
My 15 minutes...


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
(Must "Register" to read on-line) Local newspaper story from yesterday;

Working in a workout Readers explain how exercise fits in their routines, just in time to help others keep their new year's resolutions
By Brett Johnson, bjohnson@VenturaCountyStar.com January 2, 2005

When it comes to squeezing an exercise regimen into their busy schedules, Ventura County residents -- at least some of them -- are a fairly resilient bunch. They'll hoist barbells in office parking lots next to trash bins on their lunch hour, get up at 4:30 a.m. to hit the treadmill before catching the morning train to work, jump on trampolines, bike like fiends for miles and miles around town and take walks around the neighborhood, getting back before the bell rings. If you're like many Americans, health goals top your new year's resolutions (if you make any). But many also give up by the end of February. If you're looking for ideas on how to keep up with an exercise routine, readers might be able to help. In response to a request from The Star, they shared their methods for staying in shape and how they manage to squeeze workouts into their days. Here are summaries from those who responded:

Eric Thomas Age: 47. Residence: Simi Valley. Occupation: Computer network administrator.
Workout: Bikes to and from work every day, a round trip of more than 12 minutes. At lunch, he alternates biking around town one day and lifting weights in the back parking lot of his business the next. His latter routine is 25 minutes of weights, 25 minutes of abdominals and five minutes to shower. Thomas keeps his barbells, a bench press, a pad and a camping shower in a closet at his office, and hauls them around in a cart to the Dumpster area for his routines and cleanup. Quote: "You know what? I like it outside. I can see the sky, I can feel the wind and I can smell the changes in the season. Workout life is good."