I stole this brand new Hope Bulb hub off a dude on ebay. bought it for $45 usd cause it is an odd ball size, 120mm. Finally got a hook up. I'm happy. One part at a time.
The pink went over pretty well. The bike is very sweet. I think the link bike is a little better over all the rocks at Mt Creek. I really will know after this weekend when I bring the linkbike
my opinion on this (TMX vs linkage, i.e. minilink in my case) is that the linkage BMWs can be run a bit softer (which IMO can be good for speeding through rocks) than the TMX simply because of the growing/shrinking nature of the ratios put on the shocks. The TMX needs to be run a bit harsher to avoid it from bottoming, whereas my mini I can run super soft and yet hardly ever bottom out.
I don't think many(or ANY) bikes have the 'tankness' of a TMX though. Not even the links
Glad you're enjoying your bombon TMX. I want one now
the tankness disappears under situations for which the bike was (to my understanding) ideally designed and the ride becomes deep-digging moto-handling madness. since it was my first dh bike it wasn't until two years after i had it when i started riding other peoples rigs and realized how differently it must be handled than most others bikes. i imagine that has to be sorta frustrating when people first ride a bklyn, but the sweetest pay-off once you figure it all out.
frustrated the heck outta me trying to session sections at the races though. noodle arms and steep climbs with a 55 lb bike... lots of pointing a laughing going on there.
easy killer. no picking on the outer-underwearers and their disposable bikes. my feelings weren't destroyed and i was happy to provide the entertainment, especially when perched on the podium. (albeit rarely ever more than 5 ppl in my class, but what the heck, eh?)
How have you been. I will be at the creek saturday and trums on sunday. I have been slacken to. With school and a new job time was very little but now I have weekends off so I ride on the weekend and I have been playing alot of hockey to stay in shape
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