
Muy Loco Downhill Race, Los Alamos NM


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
it sucks that im missing this race. dont feel sorry cause I'll be in whistler for 10 days during this time.

i'm taking 10 days off work this spring and hitting rough rider canyon, cloudcroft and los alamos in the days prior to the Chile Challenge.

tear it up!


Big E

Jan 22, 2004
Hell Paso Texas
all the guys from El Paso will be there again. and hopefull more than the last time. but the Los Alamos course is sweet. is it the same as last year? or will it be diffrent?



Nov 22, 2003
Hell Paso Texas
Yup.. The Roughriders will be there... I have a camera this year so i will get some pics!!! I hope they have rebuilt the course!!! I heard they took some stuff down.. ? any info on that? :eviltongu Hester , the eviltounge is for you.. Have a good time and lotsa fun at whistler!!! Do some stunts for us on the south shore.. :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
mountaingoat said:
:eviltongu Hester , the eviltounge is for you.. Have a good time and lotsa fun at whistler!!! Do some stunts for us on the south shore.. :evil:

This post was resurrected from ALONG time ago. I have been to 4 races and 5 road trips so far this summer and have not managed my $$ well enough to get airfare bought for whistler. So I'll be racing with you guys in NM afterall! See you there. I'm going to track you down and intro myself, didnt get a change in AF. Also looking forward to talking to Alex in person about his frames.



RAcing in Arkansas again this weekend at the Fat Tire Festival in Eureka Springs.


Oct 27, 2003
I am going and there will most likely be more coming from amarillo. Ive heard its a fun race and itd be cool to see some pics, so post some pics!!


Nov 22, 2003
Hell Paso Texas
The course is RAD!! It has some new sections.. They took out the tabletop in the middle.. I have been assured the trails are ready.. Yall wont be dissapointed.. peace :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
well i crashed and burned in Practice Saturday Am and broke my collar bone and probably a rib too. So I wont be seeing you cats in NM. went soo nose heavy on the finish line jump that i think i hit first before my bike. Atleast the bike is ok!

see you at Final Descent!



Mar 28, 2002
Kansas City
Hey Joel..this is Patrick from Freeridelounge.com. That was brutal crash man, hope
you heel up ok. When do the Dr's say you can ride again?

Sucks you wont be in Whistler on those dates..that's the same time we'll be there.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
dr said the break is tricky cause it isnt in the usual place. it right on the joint. could be up to 4 months. they cant say cause everyone is different and these breaks are rare. o well.


hAVE fun in whistler


Mar 28, 2002
Kansas City
joel hester said:
dr said the break is tricky cause it isnt in the usual place. it right on the joint. could be up to 4 months. they cant say cause everyone is different and these breaks are rare. o well.


hAVE fun in whistler
Man that really sucks, I hate seeing people get hurt. I was out for 6 months
so I know how you feel. Guess you'll have time to sit on the couch, drink
beer, and watch some bike vids.

Whistler will be kick arse this year with the expansion. Looking foward
to getting back to the Shore also. Is anyone else from Texas heading
up there around that time?


Jul 29, 2004
This is Neal, the Muy Loco Downhill course builder. I just wanted to let everyone know the present condition of the course. Last year the ski hill took down some of the big obstacles due to liability paranoia but I have rebuilt most of them and have added a new section of course as well. This summer we've had plenty of rain and that has helped out a lot in course preparation. The course is better than ever should be a killer race! Here are the changes to the course:

Big Rock jump at top: Rebuilt and is smoother than last year.

Small drop off first jeep trail. Drop removed but descent is still nice and technical. I added some water bars below this area for erosion control.

Log Ride/Drop: Was untouched and is in perfect shape. I cleaned up the landing a bit.

Big Drop into expert section: I rebuilt the drop with two 2”x12”x8’ planks. Should ride better than ever. There is a new optional sport/beginner line that parallels the expert section about 20 yards to the east.

Rock Garden: Still Rocky! I added a new optional sport/beginner line that parallels the upper part of the rock garden.

Steep decent above old snowboard section: I added a new line going into this section that should make it flow better. The small drop at the end of this section has eroded to a slightly larger drop. I added an optional line around the drop.

Old snowboard park table top: The ski hill took out the table top for insurance reasons so I added a whole new single track in the trees to the west of the old snowboard park. This new upper section has several small jumps in it. It then goes into the old jump park that we didn’t use for the race last year. This section has several fun jumps. I modified the jumps so you don’t have to be an expert dirt jumper to clear them (sorry).

Two jumps at end of course: These are gone and won’t be replaced. The jumps in the section described above more than make up for their loss.

Sign up and get race details at http://www.losalamos.com/fattirefestival/index.asp
Pictures from last year and new course map: http://tuffriders.losalamos.com/pajaritodownhill.asp

P.S. There will be a bunch of activities and good bands playing in town this year because the race is on the same weekend as our county fair. The included pasta feed will be at our duck pond where the bands are playing.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I just got back about 30 min ago... I got second in my class and was completly hung over(ask Alex) I got a concusion and a dislocated shoulder on my last run down. One of the guys from El Paso i think cut his lip in the rock garden(he shouldove gotten stiches) the race was alot of fun! Alex didnot set the new recored but did really well. Chris(the guy on the new Turner) bet alex by like half a second and that guy is fast as hell! Thanks alot to Tony for letting me borrow his brakes because mine ****ed up on the first run down! Everyone should check out that course!


Jul 29, 2004
Complete race results are posted at http://tuffriders.losalamos.com/MuyLocoDownhillResults2004.asp. We doubled the amount of race day racers from last year (we always brake a few on practice day). If anyone has cool pic.s from the race please send them to me. Big thanks to everyone who made it up here to race! We had a couple of screwups like the prizes but I think everyone dug the course. Hopefully we can do it again next year.