
MT StHelens victems familes demand an apology


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Uh I think these families should get a grip. It is a volcano eruption not a freaking sprinkler system. They want appologies from the state because their loved ones were in "safe" areas. There are no SAFE areas near a volcano expecting to blow, right? I visited Helens last NOvember when it was bubbling and shaking....but knew if something went bad it was a looooooong drive back down that highway. I knew the risks.


Families of St. Helens victims say loved ones not to blame
11:40 AM PDT on Saturday, May 14, 2005

MOUNT ST. HELENS NATIONAL MONUMENT, Wash. - The four bodies were found inside the family’s car, their lungs filled with ash. When rescue workers finally reached them, they also found a cassette tape, recorded by Ron and Barbara Seibold’s children on their way to the volcano.

“They were goofing around - asking whether or not they would see lava coming out of the mountain,” said Jim Thomas, who was a top state emergency management official in 1980. “One asked if it was dangerous, and both parents cheerfully reassured their kids that they’d be safe.” But they weren’t.

All four members of the Seibold family - the mother, father and two children, ages 7 and 9, perished when Mount Helens erupted with the force of a hydrogen bomb.

Of the 57 people who died on the mountain on May 18, 1980, only three are known to have been killed within the “red zone,” the area cordoned off by officials in the weeks leading up to the eruption. Another three - all miners carrying permits - died in the adjacent “blue zone,” an area closed to the general public but open to permit-carrying workers.

Like the Seibolds, the majority of the volcano’s victims were caught in the avalanche of boiling mud and ash in sections of the mountain considered safe for camping and recreation. Most died of suffocation from ash that filled their throats, noses and lungs. When she finally made it to the site of her brother’s death, Donna Parker found that even the eggs inside his cooler had been hard-boiled by the heat. Yet the bluff where William Parker, 46, and his wife Jean, 56, were camping at 8:32 a.m. that morning 25 years ago was nearly three miles outside both the red and blue zones.

“And this was supposed to be a safe place?” she asked. “The state owes us an apology,” said Parker, 66, who lives in Canby, Ore. Parker visited the mountain on a recent Thursday to show a reporter hand-hewn crosses she has been placing here for those whose bodies were never found.

Washington state officials argued that the blast was unprecedented and that there was no way for them to have foreseen the scale of the disaster, which ripped trees out of the ground 17 miles from the crater and devastated an area spanning 230 square miles. Within hours, its plume had blocked the sun over much of eastern Washington. Ash fell like snow as far away as Montana.

On TV the day after the eruption, Washington Gov. Dixie Lee Ray said that most of those who died were people who ignored official warnings and deliberately went into harm’s way.

When President Carter arrived in Portland, Ore. on his way to visit the disaster site, he made a similar comment: “One of the reasons for the loss of life that has occurred is that tourists and other interested people, curious people, refused to comply with the directives issued by the governor,” he said.

“They slipped around highway barricades and into the dangerous area when it was well-known to be very dangerous.” Bob Landon, former chief of the Washington State Patrol, said that in the weeks leading up to the eruption, tourists were routinely trying to get by roadblocks erected by the state. But when the bodies were finally recovered, it became clear that only a handful had died within the off-limits area, he said.

Twenty-five years later, relatives of the dead still feel the need to stress that their loved ones did not die because of their own recklessness.

“My mother would never ever, ever, ever, ever have killed her own daughter,” said Roxann Edwards, of Scio, Ore., who was 18 when her mother and sister set off for a day trip to the mountain. Rescue workers would eventually find Jolene Edwards, 19, and Arlene Edwards, 37, lying a football field apart in the branches of separate hemlock trees, about four miles outside the red and blue zones.

Across several ridges, newlyweds Christy and John Killian had been fishing that morning. Christy, 20, of Vader, Wash., would later be identified through her left hand, which was found still clutching the couple’s dead poodle. John, 29, was never found and for years, his mother and father continued to look for him.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Freakin retarded. Looking for a safe spot? Here's a clue kids: IT'S A F***ING VOLCANO! Try 100 miles away for starters.

