
my frineds and I are starting a dh team


Aug 4, 2004
To be sponsored (and get stuff for free) you have to be very good. Being sponsored is a good thing, but it doesn't come easy. It may happen eventually for you, but only time will tell as you progress. If you wan't better bikes and parts, you might be better off just getting a job and buying whatever you want. Biking is *that* expensive.


Turbo Monkey
riskit4abizket said:
When my friends and I wanted to make a team we didnt have any sponsors or many races under our belt, but we made a team anyway. Then we made a website and asked companies to look at it. Over time we got quite a few offers from sponsors. I highly recommend a website so that people know your out there. If you would like to look at ours, check out www.norcalfreeride.com. Good luck.
About time! This is the first useful post in this thread!
Mtnbrider, do what you want and ignore what these nay-saying dizzy bastards pipe your way. Maybe each of you drop some coin and get like riding gear so you can start by looking like a team. Once you guys get good and get sponsorships, you guys should think about running same/similar bikes. That way if one of you gets into a mechanical and the others can help out either w/ parts off their bikes or spares for the team. If you guys don't get sponsored, keep in mind what Sherpa said and there's nothing like riding and having grins w/ some buds.


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
lovebunny said:
whats wrong with racers? other than the fact that they dont throw their bodys and bikes off huge cliffs and damage both?
nothing other than your mentality and jealousy based hatred for huckers... :heart: