
Mt Snow Schedule is up

dG video

I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
Not sure if I want to go or not. Would be cool to film but riders seem to get the shaft at Norba events. Whats the expert course looking like?



Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
rockymt21 said:
Not sure if I want to go or not. Would be cool to film but riders seem to get the shaft at Norba events. Whats the expert course looking like?

probably the same as 2 years ago. fast, burly, off-camber, ending with some stupid death-defying trip through yardsale that will get cancelled before the race. oh yeah, and 8" of mud everywhere...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
Transcend said:
I agree. Wasn't it like 3 hours total last year?

Think i remember seeing that last year, it was like 5.5 for experts at the Park City race.

Better than "nationals" think we're back to 3 there for DH and 1 for 4x

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
That is sweet if you can get there on Thursday and practice from 9 til 1.
But on Friday and Saturday practice is from 8 to 10 and from 8:30 to 10:30 and the riding is done for the day.
Races like the US Open and Snowshoe have spoiled me.
I just can't drive 17 hours to ride for 2 hour practice sessions.
I realize that this is probaly not even Norba's fault as they are putting on a ton of events during this weekend, but I gotta my money's worth somehow.


Jul 31, 2003
Boston, MA
dante said:
probably the same as 2 years ago. fast, burly, off-camber, ending with some stupid death-defying trip through yardsale that will get cancelled before the race. oh yeah, and 8" of mud everywhere...
I seem to recall you getting shot by a sniper?


Feb 28, 2002
sayndesyn said:
according to their site, you have until race morning to register. I have registered online and in advance and it is much easier than doing it the day of.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
The course isn't that fun. For me I could either go to the race and have an alright time or I could go to jiminy peak, spend way less money, get in way more runs on way better trails and over all have a much better time.

I still can't find a reason for me to race at mt.snow.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey

Say - how late can you register for Mt. Snow???

I'm kinda in limbo right now selling my old frame and getting a new one within a week... hopefully everything will come together in time - but it would suck if I pre-registered, only to not have all my components shipped by race time...

Can I wait to register until say... June 14th???

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Banshee Rider

Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2003
Thats awesome they are extending practice! I liked the mount snow course alot last year. Super fun, requires a solid balance of balls and skill. Can't wait! :)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
It's a fun course come race day. 4 hours of practice on freshly mowed grass with hidden rocks and holes however, isn't going to accomplish much!

I'll be there if a few potential jobs come through, otherwise, I'll be freeriding bromont.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
If they took out yardsale there will be no spectators. Yardsale really isn't that hard. It's a sections where you need to go slower to be faster and people don't understand that.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
ill be there. hopefully ill make up for my crappy qualifier at the open with a podium at mt. snow. from what ive heard the sport course is cake compared to the open course so it should be fun.


Sep 12, 2005
bballe336 said:
If they took out yardsale there will be no spectators. Yardsale really isn't that hard. It's a sections where you need to go slower to be faster and people don't understand that.
So wait, are you speaking out of personal experience? Obviously not seeing that you have stated before on these very forums that you havent raced yet. Your "speculation" if you could even call it that, is completely proposturous. Most of the people that try and go slow through yardsale end up getting hung up on the rocks and over the bars they go. Its pretty much a rule of racing slow into the rocks, and open it up once your in them. Its pretty sad that your more concerned about how many spectators there will be rather than having a well rounded course, or even the racers safety for that matter. Have you even seen other parts of that course, the upper sections like ledges is more tech then yardsale. If these "spectators" only care to see people crash then who wants them there anyways...



May 4, 2005
gangstamaxx said:
So wait, are you speaking out of personal experience? Obviously not seeing that you have stated before on there very forums that you havent raced yet. Your "speculation" if you could even call it that, is completely proposturous. Most of the people that try and go slow through yardsale end up getting hung up on the rocks and over the bars they go. Its pretty much a rule of racing slow into the rocks, and open it up once your in them. Its pretty sad that your more concerned about how many spectators there will be rather than having a well rounded course, or even the racers safety for that matter. Have you even seen other parts of that course, the upper sections like ledges is more tech then yardsale. If these "spectators" only care to see people crash then who wants them there anyways...

well put about the fans & crashes..that section is so worn out there is no more dirt at the top of the entrance were you regulate speed, once your in it's very difficult to slow down, even for the top pros ......i'm glad to hear that section has been removed. DR. Harry (mt snow doc) can't believe how many riders he treats from that one section alone everyyear.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
rockymt21 said:
Not sure if I want to go or not. Would be cool to film but riders seem to get the shaft at Norba events. Whats the expert course looking like?

O can't say that its the most exciting course to film, but you can film very long sections of it b/c so much is in the open. You'll be able to get sections well over 100 yards.

It is cool about all the extra practice though. Even if its fresh-mowed, its still nice to have a warm-up day before the real practice starts.


Jun 15, 2002
heikkihall said:
The closest spot that you are supposed to be able to camp at is Haystack about 5 miles down the road from the venue.
There is No camping at haystack this year for some reason:mumble: .Book your rooms now while there are some left.