
My Morning Commute


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I had a video conference this morning that started at 3am, so I decided to ride. Its normally about a 45 minute ride that is normally pretty harrowing.

2:00 I set off. A little chilly but knee warmers and arm warmers did the trick. First thing I noticed was that a lot of folks have lights on in their houses at that time of night.

2:05 I hit the first main road. No traffic and surprisingly little light. Cross over the interstate and see my first cars but not many at all. Thought about stopping and spitting on cars but not this early in the commute. Run the first two lights I come to as I still haven't seen a car yet.

2:10 Got a real good pace going and still have seen a car yet.

2:15 Cut thru a bank parking lot as normal and around the corner and there are 3 cops sitting there behind the bank. They were sitting at the picnic table I've never noticed before eating. Waved and said What's up?. Strange looks from them but at least they didn't shoot me.

2:20 First 4 cars all together. They call cut me a wide birth.

2:25 This is normally the most dangerous part of the ride, narrow road, on a slight downhill, lots of stop and go due to a weirdly timed light, incredibly small shoulders that are always full of gravel, glass and other crap. I normally am super careful (read super slow) thru here this time its headdown time trialling kicking along at 32 mph.

2:30 I realize that I am about 10 minutes ahead of schedule. Decide to just hammer and see how quick I can do it. Blow thru 3 more lights and see only two more cars. My heartrate is way jacked up but I feel good.

2:35 Think about a drink and decide to just keep hammering along.

2:37 hit the parking lot and ride right into the building and run smack into the security guard. Both of us go down in a heap. Luckly I know him and he decideds not to shoot me either. On to the elevator and into the office.

Washcloth shower, put on a shirt and tie, grab a couple diet cokes and start the video conference. Notice soon after the start that I hadn't combed my hair so I have helmet head. I faded hard about about 2 hours in but a well time break allowed me to snag a snickers which brought me back.

6:30 its over and I head to the couch for a nap.

I did my normal 45 minute commute in just over 37 minutes. Saw 6 cars where I normally see 600, didn't have to stop one time and am not hacking up exhaust fumes half the morning. I could handle that commute on a regular basis well except for the getting up at 2am.


Nam I am
DRB said:
No but I'm feeling kinda drunk right now. I need to eat something..... Splat needs to send me one of those breakfast things that he eats.
I just had a bagel with Cream cheeze today. ihaven't had one ofthose cholestorol bombs in a long time. Now I want one !

Nice job on the early morning commute. did you ride with lights or just trying to live by street lights ?

how often do you commute by bike ?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
splat said:
I just had a bagel with Cream cheeze today. ihaven't had one ofthose cholestorol bombs in a long time. Now I want one !

Nice job on the early morning commute. did you ride with lights or just trying to live by street lights ?

how often do you commute by bike ?
I started thinking about that gut bomb about 4:30......

Just two red blinkys, one on my bag and one on the handlbar. The lighting was a little sketchy in a couple of places but not so much that I was willing to slow down.

My goal is once a week but it works out to be more like once every two weeks. The logistics are difficult with getting Willow to her nana's house, its on my way to work but not for my wife. This summer my mom is going to watch Willow once a week at our house so I'm hoping I can make those days my commute days.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
johnbryanpeters said:
DRB, did you catch the article that said that bicyclists breathe less polluted air than drivers? Turns out that the further you get from the center line the better off you are - pedestrians win.
I missed that one. It just seems that everytime I stop I'm inevitably behind that '63 buick with the blown headgasket belching smoke like a... insert whatever metaphor that makes sense.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
TN goes in every morning at 3. We have talked about him commuting, but evidently most nights/mornings traffic is fairly heavy and we are the majority of people on this route at three in the morning are ****ed up.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
dude even i wouldnt go a 2am commute, although i have ridden home at any hour of the night.