
my nightmare


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I have a situation at work & it is starting to really suck.
I got a promotion in Jan. to a different dept. as a graphic artist. I have been miserable in my current position, working in a dept. that operates 24/7, with terrible schedules, a psycho, drug addicted (pain pills for her back), vindictive boss, for not a lot of money. I had to bust my ass to get the job & when I got the graphics job, I worked both jobs for a month doing 6 days a week working double shifts. At this time my new boss would tell me you can start in 2 weeks. that 2 weeks would pass & there would be some "red tape" preventing me from transferring, at this point they said they had to find my replacement since the dept. I am leaving has to have someone there 24/7. Understandable. well it has been 4 months now & every 2 weeks I get the same answer...."you can start in 2 weeks". Bear in mind, my current boss is crazy as hell & she hates me. She also has issues with my new boss & they are always getting into it because she always F's something up when she works, which is rarely (that she works, i mean).

So last week I get called into the boss's office. I screwed up & made a minor mistake (recorded the transmitter readings wrong), one that I know is made all of the time by other operators even my boss, all of the time. No big deal, I am just going to admit i F'd up & not pass the blame, like everyone else does, & apologize & say it will never happen again. As soon as I walk into the office I see F'ing HR has been called into this meeting. I am baffled at this & I am now scared. My boss (crazy lady with pill bottle in her hand) continues to berate me in front of her boss & HR. I fess up to making the error...not making any lame brained excuses, & apologize. So now my boss doesnt have anything to say on that issue continues to berate me on minor things that dont even matter, she said I was arrogant...I am not, I am far from it, I am just shy & introverted. (& what the hell does my personality matter if I am good at what I do) She said I had a bad attitude & could care less because I am leaving anyway. This is ALL total BS. My performance at work has been stellar & I have even received compliments from other depts. regarding my performance. My boss said that I yelled at her once....NEVER, i dont yell (only a the dog :) ). She basically said I sabotaged her one night when she relieved me of my shift. The sad thing is, she is buddies with our HR director & has her convinced. I didnt argue for very long, there was no way I could convince them otherwise, so I said sorry, even though I dispute the accusations & was given an ultimatum shape up or you dont get your promotion. I was fuming & ready to walk out...SERIOUSLY ( i have never walked out on a job let alone one I have had for 6+ years). I came back the next day....like I knew I would, even when I was convinced I was going to walk out.

Well two days later I get a call from my new boss...."you start on April 18th". YES! My patience has finally paid off. He proceeded to tell me not to tell my current psycho boss because of the politics involved. my lips are sealed. I think something happened between my current boss & the powers that be after the meeting.

Here comes the :nuts:.
I found out yesterday my replacement quit. I have not heard anything official but I know they are going to keep me in my old job much longer now...until they find another chump to take the job.

Rewind---back to the meeting where I got reamed. The following day I touched up my resume' reel, updated my paper resume' & mailed a few off to some other TV stations in town. Well....I now got an interview next week at another station.:D:D:D I dont really want to leave my current company because the benefits are so good, such as, kick ass medical, 3 weeks & 3 days of vacation, tuition reimbursement, etc... Plus I am comfortable there as you can imagine after being there for 6+ years.
So if they offer me a better job with more $$$ and a schedule I want, that will be the only way I will leave.

another :nuts: is that my current psycho boss will not give me any vacation time, so I have missed the 1st DH race down here & will probably miss Souther Monkey Fest. :mad:

I know this was long but I had to get it out my system...I having been purging this for months now :(.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
not letting you to a new position because they can't staff the old position is BS, and their poor planning. of course there is a transition period, but make it defined not elastic.

F them.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
TN said:
<snip>Well two days later I get a call from my new boss...."you start on April 18th". YES! My patience has finally paid off. He proceeded to tell me not to tell my current psycho boss because of the politics involved. my lips are sealed.
I don't think that telling thousands of people on the Internet counts as "keeping your lips sealed" ;)

Seriously, though - sounds like you should just hook yourself up so that you get *out* as soon as you can. Whether it's the new job with the same company or with a new company......



Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
If you can't have 'vacation' because the junky can't hire someone or is being vindictive, call in 'sick'.

Interview at the other company. If you get an offer, even if it's a lateral move to your new position, tell your "new' boss that you either start ASAP or you need to take the other job on account of the junky being intolerable.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
SkaredShtles said:
I don't think that telling thousands of people on the Internet counts as "keeping your lips sealed" ;)

Seriously, though - sounds like you should just hook yourself up so that you get *out* as soon as you can. Whether it's the new job with the same company or with a new company......

yes, this is my plan of action. right now i think she is spending all of her energy trying to get me canned instead of hiring my replacement. She has lost her mind. :help:

dh girlie

dan-o said:
If you can't have 'vacation' because the junky can't hire someone or is being vindictive, call in 'sick'.