Are they gonna sue magma and pyroclastic flows next?


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
I agree but this is the kind of twisted world we live in now! I mean the audasity(sp?) of these families to demand official appologies from the state

(note: No doubt to get some future reparations :rolleyes: )

for being in the wrong place durring an expected volanic event.

I just can't see it from their side of things. Maybe I am a heartless arse but I think they should shut their pie holes, frankly. This also ties into a book relase about the StHelens erruption.

Connection? :D :mumble:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
That's like asking Florida for an apology because your folks were killed in a hurricane and they weren't directly in the predicted path.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Totally agree. People in SF know the danger of living on a huge set of fault lines. If you're dumb enough to be suprised that volcanoes are dangerous, well, I'd call that 'natural selection'.
Apr 26, 2007
Have you gotten all of the facts right? They just want it noted that their families were not in the red or blue zones as was say by the President and the Govenor. If something false was said about your death and it made it seem that you had done something illegal and you hadn't would your family try to clear your name and ask for an apology? That is all they were asking for. The people who sued for money were the employees or the surviving families who were sent in there by the company they worked for.
Donna Parker was fighting to make sure that everyone knew that her brother broke no rules and if the red and blue zones had been in the area he died, he would not have been there.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Have you gotten all of the facts right? They just want it noted that their families were not in the red or blue zones as was say by the President and the Govenor. If something false was said about your death and it made it seem that you had done something illegal and you hadn't would your family try to clear your name and ask for an apology? That is all they were asking for. The people who sued for money were the employees or the surviving families who were sent in there by the company they worked for.
Donna Parker was fighting to make sure that everyone knew that her brother broke no rules and if the red and blue zones had been in the area he died, he would not have been there.





scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
um sammy dear, that fact that this is even a news worthy event is mt everest of ludicrous proportions...
even if the facts are twisted, much less straight, trying to demand officious consolation is just plain silly...
there are far more serious legitimate governmental SNAFU's that need to be addressed. please apply your righteous indignation to more appropriate endeavors...


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
they should sue mother earth. wait till you see that day in court. masive thunder bolts will rip though the court room and kill everyone inside. bitch about safe spots then


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Have you gotten all of the facts right? They just want it noted that their families were not in the red or blue zones as was say by the President and the Govenor. If something false was said about your death and it made it seem that you had done something illegal and you hadn't would your family try to clear your name and ask for an apology? That is all they were asking for. The people who sued for money were the employees or the surviving families who were sent in there by the company they worked for.
Donna Parker was fighting to make sure that everyone knew that her brother broke no rules and if the red and blue zones had been in the area he died, he would not have been there.
You sue that volcano right into bankruptcy, sister!
Apr 26, 2007
I'm sorry that you feel the need for me to offer an apology on my opinion. But I think certain families had the right to sue their employers for sending them into the danger zone, like logger Jim Scymanky and the other three people on his crew who died. Not only did he almost lose his life, he went through extreme pain trying to heal. It's just like any employee getting hurt on the job, they have the right to sue their employer for making them work in a danger zone.

I'm not trying to say that they can sue the volcano or mother nature or anything like that. But they were told by their employers that it was safe to go to work and that they would have warning if the mountain erupted even after the USGS told them that it could erupt without warning.

I've done a lot of research on the Mount St Helens and the victims (the dead and alive ones) and before you slam them and me, please find out more about what and who you are slamming.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
What kind of bike do you ride Samantha? I believe Skookum rides at Mt St Helens sometimes, you should go for a ride with him.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Have you gotten all of the facts right? They just want it noted that their families were not in the red or blue zones as was say by the President and the Govenor. If something false was said about your death and it made it seem that you had done something illegal and you hadn't would your family try to clear your name and ask for an apology? That is all they were asking for. The people who sued for money were the employees or the surviving families who were sent in there by the company they worked for.
Donna Parker was fighting to make sure that everyone knew that her brother broke no rules and if the red and blue zones had been in the area he died, he would not have been there.
Well, I can't interpret the executive order defining the blue and red zones, http://www.governor.wa.gov/execorders/eoarchive/eo81-11.htm. However, what I found on this site, http://www.tdn.com/helens/noFlash/mainpage.php?p=1116268618&w=P, listed this:

