
MTB and Trail Erosion, etc... Look at this


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
I am researching this for school, and I found this article that bugged me in a way. Here is part of it.

"Some things are obvious: mountain bikes do more damage to the land than hikers. To think otherwise ignores the story told by the ground. Although I have never ridden a mountain bike, I am very familiar with their impacts. For the last seven years I have regularly run three to six miles several times a week on a network of trails in the Sandia Mountain foothills two blocks from my home. … These trails receive use from walkers, runners, and mountain bikers; they are closed to motorized vehicles. Because I'm clumsy, I keep my eyes on the trail in front of me. I run or walk in all seasons, in all kinds of weather. I have watched the growing erosion on these trails from mountain bike use. The basic difference between feet and tires is that tire tracks are continuous and foot tracks are discontinuous. Water finds that narrow, continuous tire tracks are a rill in which to flow. Also, because many mountain bikers are after thrills and speed, their tires cut into the ground. Slamming on the brakes after zooming downhill, sliding around sharp corners, and digging in to go uphill: I see the results of this behavior weekly. … I regularly see mountain bikers cutting off cross-country, even on steep slopes, for more of a challenge. They seem blind and deaf to the damage they cause. Admittedly, backpackers and horsepackers can cause damage to wilderness trails. But this is a poor argument to suggest that we add another source of damage to those trails." Dave Foreman
Some of it makes sence, but I think he has the wrong image of a true mountain biker, the all mountain rider.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Yea, it's the same old thing though. There are a handfull of assholes out there who are completely disrespectful towards other people on the trail and the trail itself (as well as the surrounding environment. Most of us are very aware of our impact on the environment and act accordingly by doing trail maintenance, cutting new trails to allow old ones to "recover" etc. But it's the handfull of jerks that establish a reputation we all get slapped with.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
IMBA has some excellent resources that you should look at. MTB damage is about the same as hikers, much less than equestrians. Irresponsible use causes damage, no doubt. But EVERY trail needs maintenance regardless of who uses it.

The eroding effect he's describing sounds like water damage from lack of maintenance. It happened to follow the same path as the bike tires, because they both tend to take tyhe path of least resistance. The water would have flowed there anyway. I'm not saying bikes didn't contribute, but its a drop in the bucket compared to what a storm can do.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five

So hikers and equestrians cause damage to the trail, butthat doesn't matter.....why? His last sentence makes no sense whatsoever.

I don't know anyone who rides off the trail to go up steeper sections. First off you wouldn't be able to pedal up areas without any trail. Usually such things as trees and brush get in the way. Though it is hard to make a judgment without knowing the type of soil and trails that he is talking about.

Dwaugh, would you really expect someone who "has never ridden a mountain bike" but is "very familiar with their impacts" to care what an all mountain rider is?

The Ito

EDIT: Noticed it's a quote from one of Vandeham's articles :mumble:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
That dude is a noted kook. I think someone (Stoney, maybe?) on the board has had a personal run-in or two with him.

www.safetrails.net forever, baby!



Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
It the typical "old hiker" attitude. I wan't to hear people like this try and explain how places like the AT, Long Path, top of Mt Washington, or any other "hiking only" trail gets erroded. You could drive a car down parts of them from the braiding / widening of hikers going around mud/puddles. They must have been poached by mtb's. :rolleyes:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
There's also the fact that in some places, it's only recently that bikers have arrived en masse. So, there are sometimes a LOT more trail users than there used to be. Now, though, instead of just being grumpy that formerly isolated or unused trails are crowded, there's the bike to point to, and blame for the erosion that comes with an increase in trail usage of any type.



Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Zark said:
IMBA has some excellent resources that you should look at. MTB damage is about the same as hikers, much less than equestrians. Irresponsible use causes damage, no doubt. But EVERY trail needs maintenance regardless of who uses it..
Yes, he sites that article and says that they did it all wrong, that they are wrong, etc. This guy annoys me a lot.

stoney98, you know this guy? He puts traps on trails? :confused:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I've had an ongoing battle with mikey v since 1996 in the mountain bike newsgroups and email. He actually was the one that lead to Rec.bicycles.mountainbike being moderated. Leaving Alt. the free for all. He is a very well known kook. What you don't see is that he believes that man shouldn't even really be in wilderness at all. He hates horses almost as much but they seem better able to ignore him.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Oh, you might have a dollar, then...a dollar to re-invest in your sick, habitat-destroying lifestyle!


Aug 21, 2003
Norcal :/
Go to sugarloaf ridge SP and do some research, err I mean hiking.
Bikes are NOT allowed on the non-paved trails. Neither are horses.

There are feet deep ruts in the trails everywhere.


Echo said:
I wish I had a nickel for every thread about that Vandeham asshat.
I wish I had a nickel everytime you wished you had a nickel. :D


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
When are people going to grasp the fact that if you remove vegitation from the ground it WILL erode. No matter who uses it. We have a trail in Truckee that has had a person doing these kinds of things. On a trail that was legal AND we had permission to build on it. When the whole booby-trap thing started happening I waited for the guy, watched him place the traps, took photos found out where he lived. Put a COPY of the photos on his door and said the others would go to the Truckee PD if he did not stop. We have had a clear trail from then on. F with my way of living and my well-being just so you can come here ON THE WEEKENDS will not fly here.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
dwaugh said:
Ok, I guess, I just like to get my point through to those who just dont get it. It's just who I am.


Whatever you do..... *please* don't mention Ridemonkey to him.
I am begging you.

If he comes over here, I will personally hunt you down and force you to watch "A Cinderella Story" with your eyes taped open for 234646 hours straight.



Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Maybe you guys need one of those motion trip cameras they use to photo tigers, etc. If you can photograph him setting a trap that later hurts someone, perhaps the police will be more likely to act.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Personally if I ever run into this guy he WILL get the crap kicked out of him... Then I claim it was self-defence... because it is. If you are attacked you have a RIGHT to defend yourself. I keep waiting for my two buddies from Oakland to run into this guy (some of you know who I mean). It WILL be the last time you hear of him for sure.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Hey, here's a big crusty pile of poo...let's poke at it with a stick!