
mtbr, what a waste of my time


Turbo Monkey
Feb 21, 2004
Falls Church, VA
For a week I tried to understand the clusterf*ck that is the mtbr forums, but sadly I wish I had a time machine so I can go back to warn myself to not post on there.



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Oh man, it's a moron-fest over there. The only time I post is when someone asks about the Mt. Baldy project we are working on. Then I usually just slap em down and tell them to shaddup. I tried to ask a couple of real questions there but only met with the sound of crickets.

I think I would almost rather hang at pinkbike than MTBR. At least on PinkBike they know they are dorky kids. MTBR takes itself to seriously. RM really is one of the best bike related boards out there.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Ciaran said:
Oh man, it's a moron-fest over there. The only time I post is when someone asks about the Mt. Baldy project we are working on. Then I usually just slap em down and tell them to shaddup. I tried to ask a couple of real questions there but only met with the sound of crickets.

I think I would almost rather hang at pinkbike than MTBR. At least on PinkBike they know they are dorky kids. MTBR takes itself to seriously. RM really is one of the best bike related boards out there.
RM is the best. Every other forum except for DH/FR is pretty good though. The best boards/forums on the web are RM's DH and Lounge forusm and the MTBR Turner board.


Funny - I just pm'd Skookum about being the only person to have a brain that posts there, that I recognize. I only go when someone links to it. meh, I don't even have too much time for ridemonkey, but it is the best. I hope Ciaran hasn't missed me too much.

*the comments about the poor folks that lost their little girl were over the top. It was rich when the dad called them out.


Apr 15, 2004
Agree'd the Turner forums are always the best information on mtbr, its like Orange County Cal, should brake away and become its own state. When the Yodeler's show up, they get called out!


Mar 14, 2005
way to much going on over there at MTBR . plus its all filled with little kids worring about what colr bike to get when their parents get it. i will however say that the Manufacturing forum seemed to be a big help, but then again no one ever rags on a bike that they have already bought


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
...nevermind, found it.

That is terrible. When we there in June last year I stripped a pedal 4 miles in & had to hike the rest & know how brutal the heat can be out there. I hope the family is OK (or as OK as you can be after losing a loved one).