This was my 7th grade science teacher. This is the kind of bat-**** crazy religious freak nutjobs we like to have running SCIENCE classes where I come from:
Teacher investigated for using high-voltage device on students
Particularly telling about my roots is that the school district didn't think this necessitated any kind of disciplinary action or intervention.
Freshwater (or Fresh-two-oh, as he liked to call himself) once gave the following response to my 7th grade class after a girl in the class stated that she thought HIV/AIDs was God's wrath against those who deserved it for their sinful behavior, and they all deserve to die: "Well, you have to understand that AIDs isn't just a gay disease anymore..."
I don't think I'm asking for anything here. Just sharing a little bit of myself with all of you. :hugs:
Teacher investigated for using high-voltage device on students
Particularly telling about my roots is that the school district didn't think this necessitated any kind of disciplinary action or intervention.
Freshwater (or Fresh-two-oh, as he liked to call himself) once gave the following response to my 7th grade class after a girl in the class stated that she thought HIV/AIDs was God's wrath against those who deserved it for their sinful behavior, and they all deserve to die: "Well, you have to understand that AIDs isn't just a gay disease anymore..."
I don't think I'm asking for anything here. Just sharing a little bit of myself with all of you. :hugs: