
My new jersey arrived!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
So, the good folks at Voler (THANK YOU!!!, Elaine and Wayne) have been supporting my riding for about 15 years. First for Make-A-Wish, then my stepson, Elliott, and my riding for Alaina. Voler has an excellent semi-custom jersey plan, and have now added shorts. I have had several made for me, and my 2012 version is beyond words. The back has the names/ages of the children that have left before their parents (guess who's name is in first position, winkwink), as I feel the more angels helping my clydesdale ass uphill may just make me feel lighter/faster. The front, well, this has been long overdue. It says "Team Alaina Sage Wishes to Thank" and the logos of my sponsors. Granted, maybe I needed to use a larger pic, however, it looks just awesome.

BTW, and I hope I don't get castrated for this, I used RM's logo, as I feel you have all been just as supportive as the others. If I took liberties I shouldn't have, well, maybe I can whiteout the logo. I just hope you understand.

Oh, and if you'd like to see it, that is, if you're not going to be at the Otter, shoot me your email and I'll forward it to you.

Let the Otter begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 19, 2005
Are you the girl on the right or the girl on the left in those pics? ;) Have fun at Sea Otter


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
mantispf2000, i always hesitate to read your posts and threads about your daughter as i have a now six year old daughter myself and i couldn't imagine to be without her.

your courage and passion is inspiring and i admire your openness about your incredible loss. i don't think i could handle this kind of loss the way you do.

may the roads you will travel in the future hold only good things for you and your family.

edit: had to get this off my chest, maybe not the most appropriate thread and time, but, well, is there an appropriate time for this?
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Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
jmartin, hahahohoheehee, even though I've sent that pic to a few others, I didn't quite pay attention to the "models" on the side, just the jersey itself. Worship Mud, to be blunt, there is no appropriate time or place, and I am alway appreciative to the RM crew for letting me talk/spout/vent about Alaina. Thank you for the kind words, and to all the viewers/posters here for your support. I'm glad the jersey meets with your approval.

Time to feed the dogs, take them for a walk, and go for a training ride. See you on the trails.....


Oct 19, 2005
Glad I could help and make you laugh. Seriously though, I hope with the help of that jersey on your shoulder you win every race you enter.