
My 7th grade science teacher brands his students with crosses


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
This was my 7th grade science teacher. This is the kind of bat-**** crazy religious freak nutjobs we like to have running SCIENCE classes where I come from:

Teacher investigated for using high-voltage device on students

Particularly telling about my roots is that the school district didn't think this necessitated any kind of disciplinary action or intervention.

Freshwater (or Fresh-two-oh, as he liked to call himself) once gave the following response to my 7th grade class after a girl in the class stated that she thought HIV/AIDs was God's wrath against those who deserved it for their sinful behavior, and they all deserve to die: "Well, you have to understand that AIDs isn't just a gay disease anymore..."

I don't think I'm asking for anything here. Just sharing a little bit of myself with all of you. :hugs:

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
because he didn't attempt to fondle any students, most of the general public will not care, unfortunately.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
my dad had me hook up the timing gun to #1 cylinder while the car was idling.

this is just another in a long line of electric powered rite of passage into manhood


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
my dad had me hook up the timing gun to #1 cylinder while the car was idling.

this is just another in a long line of electric powered rite of passage into manhood
Did he burn the mark of satan into you with an open ignition wire? If not, quit your bitching.

A few of my favorite quotes:
Principal William D. White wrote a letter to Freshwater in January, telling him not to shock children with the device. The letter noted that it would not be placed in his personnel file unless he shocked his students again.
Exactly the kind of decisive action we need from administrators charged with our children's well-being.

"When Mr. Freshwater disagrees with teaching material based upon his own religious beliefs, he advises the students that, although he is forced to teach from the textbooks, the teachings are wrong or not proven according to the Bible,"
Seriously, can you BE a teacher, while specifically stating that everything you're teaching is wrong?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Could be worse. This is my high school.

Dismissal Urged for Teacher With Ties to Child-Sex Group

A Bronx High School of Science physics teacher who is said to advocate sex between men and boys is unfit to teach and should be dismissed, a New York City investigator urged yesterday.

A report by Edward F. Stancik, the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City school district, asserted that the teacher, Peter Melzer, as an official of the North American Man-Boy Love Association had championed child pornography and child prostitution.

Mr. Melzer has never been accused of a sex-related crime, Mr. Stancik acknowledged. On Monday Mr. Melzer, who had been on a sabbatical, was reassigned from his teaching job to clerical work at a Board of Education office building in Brooklyn.

Describing the charges as "total nonsense," Mr. Melzer, 52, said that in 30 years as a teacher he had never permitted discussions about sex in his class and that no sexual harassment complaint had been filed against him. First Amendment or Fitness

"It is an insult to our youth that a teacher can be barred from the classroom for what he believes or for whom he privately associates with," Mr. Melzer said in an interview.

Mr. Stancik acknowledged that Mr. Melzer's dismissal could raise questions concerning the infringement of the teacher's First Amendment right to free speech and his membership in the organization.

"We are not saying he should be punished for being a member of Nambla," Mr. Stancik said in an interview. "But we are saying that what he did as a member of Nambla is relevant to judging his fitness as a teacher."

After receiving the report, Ramon C. Cortines, the Schools Chancellor, said he would recommend that the Board of Education begin disciplinary proceedings to dismiss him.

"Though no evidence of misconduct on the job has been presented," Mr. Cortines said in a statement, "Mr. Melzer's advocacy and promotion of illegal activities make him unfit to serve as a classroom role model."

Because Mr. Melzer, who has taught physics at Bronx Science since 1968, is a tenured teacher, a three-member arbitration panel will review the charges against him and impose penalities if it determines he is guilty of misconduct.

Mr. Melzer said Mr. Stancik, who has been the head of the independent investigative agency for three years, was a "publicity hound" and had apparently resuscitated the charges after Mr. Melzer was interviewed about the organization on WNBC-TV last March.

The television appearance, according to Vincent G. Galasso, the principal of Bronx Science, provoked numerous complaints from parents about Mr. Melzer's fitness to teach. In April the school's parent association urged the board to dismiss Mr. Melzer and threatened a boycott of his classes.

Mr. Stancik, in his report, said Mr. Melzer had served for the last 15 years as a high-level official in the organization and had been an editor and had written at least 15 articles for the association's publication, The Bulletin. The articles written or approved by Mr. Melzer, the report claimed, contained advice on how to seduce and sexually abuse children and also endorsed child pornography and child prostitution.

Mr. Melzer denied that he had endorsed illegal acts, maintaining that he had spoken out against child pornography and prostitution.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Could be worse. This is my high school.
Incredibly, though, he managed to keep it out of the classroom. If a ****ing card-carrying pedophile can spend 30 years in a classroom and never touch a little boy where he pees, you'd think a Jesus freak could keep God in his pants as well.

When NAMBLA is our shining beacon of restraint, we got problems.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Geez. My high school at the time had the highest teen pregnancy and drop out rate in the nation, but as far as I know, it was Pederass free. Thanks for making that look good you guys. :thumb:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
wow you guys act like your high schools were so rough. Here's the kinds of things I witnessed:

-someone get knifed
-smoking crack in the bathroom
-snorting coke off the desk while the teacher was out of the room
-during a fight someone got thrown through a plate glass window in the cafeteria
-a kid broke into a closed off building on our high school's campus and managed to set himself completely on fire with printer toner.
-bomb threats galore

and this was only the first 2 months I was in high school. Also, we had 2 day care centers, one for the faculty and one for the students. The one for the students had 3 times as many kids in it.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
The worst in my HS was a kid dropped another kid out of a 2nd story window onto his head.

I'm still traumatized. And Canadian.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The worst in my HS was a kid dropped another kid out of a 2nd story window onto his head.

I'm still traumatized. And Canadian.
Falling two stories head first into 10 feet of snow? How bad could that be?

Or was there a hockey rink underneath the window?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Ohio, the allegations are just shocking.

There. We're back to you and bad puns. Feel better?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
wow you guys act like your high schools were so rough. Here's the kinds of things I witnessed:

-someone get knifed
-smoking crack in the bathroom
-snorting coke off the desk while the teacher was out of the room
-during a fight someone got thrown through a plate glass window in the cafeteria
-a kid broke into a closed off building on our high school's campus and managed to set himself completely on fire with printer toner.
-bomb threats galore

and this was only the first 2 months I was in high school. Also, we had 2 day care centers, one for the faculty and one for the students. The one for the students had 3 times as many kids in it.
The ghetto is a wonderful place... for poor people! :p
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