Well, for the next 5 days anyway. I'm stuck in Mountainair, NM in a 10 room motel. At least they have wifi.
The 30 is the compact version of the 21.jeb4 said:I like your little friend.....I would love to have a Glock 21
I will keep it and I guarantee no punk bitch will take it from me, either.chicodude said:Keep the gun you pussy.
I'll take the beer and fridge though....
Potroast88 said:I will keep it and I guarantee no punk bitch will take it from me, either.
dude, not all pro-gun people have tiny dicks. I'm sure some of them do, but it is possible to carry a gun for reasons other than compensationchicodude said:What does a detachable penis like that run nowadays?
is Mountainair NM a dangerous place?Cash-Money said:dude, not all pro-gun people have tiny dicks. I'm sure some of them do, but it is possible to carry a gun for reasons other than compensation
I'm not scared of anybody. I'm simply exercising my rights as a US citizen.Changleen said:Who are you scared of?
It is plastic. That is why Glocks are nearly indestructable and will never let you down.dump said:I don't know much about guns, but dang, that thing looks like a plastic toy not a .45 (!) shocked.
Right on Bro!Potroast88 said:I'm not scared of anybody. I'm simply exercising my rights as a US citizen.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Potroast88 said:I'm not scared of anybody. I'm simply exercising my rights as a US citizen.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
OK prick, you wanna know what I am afraid of? I travel extensively for my job and I don't always get to stay at the 4 Seasons. Some of the places are less than desirable, and that's putting it mildly. I have had situations with tweekers, drunks, and a plethora of unsavory characters. I have had knives pulled on me on more than one occasion. Luckily, I have only been cut once, and that was on the hand.chicodude said:You are afriad of something, or else you wouldn't have a gun.
I don't want to take away the right of having a gun, but guns are for pussies
Wasn't the government taking guns from Katrina survivors?Potroast88 said:Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
We have a lot of rights in this country. For example, homosexual acts are not against federal law. Are you actively engaging in all of your rights? Just pointing out your flawed and silly logic......Potroast88 said:I'm not scared of anybody. I'm simply exercising my rights as a US citizen.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Is that quote from 311?chicodude said:I don't want to take away the right of having a gun, but guns are for pussies
That's a lot more reasonable than the second amendment nonsensePotroast88 said:OK prick, you wanna know what I am afraid of? I travel extensively for my job and I don't always get to stay at the 4 Seasons. Some of the places are less than desirable, and that's putting it mildly. I have had situations with tweekers, drunks, and a plethora of unsavory characters. I have had knives pulled on me on more than one occasion. Luckily, I have only been cut once, and that was on the hand.
I am perfectly capable of handling myself without a firearm. Maybe someday you'll have the privilege of finding this out for yourself. I sincerely hope that I never have to use a gun against another human being, but if it comes down to a life or death situation, I will not hesitate.
So, I guess in way, you are right. I am scared. I am scared of leaving my 2 year old daughter without a Father because some scumbag tries to kill me over a few bucks so he can get high.
Potroast88 said:I am scared of leaving my 2 year old daughter without a Father because some scumbag tries to kill me over a few bucks so he can get high.
There's no "boderline" about it. Chicodude has just tossed himself into the retarded pile. Luckily, he has *lots* of company in there.binary visions said:<snip>but a blanket "guns are for pussies" statement is boarderline retarded
Agreed, I would rather hear reality-based arguments on the merits. It's great when the consititution is on your side but to me that's a little too convenient. I think there are bigger questions here than what the constitution says.binary visions said:
See, people can still debate that rationale, but at least it's a sensible reason instead of just pointing at the 2nd Amendment.
Don't most places in the SW just give you a gun when you get into town? Like a 'welcome' present?narlus said:is Mountainair NM a dangerous place?
My flawed and silly logic?BeerDemon said:We have a lot of rights in this country. For example, homosexual acts are not against federal law. Are you actively engaging in all of your rights? Just pointing out your flawed and silly logic......
I didn't realize my beer was in danger. I'm going straight down to Walmart and getting me some firearms.
See, That is about as a legit reason as I can see for a gun.Potroast88 said:OK prick, you wanna know what I am afraid of? I travel extensively for my job and I don't always get to stay at the 4 Seasons. Some of the places are less than desirable, and that's putting it mildly. I have had situations with tweekers, drunks, and a plethora of unsavory characters. I have had knives pulled on me on more than one occasion. Luckily, I have only been cut once, and that was on the hand.
I am perfectly capable of handling myself without a firearm. Maybe someday you'll have the privilege of finding this out for yourself. I sincerely hope that I never have to use a gun against another human being, but if it comes down to a life or death situation, I will not hesitate.
So, I guess in way, you are right. I am scared. I am scared of leaving my 2 year old daughter without a Father because some scumbag tries to kill me over a few bucks so he can get high.
Five to six hundred.chicodude said:Yea, becauase you are a big tough man with a gun.
I have a question.
What does a detachable penis like that run nowadays?
So, because you grew up in a "super ghetto" you have the right to go around calling people a pussy when you know absolutely ZERO about them? Maybe carrying a gun is part of my job. And maybe part of my job is protecting whiny little fux like you......fortunately, it's not, but you didn't know that before you started talking trash.chicodude said:See, That is about as a legit reason as I can see for a gun.
I hate that defense "Because I can."
The reason I am so against guns is that I grew up in a super ghetto neighborhood and there were lots of guns.
narlus said:so if some crackhead wants to shake you down for the $15 in yr wallet, do you take a chance by (attempting to, maybe) drawing a gun instead?
call me a pussy, but i'd be giving the money, no question.
N8 said:There is a better than 50-50 chance the crack head will try to kill you too.
So, what militia are you in?Potroast88 said:I'm not scared of anybody. I'm simply exercising my rights as a US citizen.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.