
my network at work is so freekin slow!!!!!!


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
What is the deal it is like 5 in the morning there are maybe 4 people in the building and it takes 5:00 to open a single web page. This is ridiculous I work for a fortune 500 company and there server is probably a commodore 64 running dos hooked to a dial up modem. Not even the 56k no I'm talking 28.8.

Now I know why people go postal at work :mad:


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
firetoole said:
. Not even the 56k no I'm talking 28.8.

Now I know why people go postal at work :mad:

Dang........I remember when I was all jealous of people with a 1200. You should count yourself lucky you are running on 28.8. :rolleyes:


Man Whore
Aug 3, 2004
Montreal, Qc
Ah the joy of being one of those IT worker! As sysadmin, I'm hooked at 1Gbit directly in the backbone of the servers. And this backbone is not going through the corporate proxy so i'm going straight to the OC3 line. God I love this kind of speed. :devil:

BTW, you should tell your boss that web-proxy are things of the past. They belong to 1998. The current standard is basic firewall authentication (for session tracking) and if required (like most F500 corp), a web filter like WebSense or N2H2 to avoid employee going on pr0n/warez/gambling websites. A decently fast connection like a 10Mbit LAN extension cost about 800$ canadian/month with unlimited bandwith right now.


Turbo Monkey
firetoole said:
What is the deal it is like 5 in the morning there are maybe 4 people in the building and it takes 5:00 to open a single web page. This is ridiculous I work for a fortune 500 company and there server is probably a commodore 64 running dos hooked to a dial up modem. Not even the 56k no I'm talking 28.8.

Now I know why people go postal at work :mad:
Or... your IT guys are d/l-ing gigs of porn during the slower night hours from off shore sites :sneaky:


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
Pau11y said:
Or... your IT guys are d/l-ing gigs of porn during the slower night hours from off shore sites :sneaky:

That must be the problem.
when I went in there erlier he had the door locked and there was a towel over his lap.... :nope: