
My mystry Illness finally figured out.


Nam I am
Well as Some of you know I have been fighting a Mystry illness since Dalton.

well First they suspected Lyme, and looked like it at first , but a Long test said no. so they took tons of Blood , MRI's Nero-electro test, but Nothing. ( except showing I have High Cholestrol , and I don't have VD ) well Last week , my Doc decided to test again for Lyme , andf on friday He called me back , say it was positive , then My neuroligist called me in and Wanted to do a Spinal Tap because of the lyme. SO I had the Spinal at 5 pm in the ER on friday . My neuroligist called me at 8Pm saying the spinal Did not look good and to get back to the Hospital ASAP!! They admitted me that Night . and my Head pain was so Bad , after several attempt to control it they finally gave me Morphine. then I Then I slept for about an Hour. And they fianlly had a Diagnosis , Lyme Menigitis . The lyme disiese had gotten into my Central Nervous system , SO They Pumped me full of anti-biotics and Pain Meds and Finnally let me out last night, after Putting a Mid line IV tap in my Left arm.

So Now foirthe next 3-4 weeks I get to Give My self Anti-biotics by IV Twice a day. so It looks like riding is out ofthe question for me for then next few weeks ( I can't risk Damaging the Mid Line )

Thanks to all who Sent PM's

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
splat said:
Well as Some of you know I have been fighting a Mystry illness since Dalton.

well First they suspected Lyme, and looked like it at first , but a Long test said no. so they took tons of Blood , MRI's Nero-electro test, but Nothing. ( except showing I have High Cholestrol , and I don't have VD ) well Last week , my Doc decided to test again for Lyme , andf on friday He called me back , say it was positive , then My neuroligist called me in and Wanted to do a Spinal Tap because of the lyme. SO I had the Spinal at 5 pm in the ER on friday . My neuroligist called me at 8Pm saying the spinal Did not look good and to get back to the Hospital ASAP!! They admitted me that Night . and my Head pain was so Bad , after several attempt to control it they finally gave me Morphine. then I Then I slept for about an Hour. And they fianlly had a Diagnosis , Lyme Menigitis . The lyme disiese had gotten into my Central Nervous system , SO They Pumped me full of anti-biotics and Pain Meds and Finnally let me out last night, after Putting a Mid line IV tap in my Left arm.

So Now foirthe next 3-4 weeks I get to Give My self Anti-biotics by IV Twice a day. so It looks like riding is out ofthe question for me for then next few weeks ( I can't risk Damaging the Mid Line )

Thanks to all who Sent PM's
Damn... :(

Is the only way you can get that is from a tick?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
:( :( :(

That sucks to hear Splat! Do you remember removing a tick any time recently? I hope you caught it quick enough to have a good recovery. Lyme disease is serious business :(


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that you've had to go through all of that. I hope you feel better soon. I know when I was sick with pyronephritus for a month this summer it almost killed me because the weather was so nice! It's rough though because some of the best trails are in the most tick-filled areas. Do you always check for them after you ride?


Nam I am
Echo said:
:( :( :(

That sucks to hear Splat! Do you remember removing a tick any time recently? I hope you caught it quick enough to have a good recovery. Lyme disease is serious business :(
They was also part of the problem, I never saw the tick And I never got the Bullseye rash.

douglas said:
why did that one test come back negative for Lyme??
It had not incubated in my body long enough. when they took the first test.

and N8 yes you can only get it from a Deer tick ( Very Very small Tick )


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
I'm glad to hear you finally found out what the cause of the problem is, and can now start the recovery process. Best wishes on a speedy and complete recovery.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
That quarterback from FL State has Lyme and he went crazy before they found out what it was. I guess his got into his brain and internal organs. He is going to miss the whole season.

Good luck, get well soon.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Wow - scary. I am sure you take comfort in finally having figured it out and it sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Best of luck and just rest up - there is plenty of life left to ride. :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Man Lyme disease is scary! Good luck and I'm going to be wearing more bug spray now...


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Wow. Lyme=bad and meningitis=bad...substitution yields your condition as bad+bad, which equals "sucks." Sorry to hear it, but glad to hear that you're getting treatment. I'm sure the will to ride will get you healthy again fast.



Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
stosh said:
Man Lyme disease is scary! Good luck and I'm going to be wearing more bug spray now...
It helps, but doesn't prevent them from attaching. I had Lyme 4 years ago. The tick attached itself to my baggies while riding, and then crawled into the inside of the shorts on the back of my leg. I happened to notice the bullseye by accident, as it was in a place I couldn't really see that easily. The joint pain and leg aches that go with it really suck, not only because you can barely get up in the morning because you ache so much, but nothing you take, short of prescription based pain killers, will make you less achey. And they aren't an option if you have to go to work every day like most of us.

Hope you get well soon John. :(


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
Hopefully, you won't have to e-bike for too long! Get well!!

Maybe you can experiment with a Vodka or Tequila I.V. since you are getting to self administer meds.... :evil:


Nam I am
Squeak said:
Dang Splat! Get better ok? Around here its West Nile virus, and I am scared of getting that.
Oh we have to worry about that too. and yes I was tested for it and did not have it . :)

MtnBikerChk said:
I love it. It's not because he doesn't feel well that he can't ride, it's because of his IV LINE.
What does Lance say? FIGHT LIKE HELL!

Dam Strainght ! I did one thursday Night ride during all this even though my head hurt like hell and Was mot feeling very strong to the point of having to call it short. But I still rode.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
good luck in your recovery, splat. (and adhere to the schedule for taking your meds! :D)


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
N8 said:
Damn... :(

Is the only way you can get that is from a tick?

Splat: Bummer! Get well soon!

N8: From dear ticks, or dirty pirate vampire hookers. (found lurking in most train stations throughout the southern states)