
My first MX race tomorrow!!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
So, I entered to do the Race Around the Lake in Castaic, CA tomorrow. It has not been done since 2006 and I've heard it's really fun. Anybody got any tips for me? They're doing a GP start with the bike off...glad I have a new motor with only one day of riding on it, she starts on the 1st kick hot or cold.

Also, anybody on here going to be there tomorrow? Should be pretty sweet even to watch. Here's two videos of the track, one from 2006 and the other is kind of a track preview for this year.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
Dude seriously looks like a lot of it is in the start, even more so than a normal moto race because it looks like there's less places to pass in some spots.

Other than that just pin and eat a lot tonight for the endurance tomorrow.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
If you get last you have to spend the weekend with PSP and his goats...they still exist. Even Hurricane Irene can't stop that ****.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Well, the race went WAY worse then expected but I'm still all amped on today. It was by far one of the most fun forms of racing I have ever done!! I got an AMAZING start....and then threw it away at around 1min 30sec. into the race. I came into a corner and stalled the bike so got passed, then I ate crap shortly after and my front brake lever loosened itself completely and was just flopping around. Since I couldn't even use my front brake I had to really cruise.

The start was kind of lame though because we all waited (80 of us...yes 80) in the sun for about 40min. lined up until they finally started. Parts of the track were insanely slippery though because it constantly changes to concrete so I also crashed a few times there as well (total of 7 crashes). But yeah, it was beyond worth it and ton's of fun!! Ended up placing 25th out of 37 (40 people off the start were Novice) so I guess I'm ok with that for my first race. Most of my friends there said that if I didnt crash and didn't break my brake then I could have won. They said I'm pretty fast but I honestly think I'm stupidly slow. Oh, and I never have seen this track before and only saw a couple corners from the start so was going into this thing not knowing the track....while others had already ridden it.

Should have a video of my start up soon and will post it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Thanks! Yeah, I think after that start I was just over confident and that's where I started messing up. Next race I'm going to tone it down a bit and just keep it going smooth and steady....and hopefully actually ride the track before I race, or at least walk it.