
My PowerBook has Gangrene


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
If you knew me, you would know that I take very good care of my stuff. I don't have much so I'd like to keep the little amount of **** I do have in tact and looking nice. Well my (4 year old, mind you) PowerBook G4 is flaking paint like a 30 year old Datsun. I'm not so much bothered by it, the machine works fine and I think the rough spots give it some character but I've got the right to bitch in a public forum about it so...



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Create an account for me, and after I hack into your root account, I can fix it up for you...


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
You should be having a nice beer to celebrate four years of service out of one computer. However, I'm sure that Syadasti will have a different opinion on the matter.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BeerDemon said:
You should be having a nice beer to celebrate four years of service out of one computer. However, I'm sure that Syadasti will have a different opinion on the matter.
A nice beer? I get way, way more than 4 years of service out of my computers. Maybe I should have a bottle of Dom to celebrate my last computer which gave me 7 years of service and is still ticking (2 years later) at a friend's house as a fileserver :D

Anyway, it's just paint, nancy-boy. Slap some duct tape over it and use it :D ;)
This was a very common problem with the rev2 tibooks, I've seen much worse looking ones back a couple of years ago... so yours is not doing to bad. Used to be a couple of places that made touch up kits for them but I'm not sure how they looked.

I have a rev1 400mhz tibook that is still going strong.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
kinghami3 said:
Us mac users scoff at your duct-tape. :eviltongu
No real man should ever scoff at duct tape.

Some agents from the MPS (Manliness Preservation Society) are on their way to your house right now. They will be removing your testicles (assuming you have any), and any power tools or electronics from your house.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
binary visions said:
No real man should ever scoff at duct tape.

Some agents from the MPS (Manliness Preservation Society) are on their way to your house right now. They will be removing your testicles (assuming you have any), and any power tools or electronics from your house.

Thank you for your cooperation.
So this MPS will take his crescent wrench, screwdriver, TV, and his neat little alarm clock with flashing lights. At least he'll still be left with that toy computer with the flaking paint:cool:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
binary visions said:
A nice beer? I get way, way more than 4 years of service out of my computers. Maybe I should have a bottle of Dom to celebrate my last computer which gave me 7 years of service and is still ticking (2 years later) at a friend's house as a fileserver :D

Anyway, it's just paint, nancy-boy. Slap some duct tape over it and use it :D ;)
Oh I'm no nancy-boy when it comes to almost-magical applications of duct tape! My wallet is made entirely out of duct tape, I have 3 pairs of paints/shorts patched with duct tape, one shoe being held together with it, and use it regularly to patch blisters and cover wounds while hiking/biking.

I know it's fairly old by computer standards, but I'm a poor grad student and for I use my Macs for they perform slowly, but flawlessly.

PowerBook G4 667mhz - 4 years old
eMac G4 700 mhz - 4 years old

Thank god for student loans and Apple student discounts!!