Still you read into it what you will.... Maybe she could be refering to it being right or wrong to give information. The rest of her thread says how she handed out condoms and educated sheltered catholic students where it was unacceptable to do soOriginally posted by DRB
She said and I quote "Information, any kind of information is better than none....and maybe the few of them who get the information, be it wrong or right will convince them to at least verify the facts and maybe they'll at least start using condoms...or practice abstinence."
And "I" qoute:
Your whole problem is with three words....esentially a qualifying phrase, and you lost all focus about what she is trying to say.In college I was an RA - each RA had to specialize in one or two things and hold workshops around the campus. My focuses were STDs and Rape. We were responsible for educating the campus, and being first contact counselors when situations arose.
At one of my workshops a bunch of students from the neighboring Catholic University showed up and begged us to wander their campus in Easter and distribute condoms and packets of information to their students, because they, as Catholic students, could not. We don't know how effective our little easter campaign ended up being...but the spread of information has to has to.
My problem with the post is that it relies on someone to verify that what they are hearing is true or not. What if they take the wrong information and just accept it as truth and act on it? Let me quote the actual article
"The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV."
My problem with the post is that spreading false information is actually much much worse than saying nothing especially when folks act on the misinformation.
You have alone erected a flimsy bridge to get what she wrote to argue your point....all the while she was not dissagreeing with you. You simply missread her post. You chose a bad example to continue your point....that is really all I am saying.
Attacking her for a post that happened after she posted, wich she did not respond to, and had no real connection to for an opinion is simply wrong. You can ask her opinion on it, but not attack her for what she couldn't possibly be refering to in her post.
As for when she typed it, doesn't make a sam hill's bit of difference. The fact of the matter is that little gem of HIV cure information" is being spread around and being accepted by folks as truth and horribly being put into practice.
There is more on the line in Africa, then telling someone "No those jeans don't make you look fat."
I agree that HIV/Africa is a real problem. I am not arguing that. Just that you "might" have read her post wrong.