Interview at the other company. If you get an offer, even if it's a lateral move to your new position, tell your "new' boss that you either start ASAP or you need to take the other job on account of the junky being intolerable.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
golgiaparatus said:
The b!tch will shoot herself in the foot. Make sure you keep a dated paper trail to everything you do. That way she cant fu*k with you.
good advice. i already have a folder bulging at the seams, labeled "save your ass".


took the red pill
Sometimes the money ain't worth it man. I live a greed-filled life. I've had a realization however about the material world and such, but now I have to dig myself out of a 340k hole in order to get myself out of the Oracle trade. My job is killing my soul. I will get out of debt, I will pay off my mortgage and I will pursue my dream. Part time plumbers helper, 30 hours a week. Lofty goals eh? There is no ammount of money worth that. Money is SH*T. Does it really matter if people in Hollywood have 22" rims on their 5MPG Cadillac SUV. Wake the hell up America. This is an illusion for the red cells. To keep you feeding the matrix. People just don't get it. I'm so glad I do at 34 years old. The 340k worth of debt is nothing in my opinion. The realization is all that matters, and when you have that realization and reality sets in, you'll see things as I see them and you will awaken to the fact of how corrupt the template of life in the USA is. If I were you bub, I'd reevaluate what's worth it and what is not.



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Knuckleslammer said:
Sometimes the money ain't worth it man. I live a greed-filled life. I've had a realization however about the material world and such, but now I have to dig myself out of a 340k hole in order to get myself out of the Oracle trade. My job is killing my soul. I will get out of debt, I will pay off my mortgage and I will pursue my dream. Part time plumbers helper, 30 hours a week. Lofty goals eh? There is no ammount of money worth that. Money is SH*T. Does it really matter if people in Hollywood have 22" rims on their 5MPG Cadillac SUV. Wake the hell up America. This is an illusion for the red cells. To keep you feeding the matrix. People just don't get it. I'm so glad I do at 34 years old. The 340k worth of debt is nothing in my opinion. The realization is all that matters, and when you have that realization and reality sets in, you'll see things as I see them and you will awaken to the fact of how corrupt the template of life in the USA is. If I were you bub, I'd reevaluate what's worth it and what is not.

I think I had the same realization when I was 13. :D
I am not funding some extravagant lifestyle with my job...do I give that impression? I drive a '91 Volvo for crissakes & bought all of my bikes used.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
golgiaparatus said:
The b!tch will shoot herself in the foot. Make sure you keep a dated paper trail to everything you do. That way she cant fu*k with you.
Susprisingly enough, sometimes these b!tches or dicks seem to stay at these companies forever, especially if they are "connected" like you indicated she is with the HR department. And they never seem to do much work, only cause headaches, and still keep their jobs. :confused:

If she has been there for quite some time, and has kept her job even though she acts like an a$$hole, she probably isn't going anywhere in the near future. You might want to question staying anywhere at this station if she can continue to have even indirect influence on your career through HR or wherever. If her injury / med problem is because of something that happened at work. They are probably scared to fire her, for fear of a lawsuit.

Go to the other interview, and see what comes of it. You may have to decide between 2 good jobs, which isn't a problem. Having to stay in a questionable job, with a drugged-up, psycho, yelling, lying, conspiring, b!tch from hell however may be a problem, IMO. Go kick a$$ in the other interview, and tell them NOTHING of your situation. If they ask, just say you have been there for 6 years, and you think it's time for a change. $.02


took the red pill
Skookum said:
Yah money sucks until you don't have any. :D
Well what I am saying is that what we think is happieness is an illusion for the most part.

We live our lives according to a template, based upon people that are so far out of the loop compared to the people that look up to them it's not even funny.
My wife reads all that Hollywood crap.

Hey look "If your 85 lbs, you'll be happy"
Hey look "If you got 8 tv's in your SUV, you'll be happy"
Hey look "If you got a 23,000 sq/ft crib, you'll be happy"

I submit this idea. Let's have a real reality TV show. Where there is hidden cameras inside some of these "HAPPY PEOPLES" homes. And see for real, how happy they really are. Hollywood is full of nothing but red cells. One purpose in life and one purpose only. To feed the matrix. The look for external happieness. They rely upon self-made constraints as to what happieness is and all the while are living in an altered perception of reality. Look at the divorce rate for all these "HAPPY PEOPLE" with all their "STUFF"

This creates an altered illusion of how life should be lived. So, people build up identities for themselves. Personalities. One shell over the other till ones true self is so covered by these "EYES" that the true self is perpetually lost. Remove the ego, live for yourself, do what you think is right and ignore the masses and you'll find out you can be much happier, caus the standards are set by you and what is right is set by you.

