like it better then I do. Welcome to the area.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
i lived in pullman for a few years and here is my take,

Pullman has good urban, and not just on campus but the tech stuff is there. roadie..well there are lots of roads and the urban trial is ok but flat and crowded except at night which is alot of fun without a headlight though a blinky is good for visibility. i cruised that back and forth a few times when i climbed at the UofI rec center climbing wall, which was fun(no real climbing around unlike spokompton) for actuall mtn biking there are are short trails around but nothing worth more than exploring and poking around if you're bored (summers are pretty boring). there used to be some DJ spots hidden around but i think they are all gone now, though i know of afew spots that might work...you'll undoubtably find some as there is nothing but dirt everywhere...though summers are dry and hard to pack.

Moscow riding
not much urban, campus has some neat lines but unless you like ledges to hop around on nothing fancy. used to be some Dj's but gone as far as i know. again talk to locals... the mountain has miles of XC loops similar to spokane terrain and foliage, there are a couple DH trails and definately fun. i was involved in cutting in a new trail up there once and it was fun for sure. lots of potential if the land managers would let more be built...

for everything else i would say its just like any other college town. there is good and bad...but its a small town