Lately there has been a gang of argentinian bmx hoodlums terrorizing our neighborhood. They keep the entire block awake all night tossing molotov cocktails through windows, screeching rear wheel skids on the local singletrack, riding around shirtless, with no pads and causing a general ruckus. Well, last night I had enough. I got out of bed, lit a cigar and bellowed "let's rumble" to whoever was in the zip code. I lept from my roof and tackled one of the bastards as he was finishing up the spraypaint on my truck "eat hamburgers and drink bud light you fat american pig" I poked him in the sphincter with my lit cuban and sent him howling off into the darkness.
One of the more characteristic identifiers of the gang has been their steeds. Well I got one. Here I am posing with it this afternoon before turning it in to the authorities. Time to put these tools of terror where they belong......away from civilized society. ..and onto the blackrock playa
One of the more characteristic identifiers of the gang has been their steeds. Well I got one. Here I am posing with it this afternoon before turning it in to the authorities. Time to put these tools of terror where they belong......away from civilized society. ..and onto the blackrock playa