Ronald Dale Seibold, 41, his wife of 16 months, Barbara Lee Seibold, 33, and her children, Michelle Lea Morris, 9, and Kevin Christopher Morris, 7. The Olympia family were in their four-wheel-drive vehicle near the headwaters of Hoffstadt Creek, 11 miles northwest of the volcano. All died of asphyxiation by volcanic ash. Ron Seibold was a program engineer for the Washington State Department of Transportation and his wife was a teacher's aide at Olympia High School. Ron Siebold was also president of the Olympia branch of the Mountaineers climbing club.
Eleven miles from an active volcano?

I liked these two pictures, taken the day before the eruption and 4 months later:

What is a safe distance from a mountain which blows its stack? 11 miles does not seem far enough. When does common sense take a role in personal responsibilty and safety?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I've done a lot of research on the Mount St Helens and the victims (the dead and alive ones) and before you slam them and me, please find out more about what and who you are slamming.
Ok, why are you here? Are you Googling "Mt St Helens Victims Familes" looking for a place to vent?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
It occurs to me that if:

Washington state officials argued that the blast was unprecedented and that there was no way for them to have foreseen the scale of the disaster, which ripped trees out of the ground 17 miles from the crater and devastated an area spanning 230 square miles. Within hours, its plume had blocked the sun over much of eastern Washington. Ash fell like snow as far away as Montana.

The wtf are they doing classifying anywhere as a safe zone? If they cannot say what is going to happen then they should admit that and not give the impression they can guarantee anyone's safety.

Unless it's all part of a depopulation plan.
Apr 26, 2007
First off, I have nothing to do with any tv show, my name is Samantha Carter. Second, I came across this site because a friend told me about it. I wasn't trying to champion anyone or vent, I just thought I'd ask a simple question about if you knew the facts before you started slamming people who were killed there.
People (non scientists) didn't know much about what could happen with Mount St Helens because at that time the only volcanoes they knew about were the ones in Hawaii and those didn't explode like St Helens. They seeped magma or shot it up and out. It was guessed that thousands of people actually tried to cross road blocks trying to get a look at the mountain, but the ones who died were in the so called safe zone. The USGS set a red and blue zone arund the mountain and the Gov. took that to the logging company that owned land there and they compromised and new red and blue zone that didn't cross the company's property so they could continue logging. They put their men's lives in danger, killing 5 people I believe. Only 3 people were in the red or blue zones 2 working for USGS and Harry Truman. David Johnston knew how dangerous the mountain was and tried to tell people, in fact he was there even though he really didn't want to be because of his job.
I totally agree that they shouldn't have classified any place close to the volcano as a safe zone. Look how far Venus Dergen and Roald Reitan were from the volcano and they almost died and they were almost 30 miles away from the mountain. My grandparents lived in Olympia when it happened and they got so much ash that my grandfather who was ill at the time couldn't go outside or even use his a/c.
Oh and by the way, you can't google me, I'm not there. There are more than 1,000 Samantha Carter's in the world. I'm just one of them not a tv character.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
First off, I have nothing to do with any tv show, my name is Samantha Carter.

Oh and by the way, you can't google me, I'm not there. There are more than 1,000 Samantha Carter's in the world. I'm just one of them not a tv character.
So you would have us believe....

I think she a time traveller from the future on a mission to spread volcano awareness....Sarah Connor...Samantha Carter....seems a little too close to be coincidence.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Second, I came across this site because a friend told me about it. I wasn't trying to champion anyone or vent, I just thought I'd ask a simple question about if you knew the facts before you started slamming people who were killed there.
People are giving you a hard time because this thread is a year old and you're trying to continue the discussion - it really has nothing to do with whether or not you have a valid opinion on the matter.

