
My brother's atrwork


Oct 26, 2001
I haven't been home in almost a year, but I just saw some of the artwork my brother has done in the last few months. It's amazing we come frome the same parents. He can do this with his eyes closed, and I can't even make a stick person. Damn.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
nice work. i like the walter print; now i want a t-shirt!

i'm the same way -no artistic talent whatsoever. but i love to go gallery and art museum hopping. no talent, but great appreciation.


Turbo Monkey
I had some talent, and I'm sure it's still there somewhere, just undeveloped. But I shut that part of my brain down to focus on math and sciences. Now I'm just a geek. :(

Edit: does athletics and body movement count as the opposite side of the brain to math/science/logic? If so, I guess I haven't really shut it down, just focused it to ski and ride :D


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i can draw really good like your brother too, but i never use it.... too bad i couldn't give my abilities to somebody who wants to use it. :rolleyes:


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
dirtjumpP.1 said:
read the godamn picture, its a stencil and so are the rest :stosh:
still holy crap, i wouldn't know where to start for that to work as a stencil. awsome


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dirtjumpP.1 said:
wow.... this one just scares me... it looks just like this girl at my school.
squarewheels said:
holy crap. this one looks almost exactly like my girlfriend but with short hair...
some damn good drawings
Damn if that girl doesn't get around! She's in school with dirtjumP.1, used to date squarewheels and is now getting the business end from BrokenChain's brother! Slow down girl; save a little for your future husband! :p


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Nice stuff. I used to do stencils when I was in highschool. Basic ones are not that hard actually. I cheated and used pictures from magazines or photos and copied and resized using a photocopier. Then you trace them using a light table. The hardest part is deciding what is light and dark. High contrast images work best. You can tweek the copier settings to help with this. Once you got a good looking tracing start cutting with an x-acto knife and get out your spray paint.

This guy's good though. Multicolor is tough. Not only is it technically tricky to do all the alignment but color selection and deciding what should be what color (shading etc.) all require a highly developed aesthetic sense. Kudos to yo bro...

EDIT: I was in highschool before the wide spread use of scanners. Now you could just scan your image and play with it in photo shop to make a mono chromatic (or colored layers) image and go from there...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
This actually made me go do 2 stencils today, because i was sick and at home and didnt have anything better to do...

I drew a gun with engraving and a cross at the handle, then printed it on the back of one of my sweatshirts... it is still drying...

The other one was a man holding his hand out. I stole it from some web site, i thought i was cool, i did it white then cheated and highlighted the hand and head with pink... i looks cool.

jdschall... what type of paper so you use? I used thin cardboard, not corogated and it wrinkles after the paint dries on it.

EDIT: here they are, call them crappy if you like, but i think there very good considering i suck at art :D



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
My Dad is a graphic artist and he always had stuff laying around I could use. I forget now what exactly it was. I imagine it was card stock though. Thicker than paper, thinner than cardboard. Also check arts and crafts stores and fabric stores like Joann's Fabrics. They have a plastic film that is used specifically for stenciling on fabric. I remember it being a little harder to cut but it will not wrinkle. They will have all sorts of lettering stencils, fabric paints, and stencil brushes too.

Have fun. I'm planning on doing one for my helmet soon. I reckon the curves are going to give me hell....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
What type of paint should you use on t shirts...

I used spray paint but that jacket just soacked it all up...

On the gun stencil i used acrylic/latex wall paint, i dont know how it will work, worst case is that i will have to buy a new wal mart sweatshirt, black size medium...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
If you want bright lasting colors on fabric use fabric specific screen printing ink or fabric specific stencil paint and use a stenciling brush. Just dapple the brush in the paint and dapple the brush on the stencil. Its more of a blot blot motion than a smear-paint motion if you know what I mean. I'm not really sure if you can get strong enough colors on fabric with spray paint. You'll end up using too much paint and get runs and overspray.

The problem with the stencil paint you'll find in a fabric store is color selection. Your going to end up with a lot of boring "Colonial Blue" and other earthy arts and crafts crap. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will have some cool stuff.... Screen printing ink will have a much wider variety of colors.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Also - while not as ghetto as a pure stencil and a can of spray paint, you can tape your design to a screenprinting screen and use a squeegie to put the ink down. If you are using a paper stencil you can only get a few runs in before the stencil gets ruined. But it is good for short runs and is much cheaper and easier than burning a screen.... and you can number you prints and get more indy cred. You are only limited by your imagination.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
But what is a printing screen?

Im not even sure how to do it other than i drew the gun and cut it out, then poured some white paint on it with a sponge. lol


Oct 26, 2001

He WILL sell shirts.
Price: Light colored shirts $22 + postage. Dark colored shirts $27 + postage (Requires a different paint.)

*Note: price does NOT include shirt! You may either mail one to him, or send him money and he will purchase one for you (You can even pick the color). If anyone wants multiples, he will give you a price break. All shirts come with SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL VANDAL across the back. He will do his other stencils too. You may contact him via AIM at BMXKyKy with any questions.

*Other note: He is online quite a bit, but has a tendancy to fall asleep at the computer, so it may take some time for an answer :thumb:

This is roughly how it will come out (Sorry, this is the biggest image he had)



Oct 26, 2001
Also, he does not have Paypal. If you insist on using it, you'll have to go through me. PM me for that stuff if you decide to go that route.