Does any of this make sense, or am I nuts?

Yeah, we all need money to live. That is a fact. However if we all live by an illusion of happieness, based on the external, your gonna fail. Trust me. Sorry for derailing this thread kinda. I just can't stand the way that these companies are run. Run by greedy egotistical pricks that have nothing better to do than consume like parasites and make everyone else miserable in the process. People need love, not fear. This is why I'm working my way OUT off the corporate realm of the matrix.

Good Day

Apostle Knuckle


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Well what I am saying is that what we think is happieness is an illusion for the most part.

We live our lives according to a template, based upon people that are so far out of the loop compared to the people that look up to them it's not even funny.<snip>

Does any of this make sense, or am I nuts?
You are making *some* sense here. Happiness is not judged by anyone else - it is judged by one's self. It may be hard to believe that people are happy keeping up with the Joneses, but they actually may *be* happy keeping up with the Joneses.

For some the "moving up the ladder" is imperative for their being.

The sadness is in the people who *think* that's what is going to make them happy. The people who are not honest with themselves and can say - "You know, I don't need any more crap. I'm pretty happy right where I am."

There's nothing wrong with being happy with what you have. Not coveting more/better/bigger. Simple living has its advantages.

<snip> I just can't stand the way that these companies are run. Run by greedy egotistical pricks that have nothing better to do than consume like parasites and make everyone else miserable in the process. People need love, not fear. This is why I'm working my way OUT off the corporate realm of the matrix.
You're starting to sound kind of nuts here......... :p



took the red pill
Well that has nothing to do with the movie matrix, which I haven't seen anyhow. I envision the USA as sort of a matrix, where media, government and entertainment are interwoven into a sort of fabric of reality or so they would like you to think this is reality. However step outside of it and watch what's going on and you'll be able to see a whole lot more than meets the eye. If you can't understand it, you are probably a part of it.

You are either a product of the matrix or a product of self-realization. I am no longer a product of the matrix, thus the digging out of the hole begins for me.



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Well that has nothing to do with the movie matrix, which I haven't seen anyhow. I envision the USA as sort of a matrix, where media, government and entertainment are interwoven into a sort of fabric of reality or so they would like you to think this is reality. However step outside of it and watch what's going on and you'll be able to see a whole lot more than meets the eye. If you can't understand it, you are probably a part of it.

You are either a product of the matrix or a product of self-realization. I am no longer a product of the matrix, thus the digging out of the hole begins for me.

Hopefully you've stopped watching T.V.

This is the first step toward healing......... :p



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I still get to start on April 18th. :D:D:D
Should I tell my new boss what I have had to go through in the last 4 months?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
LOOnatic said:
It will only make you seem whiny and crazy.

So you making the fest or not?
thats what I was thinking, but i know he heard about "the meeting" & I dont want him to think I am trying to hide anything...but yeah I am leaning towards just keeping my mouth shut & with time he will see they were wrong.

Monkeyfest is still up in the air...if I dont transfer by the 18th..YES. But if I do..no. I dont want to ask for vacation time my first week on the new job. so it is kind of a catch 22. :nuts:


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
TN said:
Monkeyfest is still up in the air...if I dont transfer by the 18th..YES. But if I do..no. I dont want to ask for vacation time my first week on the new job. so it is kind of a catch 22. :nuts:
Just put in for the time off now, so if you DO get an X-Fer you will be covered. It is reasonable if I was getting a new employee and they already had vacation planned. I mean how many days are you taking off for RMFest anyway? I am coming from FL and only taking off 2.

dh girlie

TN said:
thats what I was thinking, but i know he heard about "the meeting" & I dont want him to think I am trying to hide anything...but yeah I am leaning towards just keeping my mouth shut & with time he will see they were wrong.
I would keep my mouf shut...when I started at my job, the guy I was first working for, hired me in an unethical way...had me start as a temp like two days after my interview...I almost missed out on a few hiring interviews with other managers within the city cuz of that. I realized what a dick my first boss was and after 11 days, I was able to accept an offer for where I'm at now. I never said anything to my boss I work with now about what a dick the other guy was...and then when I was comfortable talking sh!t about other people to my boss, I told him what a dick the other guy was...sooooo...you will get your chance later to talk sh!t about that bitch.