As a matter of fact, the original poster of the thread doesn't even come around much any more.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
But they were told by their employers that it was safe to go to work and that they would have warning if the mountain erupted even after the USGS told them that it could erupt without warning.
IT'S A BLOODY VOLCANO. What do you not understand? They erupt without warning. It's what they do. Scientists, USGS members etc cannot predict a single thing about them. Their safe zone is based on computer modeled ESTIMATES about what happenned in the past. This was "UNPRECEDENTED", so themodels do not apply.

Take your lawsuit happy ass elsewhere. Beat it.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Wow, talk about "back in the day". I think that was a Wednesday, if I remember correctly.

<edit> Just in case people miss the reference:

Dane Cook: ... since back in the day, which was a Wednesday, by the way ...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
How'd I miss this!!!

Hi Samantha, I'm stinkyboy. :wave:
Don't be taken in by this predator.

There was an innocent woman on here a few months ago who loved photography and Photoshop. She was taken in by stinkyboy's wiles as well.

It all starts with some laughs and some drinks, and before you know it, you've woken up in an empty warehouse in Manhattan with a sore butt, your underwear dangling from the sprinkler system and a kidney missing.

Don't be that girl, Samantha.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Don't be taken in by this predator.

There was an innocent woman on here a few months ago who loved photography and Photoshop. She was taken in by stinkyboy's wiles as well.

It all starts with some laughs and some drinks, and before you know it, you've woken up in an empty warehouse in Manhattan with a sore butt, your underwear dangling from the sprinkler system and a kidney missing.

Don't be that girl, Samantha.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
It's getting worse.....

Samantha has 8 letter.
Carter has 6

S is the 19th letter of the alphabet
C is the 3rd.

6+3 = 9
19-8 = 11

What are we going to do?????
You are not going to do anything, we're sending someone over to see you now. We just want to "talk" to you for a bit.
Apr 26, 2007
Nice to meet you all and I promise I am not Sarah Conner or a time traveler. :o)

I have to take my daughter to her grandmother's tonight so I'll be back tomorrow to play. lol


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Perhaps they can use Mt. Saint Helens like Auckland is planning using their volcanoes. Fill it with sh*t and pay off the families with the profit :D (This is really true BTW)

Human waste to plug extinct Auckland volcano
By KIM RUSCOE - The Dominion Post | Friday, 13 April 2007

Auckland has come up with a novel plan for getting rid of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of human waste - use it to fill one of its many extinct volcanos, then turn it into a regional park.

Local authority-owned Watercare Services announced this week that it had signed a $25 million, 30-year deal with Puketutu Island's owners to dump the 61 tonnes of biosolids - cleaned, treated and dried human waste - produced by its Mangere treatment plant each week.

The waste would be dumped on a side of the volcanic island that had been extensively quarried in the past 50 years. The island's original volcanic cone formation could also be rebuilt using the biosolids, subject to public opinion, spokesman Clive Nelson said.

The other side of the island was once home to former Dominion Breweries owner Sir Henry Kelliher - and New Zealand trotting great Cardigan Bay - but is now held by a charitable trust and used as a wedding reception lounge.

The new biosolids dump was expected to be commissioned in about 2011 and take 30 years to fill, at which time it would be rehabilitated and turned into a regional park.

Meanwhile, a coastal walk and car parks would be opened to the public within six months of the company getting resource consents, Mr Nelson said.

Auckland University vulcanologist Ian Smith said Aucklanders need not be concerned that they would be showered in "biosolids" in the event of an eruption.

Formed 30,000 years ago, Puketutu Island is one of about 50 volcanoes on the active Auckland volcanic field.

The next eruption from within that field was likely to form a new volcano, rather than come from an existing one, Dr Smith said.

"I think it is pretty safe."


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
People are giving you a hard time because this thread is a year old and you're trying to continue the discussion - it really has nothing to do with whether or not you have a valid opinion on the matter.

As a matter of fact, the original poster of the thread doesn't even come around much any more.
Says you...:disgust:


at least I am remembered.....