
My house this year

When ever I see you and you say "hey tim, I want to jump your neato jumps" or you could pm me, or I could ride with you, or you could ride with me or .......

But honestly, just let me know if your gonna be over this way.....

I just got the last two finished about a week ago and haven't had time to ride em since, so me and cable_guy have only ridden the first three, but he's brokenatored now so i have no one to ride with :( So heck ya, if ya wanna ride....


Mar 13, 2002
yeah, I suppose that's kinda cool, I guess.

Not. That's totally awesome!

I'm working on my own stuff at the shop I work at, maybe I'll post some pictures someday.


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
Hey Tim, We need to get some matresses and junk cars to make it the perfect CE race course, maybe even a junk boat. I found a boat under the power lines a couple of weeks ago. The guy who dumped it forgot to take his trash out of the boat, the sheriff found his phone number and made him haul it away. I am going to do some reverse fill up here towards RP, smoothing out a little spot to make it rideable.
heres a picture of a picture of what it looked like last year

and also a pic of my dad's bobcat that i used to help build the jumps :)
It's for sale if you need one...It the biggest one this side of the mississipi.

Ok not true, but the only other one of this size is in Idaho, and i think my dad said it was all burned up. It's bigger than your average bobcat



Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
You should make a full short track mountain bike course. When I was at Schweitzer they had a nice short course. I am not sure what kind of bikes everyone was riding but I know short track racing is pretty popular outside Washington. That boat ended up where it was because the wheel fell off the trailer as the guy was taking it into the woods. Dont know how long it would have floated in the lake though.
You could definitely make some trails with the Bobcat. I found a pretty cool trail coming down near RP that motos still use a little. Unfortunately after about a mile the road that cuts RP also cut this trail. I couldnt find if it continued down somwhere else.


May 16, 2002
Outside Seattle
T:I:M I am coming over to ride your jumps.. Then we (or I mean cable guy) can run us up to the top of rat pac. What weekend works best for you...

I will see about getting a copy of the video we did at rat pac last year for you two... You guys are movie stars..
Yeah, Our 4 second part was absolutely stunning I'm sure! :)

Anyways, Im pretty sure any weekend will work now that I quite my job. So I've got some free time....the afternoons are best, cause I usually help my dad out with our new house in the mornings.

talk atcha later..


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
Tim, This thread gives everyone the impression that we are busy making trails and jumps out here in Cle Elum. Some of the time we give directions to Rat Pac and other trails to some of the visitors, like the secret roads up to the ridge for an inside the gate shuttle. I dont know who gave the directions to these guys but they got lost. I dont know if you have seen the red car, but every day it get worse. Its been blasted by a shot gun etc. The wagon sits in an obscure spot. You can pass it and never see it.


yeah, i see the red car and the other real beat up one all the time. Haven't seen the wagon yet though. ;)

I'll check about saturday..It should work, but with all this rain, if it doesn't stop soon and give enough time to dry out, it's be slicker 'n snot. Brody can drive, but i don't know if he's staying here or going to the other side(your side) of the hill to go shopping..... :lol: But it is for school, and it is with his lady friend, so i guess i can't really bug him.