
My Lunch Time ride today , Snow and all !


Nam I am
Yes I actually got my Mt Bike out and took it off road today, even with the 2 feet of Snow on the ground.

you see a whole bunch of us have been snow shoeing on some trails right here by the office ( and some from other companies , and 1 XC skier ) . so after a week + of this I decided the trails are pretty packed down, they should be ridable. welll.........
I go out there , got on it and was doing pretty good for the first 100 yards, it was a lot of work but them I hit a soft spot and my wheel droped 1 foot plus through the snow. , trouble getting started again on the narrow snowshow path but finally did , now I have gone may be 50 yard more and there is a small down hill ( nothing really) but I start down it it, my front wheel sinks and over the top I go. Glad the snow was soft to land in. I managed to do this for about 500 yards and decided enough of this.

I hopped onto the road , and rode over to Lake Chaucy in Westboro, where the Snow Mobiles frequent. on my way over there I saw anothe one of our trails had had alot of foot traffic dso I try it , I didn't even get 20 feet in before my front wheel sank and over the top I go for endo # 2 , Ok back to the road I got to lake chaucy and the snow mobile trails were ridable !!!

I rode them for a mile or 2 before heading back, the lake also looked ridable , but I did not have my studded tires on my hard tail, so I didn't try. but even though most of it was road riding it felt good to get out .

and here is my art work for the ride



Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Did you make any snow angels after the endo?? It's warm out today and the snow is soft...I was almost able to stand my bike up in the snow to take the photos of it at lunch today. if it were a little deeper I could have done it - but the bike kept starting to topple over so I had to lean her up against the tree to take the pics.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Some advice for you....

Soften up your front tire or maybe even try tubeless.

Put your seat back a little and lower your saddle. I have even seen folks turn thier handle bar back. The key is to unweight your front wheel and float over the stuff. I think as you get snow wheels your whole body will loosen up.

Even a slight downhill requires you to get off the back of the saddle.

Learn to ride the center of the packed area and lunge through turns.

Tree dabs are acceptable in the winter. I use trees to make some turns.

Its all good on a bike!



Nam I am
jdcamb said:
Some advice for you....

Soften up your front tire or maybe even try tubeless.

Put your seat back a little and lower your saddle. I have even seen folks turn thier handle bar back. The key is to unweight your front wheel and float over the stuff. I think as you get snow wheels your whole body will loosen up.

Even a slight downhill requires you to get off the back of the saddle.

Learn to ride the center of the packed area and lunge through turns.

Tree dabs are acceptable in the winter. I use trees to make some turns.

Its all good on a bike!

was already running tires soft ! had the brakes opened wide, seat was low.

the problem is the snow was soooo soft and deep, that when you got off teh pack , you front wheel would sink to the hub. even with my butt damm near sitting on the rear wheel.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
splat said:
was already running tires soft ! had the brakes opened wide, seat was low.

the problem is the snow was soooo soft and deep, that when you got off teh pack , you front wheel would sink to the hub. even with my butt damm near sitting on the rear wheel.
I bet conditions will be perfect tonight..... We got about 2' of snow on the ground and the trails are about 2' wide. The packed down area is about 10/12" wide. So I certainly feel for you brother. Just keep at it until it seems like no problem at all. Wehn we bring folks out they get discouraged easily and won't come out again. If you work at it enough you will get what I call snow wheels and you will stay on the trail.....jdcamb
I went out last night and this afternoon, not really good riding, only about 4" of snow, but it's settled powder; the places with a whole lot of foot traffic work OK, as does untouched snow. The moderately travelled stuff is horrible. Lumpy enough to slow you down and kill directional control. It is riding of a sort, though.



Nam I am
jdcamb said:
Just keep at it until it seems like no problem at all. Wehn we bring folks out they get discouraged easily and won't come out again. If you work at it enough you will get what I call snow wheels and you will stay on the trail.....jdcamb

You should know me better than that by now ! me give Up ? NEVER !!!