
MS Virtual PC question...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I've downloaded Virtual PC 2007, and was successful in setting it up, with Win2k and XP-SP2. My whole conundrum began with the idea of wanting to use my Palm Treo 650.

The XP VM works VERY quickly, and was quite surprised at it's responsiveness. while the initial interface seems a bit basic, it does encompass a bit more in the configuration.

Where I hit a stopping block was attempting to sync my Treo with the XP VM; unsuccessful. How would I identify the port, or how would I get the VB to recognize the USB port?

I have a copy of VMware, but it won't run on Vista 64 bit.

I think, actually, I may just image my drive as I have it, and then reformat and go to XP-sp2 32 bit and simply suffer with the video.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
do you use virtual center 2.5 or ESX 3.0? my vmware knowledge is local to clustering, but no pc, so i don't know if you have those 2 apps, where you could find out what you're asking.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
oh, vmware hosts the OS's, not other way around (it's a bare metal install)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I've decided that I'm going to image what I have NOW. Then put in my XP-SP2, reformat my hard drive, and then have a computer that works awesome. I am SO tired of the crap hassles from MS, the vendors and their lack of f'ing drivers.

I abuse the crap out of my work computer and it just keeps on bouncing back like NO problem. Vista 64 32 what ever, if it has Vista in it is f'ing JUNK. Now NO ONE can say I didn't give it a chance. I gave it 8 months.

The ONLY thing good about it was it made my graphics fly. But something tells me it will anyway with good 'ole XP. Hell, I should be able to surf porn MUCH quicker! :D


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
While you're fiddling...burn an image of this:


...and boot into it as a live CD and take it for a test drive. You'll like it.

Ubuntu can run an install of XPsp2 via VMWare. It should have zero issues connecting a Palm.

No antivirus software to run.
No antispyware software to run.
Super, DUPER stable.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
yeah, I have the beater laptop to load it on, BUT, the facking video chip on it is FUBAR! LOL!!!! Remember the BSD crap I went through? AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
OK, few notes.

Simply placing an XP OS CD into the drive and rebooting to the device, and setting it to reformat will NOT work going from a 64 bit OS, to XP. It will not find a partition to format.

On a side note, NEVER leave any external storage device plugged in via USB during the aforementioned attempt. The reason is the USB device will show up as the "C:\" drive, and if your not careful, you can begin to format that device. It is, in my case, unfortunate, that my external drive, connected at the time of the OS replacement, happens to be the same size as the HD in my notebook. Therefore....I did not formate the entire drive, as I disconnected it.

Bottom line though is for me to reclaim ANY data, I have to use some special software to get to the info. Any ideas on that special software would be welcomed, but I believe I may need to use some of the forensic stuff we have here....