
My new pet peeve...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
dirtyamerican said:
When someone starts a thread and you are the first person to respond, YOU DON"T NEED TO QUOTE THEM!

We know which person you are resonding to. OK, now where is the condescending smiley?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dirtyamerican said:
When someone starts a thread and you are the first person to respond, YOU DON"T NEED TO QUOTE THEM!

We know which person you are resonding to. OK, now where is the condescending smiley?
Here's a crazy "out there" scenario: two people respond to a thread that has no responses........ at the same time........ :rolleyes:



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
dirtyamerican said:
When someone starts a thread and you are the first person to respond, YOU DON"T NEED TO QUOTE THEM!

We know which person you are resonding to. OK, now where is the condescending smiley?
I've found that inevitably, on a board that gets as much traffic as this one, if I don't quote the person, someone else will post a reply before I get done typing. Then you end up with a thread that goes like this:

(Thread starter): I got a new bike last week.

(Quick reply): Bikes are for losers, I hate bikes.

(Me trying to reply without quoting first post): Me too!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Here's a crazy "out there" scenario: two people respond to a thread that has no responses........ at the same time........ :rolleyes:

Psssh. That's crazy talk.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
My pet peeve is people who use improper grammar when speaking. For example, when you and another person are going somewhere or have done something, you should day "She and I..." or "He and I....". Of course, just saying "We...." is good too. You do NOT say "Her and me..." or "Him and I...." Jeezus I hate that.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
El Jefe said:
My pet peeve is people who use improper grammar when speaking. For example, when you and another person are going somewhere or have done something, you should day "She and I..." or "He and I....". Of course, just saying "We...." is good too. You do NOT say "Her and me..." or "Him and I...." Jeezus I hate that.
:D :stupid:



My advice - pet peeve or not, do not correct people or echo will be on you like stink on pooh. :D


Jan 15, 2005
at my own freeride trail
Ya, I don't have too many posts on this forum but I've been to many other forums where people do the same thing so I'm entitled to have a peeve with very few posts, thank you very much. Just sharing a thought.

And Drew, my dial-up sucks, but I'm on here half the time at work----high speed.