
Mt KearSarge


Nam I am
So I'm up at my In laws and I had a Little time before we headed for Home. well I was looking at the NE climbs webpage, and Mt Kearsarge is near my In laws. I wanted to do this on tukey day , but the weather was not cooperative. so I had a little time and what the heck, well there are too approaches the SOuth side which has 2800 ( in 3.6 miles ) Ft of climbing , or the North side which only has 1600 ( in 2.8 Miles ) ft. I was kind of puzzled by that but the North side was much closer to my In laws SO that was the route I took. and When I left my car at the base , it was 28 degrees.

this is the target!!

I parked at teh Bottom and started up THIS !! It was Brutal !! turns out that was the steepest part ! and it HURT!!!!

well I was on my Mt bike ( it was advised on the web site to use a Mt bike ) and I stopped twice on the way up once to raise my seat and the other time to drop my fork down to 95mm ( from 140 ) and make sure its locked out.

at about the half way point

and it wasn't very far when the road looke like this I guess they Ment it . Took note of the Ice patches I would have to worry about on the decent.

Just before the Top of the road section

well got to the top of the road section , then it was another Mile ( and 800 feet ) by trail

it became steep hike a bike after about a 1/4 mile so at that point I turned back. Now I understand why the south side has so much more altitude gain , the road goes all the way up.

well I took a couple of scenic Photos on the way down

Pats Peak ! ( as in 24 Hr os of ! )

Okemo VT

King Ridge ( defunct Ski area )

and lake Sunanpee

well now it is decent time, I was sweating like a Pig on the way Up, jacket open, Jerseys open , etc Now its about 22 degrees up there.

SO Screaming down I think My face Froze! and Having wet Jersey Made for a VERY VERY cold decent! fortunatly it was Fast!!

But It was fun , next time going to do the South route!