
Mt. wilson guide


Jan 18, 2002
canyon country, Ca.
am looking into doing a Mt.wilson ride in the next month, but am unsure of the trail. i have only done it once and that was like three yeas ago. am looking to go from the where you come of the tunnel and start the single track that takes you all the way down. i have heard that it is easy to get lost and really don't want to that. it would be me and a couple of friends looking to do the ride. i sound like such a dork asking, but hey it's better than terribly lost. thanks in advance.


Jan 18, 2002
canyon country, Ca.
i am just afraid of getting lost. how is the condition of the trail? i remember some spots being quite scary if venture off the trail. had some pretty steep spots. i remember crossing a dirt road, that's the part i can't remember any further past. i remember the old hotel and then going through some camp ground down at the bottom. i do remember that once come out the very bottom you ride along the wash till you get to parking lot you shuttle from. as you can see i have a gaps in my memory of the trail. i do recall that it was a long ass trail.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
i'm down for a guide session. i'm not sure when the next time i will be riding there is. i've got a few busy weekends ahead this month.

there are some tough bits and there are some turns that could get you lost, but there are only a few such places. there are fireroad options around some of the tougher sections, which may or may not be so tough depending on the conditions. post up in the XC/DH thread here in the socal forum to find some of the krew i ride with who might be there sooner than i.
We did wilson last weekend during the rain, it was the best conditions I have ever seen up there. Super tacky and the upper loose section wasn't loose at all. We are going to hit it again when it rain's. Retro, I'll Pm you when the time comes.

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May 1, 2003
Its not too bad, theres several guys up there generally riding. If no one chimes in Id go to the parking lot and try and hitch a ride with some guys. Then you get to shuttle up and find the route down...
Travis!!!! wtf???... I was begining to worry about you.... good to see you on here again. You missed a classic N* trip....we rode hard and laughed even harder!

When you coming back to Socal?


3 Dude Approved
Yeah i missed the recent class (financial aid, shiot $20k isnt an easy task :D) but should be there in January.
Its supposed to snow tonight, sucks I was going to take the gixxer out and go marketing tomorrow! Foots holding good enough to ride it!
yeah Im bummed I missed N*, I only gotr 1 ride at Tamarack. (Smokejumper is off the hook though, definently will test the size of your balls. ROCKED IT!!!)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I rode it with Ciaran once. I didn't notice anything really hard the way we went. Just watch out for those cliffs!

Oh man that was funny. Dude tumbled over and over for what, 40 feet? Glad he wasn't hurt!

The route is easy, but it's not all DH. There are a couple of short climbs depending on exactly which route you take. Not sure if you can still find them using the search but I posted some maps about 2 - 3 years ago with one of the routes highlighted. Edit: I can't find the maps via search, but I will see if I can get them to you when I get home. I know they are on my PC somewhere.

Make sure to stop at the Mt.Lowe hotel ruins for a break. It's an interesting bit of Pasadena history.

God, I miss living in Pasadena!!!! I need to 1) Start riding more (again) and 2) move back to Pasadena (or Nor Cal)!
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Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
That was ridiculous. :rofl: I had the camera ready, but hesitated and missed the money shot because I thought he'd be dead...

We should wilson soon! I'd like to live in gnar cal, in Tahoe!