
my racks were stolen...


Oct 18, 2004
…with my car still attached. Bastards! First time I’ve had a car stolen, and I can assure you that it’s a crappy feeling to walk out onto the street and wonder what happened to your car.

The irony is that the car that was stolen in is a 1990 Honda hatchback. Crapped out, dented up, with nothing worth stealing inside, and it was surrounded by other, more expensive cars on the street.

The funny thing is that I called the police to report it, and the dispatcher said ‘hmm, I just ran that plate’ – turned out that my car was just around the corner, my neighbor had already called in to report it as it was obviously the victim of a crime.

In the end, everything is fine. They didn’t even break a window. They did steal my roofracks, which I’ve owned for 17 years, and they made a hell of a mess, but my stereo had already been stolen and not replaced, and there was nothing else of value in my car.

The gas tank was also empty, leaving me to believe that they stole the damn thing for the gas… f*ckers

The cop who came out to take the report was cool. I was asking him what, if anything, will stop a car thief. He said 'take a look at this' and pulled out a printout showing all cars stolen in Oakland in the last 24 hours. Must have been a 100 cars on the list. He said that the cops routinely have their personal cars stolen or broken into, and their lot is only a few blocks from the police station!



Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
sorry to hear that mang... those early hondas are notorious for being easy to break into :( Oakland can be rough like that...


Dec 6, 2004
Kornphlake said:
Ha, I thought this was going to be a thread about cheating women.

Yea man that does suck. Early Hondas and early Camry's seem to be hot on the list. The only way to keep theives from your car is to James Bond it with the electric shock when you try and touch the car. Might cost a billion dollars but its totally worth that early Honda. Those things run forever. Haha.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I had my Toyota van stolen in Emeryville. Twice.

The second time it was naabed the crackhead went off on it with an oak table leg. Smashed in everything on it. All the glass, every panel was caved in. Total loss.

The cops found him driving it in west Oakland, , with no windshield or windows. He was so high he couldn't even stand up.

They always take the sentimental junkers.


Oct 18, 2004
rpk1988 said:
Might cost a billion dollars but its totally worth that early Honda. Those things run forever. Haha.
no doubt, this thing has been going forever. 197,000 miles on the original clutch. Other than a couple of brake jobs, two timing belts, and one cv joint, I can't think of anything that has gone wrong or needed repair on this car.

I'm happy to see it home, but time to face facts and buy a new car...


Dec 6, 2004
lovebunny said:
glad you got your car back though. rpk. you have no idea how hard i laughed the first time i heard that quote in your sig. ohh man i love that show
I figured you would like that. I laughed my ass off too when I saw the commercial.