
MS Ride (WA state)

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Well...my bro-in-law and I decided to do the Multiple Sclerosis ride this year. A couple family members have been recently diagnosed, and we figured this would be a good way to show love and support while doing something healthy ourselves. We'll battle the hills while they fight the good fight...

It's a two day dealie that will end up covering 179 miles...(Day 1 = 104ish / Day 2 = 75ish). Should be pretty...and fun...and long.

Day 1

Day 2

Now...the ride that I'm doing this weekend is a 90 miler with about 1600 feet of climbing...the next weekend is a 101 mile ride with 1800ish feet of climbing...then I do this two day dealie on the 13th & 14th of Sept....Ouch. I hurt already.

Hopefully I'll have at least some photos...

P.S. This post is NOT intended to be a "Donate to me pleeeeeeeeaaase" type post...but if you do...here's a linky to my page if you want...
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Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Aight. So with the route distance (and elevation) in mind:

-What would be essential (nutrition wise) to take with me????

Gu packs? Powerbars? Clif shots?

I have a Camelback that will hold the stuff, but I don't want it weighted down too much cause on the 90 miler 2 days ago, it was a little too heavy.

Extra-curricular post crap below that has nothing to do with the question I just posed:

I'm going to try and only take the bare minimum (3 tubes, pump, tire levers, multi-tool, wallet, phone) in regards to maintenance items...

I'm going to have 3 20oz. waterbottles, so there won't be a problem with hydration (as there are stops to refill)....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Your body can absorb around 250 cals an hour, so I would try and eat a bar an hour (I only use shots when racing). If you eat too much you'll get gut bonk, too little and you'll bonk :) Depending on how hot it is you'll want to drink a bottle an hour as well


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
I wore a Camelbak for my first century and regretted it. The extra weight on my back provided no extra benefit as the MS Society provided plenty of water breaks. My second century I did with no Camelbak and didn't miss it.

Salt pills came in handy around mile 85. It was decidedly hot in Ventura that day.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Well...the Jeep is loaded, the bike is tuned...and now it's just about 22 hours till start time.

Weather looks very promising for the next two days (Low to mid 70's, low humidity).


I have decided to forgo the camelbak idea and use my nifty new profile design water bottle rack (behind the seat mount!!).

179 miles here I come. Hopefully being in the third largest team, I'll be able to get pulled by at least someone decent for a bit...otherwise it could equal teh suck.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Holy crap. It was epic. The weather was perfect. The route was beautiful. There were NOT too many toolbags. 1600 riders participated...and my brother in law and I basically had to pull each other the entire way, which was O.K. cause we didn't want to kill ourselves anyway and we're used to training together...

No photos cause I'm dumb and didn't pack a camera.

First day = 108 mi.
Time = 7 1/2 hours (with stops)

Second day = 75 mi.
Time = 5 hours (with stops)

We had wanted to stay with our group...or at least the fastest 4 or 5 riders...but that never panned out cause of numerous nagging injuries with those peeps. Then there were the other groups that were pulling a constant 24...that was a bit much....so we just went off by ourselves and had a great time. Nix that...an epic time.

The one thing I've learned by doing my first century: I need a bike that fits me.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Yo...thought I'd dig up last year's thread.

Tomorrow and Sunday is the 2-day ride this year. Should be another great time. This year will be cake (did the STP [202 miles]) in one day earlier this summer, so 168 over 2 days is a snap.

Weather looks promising and we're ready to rock n' roll.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
well...the ride could've gone better...

Pretty hilly route on Day 1 (94 miles)...

Apparently going 35 into a left turn with a front tire going flat is a good way to break your helmet into 3 pieces, fracture a clavicle and scapula and put a good dent in the pavement.

Bad news: I'm out for a bit...

Good news: I get to upgrade a bunch of parts on the bike, I can watch the Vuelta uninhibited by work, and I get to add 2 more broken bones to the count along with some cool scars from all the road rash.
