
My Family. I'd like to punch some people...


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Man, I just got an email from my step mom that my parents are divorcing after 20 years of marriage. Now, Im a grown ass man and I know people can be stupid assholes. But, my parents have been awesome. Foster parents, adoptive parents (3 girls) and they've done so much to help all of us kids when we needed it. There are 5 of us 37, 30, 19, 18 and 17.

What I worry about most is my pops. In 1982, when I was 8 two years after OG mom/Dad got divorced I had to take a super surreal trip to the hospital to see my dad in a halo who after a car wreck had no movement below the waist. Life after that was hard and weird. I spent a lot of my teenage years caring for a paraplegic, when most kids got to play and have fun I was caretaker, nurse, student, full-time employee and son. It took me many years to get over my anger over those teenage years and to realize the selfishness.

He didn't let that stop him, he had a great career and in the process met my step mother. At first I hated her and almost punched her out once. But as I mellowed so did they. Being an adult now Im so glad they met. They seemed like such a perfect compliment. She didn't seem to care that he was in a wheelchair and what that meant to begin a relationship and carry it on. They began fostering severely at risk kids. Their first adopted child was just 3 days old when they got her. Born to a pill popping mom she had a malformation in her brain that give symptoms of cerebral palsy. A few surgeries to help straighten her foot and build muscle and you'd be hard pressed to ever know she had issues. The next two were actual sisters. Left by their parents the youngest was hit by a car as a toddler. They came to use extremely afraid and scared. 16 years later we get to this point.

My 19 year old sister has been secretly dating a boy from her high school. A boy whom Im told is under 18. Along with the divorce news this evening i've been told that she has ended communication with my parents and dropped out of college to move into this kids house with his parents. Im so ****ing disappointed with her it's not even funny. Im so mad at my parents I wish they were here so I could smack the **** out of them.

Now, the two oldest, my brother and myself are having to deal with being the problem solvers and ensuring my our father isn't left alone to die. If this divorce happens I've been thinking about asking my dad to move west to Oregon. If the girls go with my step-mom back to california it'll just be my dad alone in Ohio (they do live in his hometown) so his sisters, mom and brother are all there but Im worried. lifelong parapalegics don't always live super long, lots of complications and health issues and it scares the **** out of me that this could be more than pops can handle.

Just wanted to say that.

How would you guys go about approaching the subject of talking a family member or parent into moving?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Well, I'm probably the last person one should ask...(I stay far away from my crazy fvcked up family)

But that never stopped me from giving advice to strangers on the internet.

I would suggest a trip out there to sit down with your dad and his sisters, mom, etc and set a game plan. Make sure everything is set for him and if it looks like that won't happen, go from there.

They say the three top stresses on a family are death, divorce and moving. Maybe a good thing to avoid putting your dad through two of those.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
And hey - good for you for being there for him, now and all those years ago.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
The worst part is my dad hasn't been involved with any of the family finances since they got married and I have serious doubts about his ability to deal with all of this. ugh.

Reason number 1 I will never get married.


Sep 8, 2009
Divorce is always a tough thing for families to go through. My parents have been divorced since I was 2yrs old and my dad is on marrige number 3 now (hopefully this one works out). Also a lot of my friends grew up in split families as well.

Hang in there dude, you'll figure things out.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Well, I'm not stranger to it, I went through divorce #1 at 8 years old, then pops got briefly remarried about a year later, and then now his 3rd wife.

Im ok with it. If they are unhappy, they are unhappy and aren't doing the girls any service by remaining together in the household miserable. My stepmom will be fine I'm sure (she's a tough, smart woman) but dad is smart, but he's in his 60's and has had some health problems where we all though he was moving on to the flip side in recent years. So it's a bit overwhelming to think of how he's gonna deal. But my step mom last night said he's bit ok with everything so she thinks hell be fine emotionally. She did mention he seems to has lost his zest for life in recent years, so thats troubling.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
When I got the FB message from my stepmom at midnight or so last night the first thing she said was she had some bad news and I immediately thought my dad had died. But I knew she would never email about that and would call regardless of the time.

It just keeps getting better. My stepmom is moving back to cali this week and she told the girls they need to make a decision on where they want to be. One of them is gonna go to cali, she found she has an actual brother that was adopted to a different family she wants to begin a relationship with. My youngest doesn't want to leave dad and is worried about him being alone.

Tough place to be in as kids. Im an adult, so whatever happens doesn't really affect me all that much. But now the kids are being torn apart. I found out what my dad has in the way of finances and retirement and theres some relief there but not a lot. The have several properties that are either rented or renting or in the process of being sold so there will be income coming in from there so thats a bit of a relief. I guess my biggest fear is he decided to stay there and could possibly be alone. I couldn't move there, as I would be committing career and mental suicide if I did. So now my brother and I are looking into in-home nursing care for dad, or any kind of managed at home care to make sure he's ok.

But being on the other side of the country really makes me feel ****ty in these times, especially one where I'm laid-off from work and not financially in a position to be making trips home.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
It never seems like things will work out for the best when everything is unraveling around you, but this will all work out just like it did once before for you and your family.

My hats off to you for giving up so much as a kid to take care of your dad, good vibes to you