
MS 150 - Santa Barbara


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Hi all,

Earlier this month, on October 7th and 8th, I participated in the MS 150 from Orange County to San Diego. The Pacific Coast Chapter put on an amazing event, as they have for the prior two years that I rode. I made a concerted effort to raise money through my family and close friends, and succeeded in raising a little over $1,500 (woot!). A couple days after the event, a college friend of mine told me that he was riding in the Santa Barbara MS 150, and that he'd like some company. It was going to be his first MS ride, and I simply can't turn down another MS Ride and century.

After having exhausted my main fundraising avenues for the earlier MS Ride, I now need some outside help. I have so far managed to raise $250, and am only $100 away from the minimum fundraising goal. With that in mind, I would greatly appreciate any support from you monkeys. Be it $1, $5, $20, whatever--you make a difference regardless of the amount you give.


Thank you for reading, and happy trails (err, road).
