
MSC sold? first new i have heard.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I met one of the Yeti employees at my local shop yesterday and talked about it with him for a bit. He said that it was only publically released yesterday that they had bought MSC.

I'm excited. :D


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I'm of 2 minds about it. It could trun out to be a good thing, with yetu throwing some muscle behind it. Yeti and Chris etc however like to run a tight business, and be as profitable as possible. This doesn't always go along with giving racers what they want.

Eric Jean cared about what he was doing. He wanted to give racers the best experience possible. That may not always be the most profitable route, but every MSC race I did, was epic. Losing someone who cared about racing and racers that much is a loss, no matter how you look at it.

That said, hopefully Chris and gang care enough to keep the level and quality of MSC races as high as they are, and not lower the bar in the name of profitability.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Transcend said:
I'm of 2 minds about it. It could trun out to be a good thing, with yetu throwing some muscle behind it. Yeti and Chris etc however like to run a tight business, and be as profitable as possible. This doesn't always go along with giving racers what they want.

Eric Jean cared about what he was doing. He wanted to give racers the best experience possible. That may not always be the most profitable route, but every MSC race I did, was epic. Losing someone who cared about racing and racers that much is a loss, no matter how you look at it.

That said, hopefully Chris and gang care enough to keep the level and quality of MSC races as high as they are, and not lower the bar in the name of profitability.
From what I heard Eric Jean and a lot of the Cycle Cyndicate crew is still highly involved.

But, please correct me if I'm wrong...


May 18, 2006
Yup, EJ and Pamela and the rest of the CC crew are still highly involved. They'll continue to be at every event this year and EJ's still steering the ship. Next year he'll serve in an advisory role and be on-site as necessary. We're lucky to be able to take an entire season to transition from Cycle Cyndicate leadership to that of Bigfoot Productions and to date EJ's bent over backwards to make sure that every 'i' is dotted and 't' crossed. That's all in the interest of guaranteeing that the transition will be as seamless and unnoticeable to our riders as possible. Some of the MX start-gate heckling may go away for those of you that have grown to like having EJ's sweet nothings whispered in your ear...

Chris? He's about as dedicated to the racer experience as anyone I've ever met on the manufacturing side (and I lived on that side of the tracks for a long time). He's down. So down it's scary. He wants nothing but the very best for the 'kids in his backyard' and that philosophy has manifested in several different ways so far. Having he and Hoog (303 mastermind/supergenius) on the side of regional racing opens up the doors of opportunity and credibility, not only to the bike industry, but to the bigger world of national and global brands. What does that mean? More resources for the MSC. Hopefully we're not looking through rose-colored glasses when we make that statement, but I think it's carefully calculated optimism.

Is he concerned about the bottom line? Hell yeah he is, but so was EJ. The job is too hard to do it for free. In that regard nothing's really changed, but overall I think that because of its relationship with Yeti the brand, Yeti the team and Yeti the demo program the series is dealing from a position of increased strength.

Me? I could blabber on about where I've been and what I've done, but you're only as good as your last success. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. I'll let the events do the talking. The only thing that I will say is that the racer experience has always defined the MSC and that commitment remains intact.

You can read the entire press release on the RideMonkey homepage. The guys were nice enough to post it there for us. If you're interested here's the link to the first MTBR thread that popped up:


See ya in Nathrop.