
@#! Mung Day GMT !#@


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Up way too early.

Took the day off and am going fishing. In reality, I'm going to hit the shed and sit in a lawn chair while my buddy fishes.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Back on the short bus for the week. Need to get the camper cleaned up then loaded with fishing gear. I'm going to head out Friday night with the dogs for the west fork of the Carson river on the east side of the Sierras for two days of fly fishing.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Mornin! :wave:

Back from the land where no amount of Goldbond can quell the copious amounts ball sweat, aka Vietnam. Got back Saturday, had the longest calendar day ever (34 hours), turned 31 yesterday, and am now back in the office. Phew, what a ride. Back in the office now, damn it feels good to be back?


Feb 24, 2011
Spent yesterday getting the most out of the Maine summer. Took the family for a nice hike and swim down on the coast. We brought our little dog hiking with us. He is half Rat Terrier half Chihuahua.. He is an agile little bastard and has no problem hiking up granite mountains. Just as we were getting to the top, we pass some lady going down. Instead of "Hi" or "Nice Dog", we got questioned on if we had water for the dog. Do people just assume that everyone out there is a moron? Of course we had water. I think that my 9yr old needs water too, but she didn't ask about here. I bit my tongue and pressed on. Humans......


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Beaituful finish to the weekend. Got the boys in the water at our beach. Its cold but nice once you get in. More practice with the grill. Contractor will come by the house today to see what can be done with our budget. Hopefully what really needs to be done but main focus is securing the outside of the house ie roof, gutters and windows.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!

It was a weekend full-o-busy. Those are not generally my preferred weekend-types, but sometimes that happens. I went about 2-weeks without mowing the yard since we were at the coast last weekend - here in the South, that usually means going from lovely yard to full-on Sanford & Son overnight.

Went to an awesome cajun restaurant Saturday night - had the blackened catfish Po-Boy, and my wife had bowl full of cajun stuff with duck. Fantastic on all fronts. Hip sprints and then a movie. Nice night.

Go be awesome on Monday....I know you don't feel like it, but just go give it a shot.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Mysteriously not much work that I can actually do today. Therefore l shall be seeking out heat stroke this afternoon. Unsure whether to go for a moderately lengthy pedal or do some jumps instead...tough choices.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Buzzed my head last night. Observed three significantly noticeable stripes of shorter hair on the side of my head in the mirror at work.

Far from the first time I've done that, but this just may be the worst yet. 1/10 would not bang.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Car wouldn't start this morning, did it yesterday, but it did eventually start. Not today, though. This will make for a long week if I am in the truck, I was a jackass and didn't get a bus pass this month figuring the car was good to go with new belts, pulleys, and tensioners. Guess not (I think it is the starter).

Moar coffee.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Crazy busy couple of weeks for us. Headed down to Savannah, GA for gymnastics nationals with the family (oldest placed 6th on floor, level 4 out of 253 girls) and got home just in time for July 4th fireworks. This past weekend was my brother's wedding (I made the cake) and my nephew's birthday party (another cake). Today I made some delicious coffee (aeropress ftw @jonKranked ) and am working on some home improvements (watering some grass seed, mounting the new camper spare), spreading some mulch, weeding and wrenching on my Niner for tonight's ride.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
That truck cake looked amazing, TreeSaw.

I am at work. The other person I am on with is super lazy. Therefore I will have to pull well more than my share... but I will document it and bitch about it to higher-ups later in hopes of getting it (the laziness issue) resolved down the road.


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
Mornin! :wave:

Back from the land where no amount of Goldbond can quell the copious amounts ball sweat, aka Vietnam.
Happy Birthday. I thought you were going to say Georgia, not Vietnam.

On Friday we built 8 custom light fixtures for a corporate video to be shot tomorrow. Got to the studio this morning, to hang the fixtures and pre-light the set. Lo and Behold, the shoot was cancelled. GRRR.

Oh well, we did a temporary install of the fixtures for the director to see, as they swear this shoot will happen. It has only been cancelled three times now. Mapped the fixture locations for future reference and now we have to build two more.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Today is one of those day where I question the life choices I have made that require employment.
Unless one turned down a generous proposition from a multimillionare sugar momma (or poppa, I don't discriminate) in the past, what other options are there?